We were attacked on entering the cave.
I'd only had seconds to take it in. The dimly lit walls- dripping with moisture and another slimy substance. The strange candelabras, that had provided the little light there was. The thick, patterned carpets that lay spread out across the floor- the only gap being in which there sat a small pile of damp wood- which was supposedly their measly excuse for a fire.
And the group of boys, five of them. Armed with guns and daggers.
I was just getting my bearings when I was knocked to the floor. I distantly heard Damien screaming my name- cut short, leaving me to guess and worry that the same thing had happened to him.
My pursuer was the oldest of the boys. He was taller and of course broader than me, and not to mention, he had the element of surprise on his side.
I didn't even register what was happening until he was on top of me, straddling my torso with his knees and pinning me to the ground.
My reactions finally kicked in, just as he started to attack for real.
His first punch connected directly with my face, sending a flare of pain through my jaw- followed by the bitter taste of blood.
He drove his fist back again, ready for another hit. And I lay still, pretending to look helpless- until the last minute- before rolling my head to the side- and forcing his fist to crash into the ground.
He yelled out in surprise and pain, completely stunned. And I took my chance. Using all of my strength I kicked out, and connected with his chest. He fell backwards with a groan, and I leaped onto him- fumbling in my pocket for riptide.
My fingers gripped the pen just as he lurched forwards, and he used his weight against mine so that I went tumbling backwards. He lunged onto me immediately, pinning my body to the ground with his own.
“Don't even bother fighting, little girl of the sea.” He hissed, his voice raspy and harsh and cruel. “You're about to feel pain like you've never felt it before.” He drew out his dagger, and slashed at my face.

Percy Jackson Little Sister (Sequel To "Broken" Written by Tyler Jane Smith)
FanfictionHere's the sequel to "Broken" written by Tyler Jane Smith. It's called “Percy Jackson's little sister” It's about Zöe and her life as a fifteen year old, it will involve a lot of drama, heartache, excitement and hopefully some classic feels. Enjoy...