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 I shoved my way through the swarm of bodies, most of them half dressed, men and women alike. I finally found the bathroom, and shoved my way inside, thanking God that it wasn't occupied. I didn't understand the jealousy and anger that was raging inside of me.

Yeah, Colby should've spoken up, maybe tried a little harder to tell that Riley bitch to shut the fuck up but was it as big as I made it to be? I never used to be jealous. The old me would have just laughed in her face, and pulled Colby away, not giving her another thought.

Now though...now, I wanted to go chase her down ,and snatch her stupid silver hair out of her head while I slam her to the ground. It just really doesn't make sense. It must have something to do with the whole One legend.

I gripped the edge of the counter and stared into the mirror. I looked...tired, and abused, if I were being honest.

 How did I even get in these clothes? Had to be Colby. He must've went to my apartment because I recognized the ripped black jeans with the basic white v-neck t-shirt as mine.

Why hadn't I thought of this before now? I even had on clean underwear. Wow.

Besides that though, my arms and neck had visible bruises that looked pretty bad. They were healing, so they were turning blotchy and yellow. Disgusting.

You could plainly see that they were in the shape of fingers circling my arms and my jaw. I got a flash back from that night and shivered, remembering him circling his fingers around my throat and applying pressure behind my jaw. I lifted my shirt and saw more bruises.

 Undoing my pants, I pulled them down and saw the massive amount of purple and yellow bruises on my hips and thighs. I poked one of the worse looking ones and hissed in between my teeth. Okay, so it looked worse than it actually was.

Was it worth it? Hell yea, it was.

Would I do it all over again? Every chance I get. I was still angry at Colby but we were just having a stupid fight.

 He wasn't used to being in a relationship.

There's got to be some sort of learning curve, right? I pulled my pants back up, and looked in the mirror. The bandage covered half of my damn neck.

I reached up to scratch it. It was annoying. I wanted to see what was under it...so I pulled the top of it down slowly, kind of scared as to what I was going to see.

 First I saw the bruising color of my skin. Then the usual holes, maybe larger than last time, but I gasped when I pulled it down further. My skin was ripped in two jagged lines coming down from the holes.

 He literally almost ripped my neck open.

Did I really come that close to dying? I thought he was exaggerating because he's always so hard on himself.  Damn. He legit almost killed me.

 Surprisingly, it didn't bother me as much as it should have. I was honestly more concerned about him being out there alone with that Riley girl...and all of the other girls that he said would be here. It's not that I didn't trust him...it was just that old habits are hard to break.

 I pulled the bandage up, back into place, hiding it from view. I used the bathroom, washed my hands, and grabbed my drink. I turned it up, downing it in a few swallows and left the empty cup on the counter.

I opened the door to the swarm of bodies and shoved my way through them. There were already way more people here than before I went into the bathroom.

 How the hell was I going to find him? Or Kat? Or anyone? Christ.

As I shoved my way down the hallway, I saw Riley standing with some other guy vampire that I didn't know, and a few other girls. The guy was scary looking, as he leered at me. His hair was dyed bright red, and he had red contacts in. Or at least I hoped it was contacts cuz that was freaky.

His button up pattered shirt was unbuttoned half way down his chest, showing his wiry lean body. Like almost everyone else here, he was wearing black ripped skinny jeans with the silver chains hanging down. The contacts were scary but I just got a bad vibe from this guy. Like he would kill me and not think twice about it. It would be fun for him.

 Riley didn't seem to mind as she leaned into him though. She glanced my way and shot me a smirk. I flipped her off and kept walking, looking for someone that I knew.

 I pushed my way through to the kitchen to get a drink. I saw Sam and Kat refilling their own glasses.

"Hey, have you seen Colby?" I asked when I finally made my way over to them.

Sam poured liquor into a shot glass, then downed it, smacking his lips.

"He stormed outside earlier. Seemed upset about something. I was going to go find him in a few minutes. I usually let him calm down a little before I try to talk to him."


"Can you even get drunk?" I asked, curiously.

 He nodded and laughed.

"Yeah, just gotta drink really fast and with the hard stuff. It wears off faster than it does for a human but it's fun while it lasts."

Kat rolled her eyes and laughed, taking a shot of her own.

She mixed herself a Pink Starburst Cocktail.

"Want one?"

 I nodded. "You know I do! That's like my favorite drink ever."

"I know." She replied and winked at me.

She mixed it up for me and handed to me.

"Colby went out those back glass doors." Sam motioned to the back door with a shot in his hand. "Let me know if you need me."

I nodded at him, smiled at them both and headed out the back door. The yard was packed with bodies, music blasting, people jumping in the pool fully clothed, and half dressed. There were people standing around the fire pit, flames blazing in the middle of them. 

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