"That's all I see anymore. The good in him." I shook my head at them. "Even when he's trying to be hard in front of everyone, I still see it. In his eyes. Just had to find it."
Devyn smiled at me, soft and sweet. "I told you. They're all good. Colby is a good man, just like Corey and Sam, and the rest of them. I think you might have to dig a little deeper for Elton, but it's there. He saved Sam and Colby after all."
Kat and I both looked at her, our eyes wide.
"What do you mean by 'saved?'" Kat asked her, furrowing her brow.
Dev looked from me back to Kat.
"Um, the accident that they were in. Have you heard about that Chloe?" She looked back to me.
I nodded.
"I think so. Colby said that he and Sam were in an altercation of some sort and it changed them. That's part of what made him close off and become a dick."
She smirked a little. "Yeah. Well, they were pretty messed up. Elton found them, and...nursed them back to health."
Huh. Who knew that psychopath looking mother fucker had it in him? I sure didn't. Made me see him in a different light though. Maybe he wasn't as tough as he let on. He had a soft spot, at least for the guys.
"Wait, back to Colby. Or you and Colby!" Kat exclaimed, leaning towards me, smiling just a little.
It seemed like that had distracted her from whatever was bothering her.
"Are you falling for him? That's pretty intense. Sam said he stayed the night with you last night. What happened?? I NEED to know!"
I almost didn't tell her because I needed to know what was going on...but I couldn't keep it in. I had to talk to her. Hopefully, I could trust Devyn too because I was about to spill my guts.
"Okay, this doesn't leave this room." They both nodded. "I can't say that I love him because I don't know him that well. It's too soon for love, isn't it?" I shook my head at myself. "I'm infatuated with him. He's like a drug that I can't get enough of. I'm well and truly addicted to him and I have no idea why." I shrugged. "I don't know what to do. I hate his snarky attitude but I love it at the same time. I can't stand him when he's being an ass but he was so sweet yesterday that I actually started to miss the smart mouth. He's so frustrating and sweet, an asshole and a softie, confusing as fuck and a lot of the time, scary," I sighed heavily. "And hot as hell, and I get so lost in those damn eyes that I forget how to breath. What do I do? Please tell me what to do."
My eyes bounced back and forth between Devyn and Kat, honestly wanting them to tell me what to do, because I didn't have a clue. All of that had been building up in me since yesterday and I was a complete mess.
Devyn started laughing, and I felt myself getting a little offended. Kat tried to hide her smile but it didn't work.
"Heeey, I wouldn't have said anything at all if I thought you guys were going to make fun of me!" I huffed out, crossing my arms. "Forget I said anything."
Devyn shook her head and took a few deep breaths, trying to control herself. "I'm-I'm sorry!" She wiped her eyes and looked at Kat, then back to me. "It's just that I understand completely what you are talking about. I had to go through a similar situation with Corey. We were together, then something bad happened to him and it changed him. Just like with Sam and Colby. I still loved him so much but we fought and fought. I left him one time. I lasted about 3 days before I decided to go back to him. Only he came and got me first, apologizing for everything and promising to do better...and he did. We both did. He still has that edge about him and I have grown to love that just as much as the rest of him. I assume it was similar for you and Sam?" She nodded to Katrina.
Kat shook her head.
"No, not exactly. Sam was never a dick to me. Not really. There were times when he would leave suddenly when we were out, or make me go home when I was over here, but he was never really mean about it. I do understand the being addicted to him thing though. I was stuck on Sam from the first moment I met him. Wasn't sure if I like him or just thought he was hot, but he stuck in my brain and wouldn't go away. He kept coming to see me at work, when I worked night shifts at that restaurant and we just...evolved from there. I really don't think that I could live without him."
Tara burst in the door then, letting it bang open. "What's up bitches?? Colby said you were up here. Thought I would let the guys have their fun and come hang with the girls. What are we talking about?" She ran and jumped over our heads to land on the bed behind us.
What. the. fuck?
"How did you do that?" I asked in amazement.
She laughed and shrugged.
"I took gymnastics or some shit. So what are we talking about?"
"We're talking about how the guys can all be dicks but we're obsessed with them and love them anyways."
Tara grinned, her teeth shining in the dim light. "Oh yeah, Jake was a total asshole when I first met him. I hated him. Actually hated him. He hated me too though." She stared off into space, with a loving expression on her face. "He loved to piss me off and I felt the same about him. We got in an argument one night, I shoved him, he grabbed me and kissed me. Been together ever since. He's my One." She grinned at me. "So, what? You think you're in love with Colby? Bout fucking time his ass got a girl."
I was shocked into silence for a moment by her bluntness, then slowly shook my head. "N-no. I don't know him well enough for that. I'm just obsessed with him for some reason."
She giggled. "Yeah, they have that effect for some reason."

FantasyMATURE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE CONTAINS SEX/BRUISING/FIGHTING Chloe moves to LA, California to try and discovered as a writer. Her best friend helps her out with a place to live, and introduces her to a whole new crowd. With her smart mouth...