Chapter 2

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He was rolling a toothpick in between his teeth, smacking against it. That was annoying.

 "Looks like you have a couple of flat tires." He replied, taking the toothpick out of his mouth, looking at my tires. I just stared at him for a moment.

 "Nah shit, ED, how'd you figure that one out?" I asked, sarcastically.

Okay, so I wasn't the nicest person in the world but that was straight dumb. I could see that I had flat tires. Kat nudged me and gave me a look that told me to shut up. I rolled my eyes at her.

Jesus, how was she so NICE all the time? I just didn't have it in me. Ed looked at me, his eyes narrowed as he stuck his toothpick back in his mouth.

 "I'll have to tow her but she won't be fixed till the morning. We'll give you a call when she's ready to be picked up."

 I sighed. "Fine, whatever. Thanks a lot Ed." I gave him my number and collected my things from my car.

 Kat and I watched the him load my car, then start driving away.

 "Do you always have to be such a smart ass?" She asked me, as his tail lights disappeared from sight.

We started walking towards her car, and she jumped on the curb next to those damn trees that were freaking me out earlier.

 "Yes, you know I do and can you get away from there?" I was positive that I saw someone in the shadows of the trees.

 "Why?" She asked, balancing on the curb, one foot in front of the other.

 I eyed the darkness behind her, but didn't see anything. "Remember, I told you that I felt like someone was watching me. I thought I saw someone in the trees."

She swung her head to the side, her blue hair flying, as she stared into the darkness. "I don't see anything. You were probably just nervous."

 I shrugged. "Yeah, may--hold up. Why did you freak out then? Why did you tell me to say that I was friends with some guy and who the hell is this guy anyways?"

She blushed and hopped down off of the curb. We were in front of her car now and she unlocked the doors for us. We both slid inside the car and Kat turned the radio up. I turned it right back down.

 "Nuh uh bitch, not happening. Answer my question." I demanded.

 I knew what she was trying to do, but I wasn't going to forget that damn quick. She let out a heavy sigh, and rolled her eyes at me.

 "He's just this guy that I recently started seeing. He kind of hangs out with a tough crowd. They aren't a gang, so to speak, but they all look to this one guy, and Sam is kind of second in command, I guess you could say."

 My eyes had widened in shock. Kat was always the soft spoken, goofy best friend, that I had to talk into doing anything bad. Now she was seeing someone in a gang?!

 "A gang, Kat? Really?"

She shook her head violently. "Noooo, I said NOT a gang. They're just a group of guys, that seem kind of rough, but most of them are pretty nice. Sam is a sweetheart once you get to know him. Colby's an ass though."

 "Am I supposed to know who that is?" I retorted.

 She cut her eyes to me. "You need to chill the fuck out girl. I'm sorry your car is messed up but stop taking it out on me."

 I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, knowing she was right. "Sorry. You know how I am."

She nodded. "Okay, he's the guy that I said was 'in charge' or whatever. They always look to him when decisions need to be made."

I cocked my eyebrow. "That sounds a lot like a gang but okay."

 She rolled her eyes at me, and turned the music back up. She pulled onto a road in a nice neighborhood, that was lined with cars. I could automatically see where the party was at.

She pulled up to a black gate in front of this huge house. Lights were glaring through every window, and what looked like hundreds of people were in the yard and going in and out of the house, many still just arriving.

 Kat hit the buzzer on the intercom. "Yeah," a gravelly voice came through the static.

 "Hey, it's Kat."

 "Kat who?" The voice replied.

 She sighed. "Elton, stop playing. Let me through." I heard the buzz and the gate slid open, allowing us to drive through, and closing automatically behind us.

 She parked, and we got out, headed towards the wide entrance way to the house. There were so many people, that we actually had to shove our way through.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me through so that we didn't lose each other. I couldn't help but be amazed by the vastness of the house. The hallway was lit up, with multiple openings leading to different rooms, and a staircase leading to the 2nd story.

Kat pulled me through the crowd, leading me to a door that was through the kitchen. She knocked twice and waited.

A cute older guy with dark hair and a beard opened the door. He stood back to allow us entrance.

 "Hey beautiful," He said to Kat, as she walked by him.

 She flashed him a smile. "Hey Elton."

I followed her, and shrieked when I heard a deep bark behind me. Elton started laughing.

"Asshole." I grumbled and turned back to Kat.

 "Stop being an ass Elton." She replied, but I saw the smile on her face.

 A very cute blonde guy stood up off of a huge bean bag and walked towards us. "Hey baby." He leaned over and kissed Kat, letting it get heated enough for me to feel uncomfortable.

Her cheeks were flushed when they finally stopped trying to eat each other's faces. "Sam, this is Chloe." She said, breathing heavily, and motioning to me.

 He smiled and I noticed his bright blue eyes. Damn, no wonder Kat was into him. He was pretty hot.

 "Hey Chloe, how's it going? Let me introduce you to everyone." I gave him a small smile, and let my eyes follow to where he was pointing. "The nice guy you met at the door is Elton." 

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