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Jeff walked outside about that time, looking around until his eyes fell on us.

"Oh.." He shuffled his feet, looking down. "Chloe, I need you to cut your break short. I need to go to the bank and I need you to watch the store." Jeff glanced back up and met my eyes, before glancing at Colby. "Hey Colby, is it?" He held out his hand for Colby to shake.

 Colby just glared at him.

 "Yeah, It's Colby but you know that."

He dropped me to the ground gently, but kept a firm grip on my waist, ignoring Jeff's hand until he dropped it.  The tension was so thick, it was making it hard to breathe.

"Um, yeah, no problem. I'll just finish up my break when you get back. That's fine." I turned towards Colby. "I'll see you later baby."

Colby met my gaze, and his stern blue eyes softened. "Yeah?"

 I nodded. "Yeah. You can meet me at my place."

 I was going to say that he could pick me up but I remembered that I had driven my own car. He smirked at Jeff who was watching us. Jesus, men and their pissing contests. I rolled my eyes at him, but was secretly pleased that he was so jealous.

He leaned down to kiss me, then whispered in my ear.

"You know I'm not leaving right?"

I sighed and nodded, before I looked back at Jeff who had finally averted his eyes. "I'm going in now. See ya babe. Love you."

He winked at me, before grinning at Jeff smugly. "Love you my heart."

 Oh my God, did he actually just say that? My insides were melting from how cheesy and sweet it was.

'My Heart.' That's basically what he was to me. My entire heart.

I should have known that I wouldn't be able to stay away from him for long. If I hadn't noticed him outside earlier, I would have broken down and called him or texted him. Hell, I might have even shown up at his house.

Being apart from him was killing me. Okay, technically he had been near me the entire time, but I didn't know it. I suspected that he might have been in the bed with me last night but I wasn't sure.

 I thought back to my nightmare and how it automatically stopped as soon as he hugged me.

 I remembered how real it felt when his arms came around me, and hearing the words, "It's okay baby girl, I'm here."

 Jeff turned and walked back inside. I looked back at Colby and smiled before following Jeff in, leaving Colby standing there. I walked back behind the counter as he took his apron off and grabbed the money bag.

 "So looks like you guys are doing good," he replied, not looking at me.

 "Yeah, we are. Really good."

I needed him to know that there wasn't a chance with us. I never liked him like that and never would.

 Colby was the only guy that owned my heart.

"That's good. I just hope you stay happy and he doesn't hurt you. He seems like the kind of guy that doesn't stay with one woman long."

"Who THE FUCK do you think you are?!"

Oh shit. Colby came bursting through the door at that exact moment. Damn it Jeff.

Jeff's head snapped up and towards Colby, but he didn't have time to react before Colby's fist smashed into his jaw, sending him flying back against the counter. Cups clattered to the floor, shattering on impact. Jeff lay back against the counter, looking dazed, before he drunkenly stood up, holding his hands up for protection.

"Colby, stop it!" I screamed as he headed for Jeff again.

 He would actually kill him and I knew it. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me, his blue eyes turning black.

 "Chloe, I've had enough of his shit. He's been trying to turn you against me since day one. All because I stole his bitch from him over a year ago! Now he thinks he's going to steal mine?!" Colby scoffed at Jeff. "Think again bitch!" He started towards Jeff again, but I somehow got in front of him and grabbed his face in between both of my hands.

"Chloe, stop! He'll hurt you!" Jeff cried out, behind me.

 Colby shoved against me slightly.

"Colby no. Baby, listen to me. It's not worth it. He's not worth it. No one could turn me against you. Not even you. Look at me Colby!"

 He was peering over my shoulder at Jeff standing there, his breaths coming out short and uneven. His semi black eyes darted to mine, giving me hope. They would be completely black if he weren't trying to remain in control.

Then I probably wouldn't have a chance of calming him down.

"Why do you keep taking up for him?" He hissed at me in between his teeth. "Do you want him? Is that what this is really about?"

 I moved my hands from his face down to his chest...and shoved as hard as I could. It was like pushing against a brick wall.

"Are you fucking serious right now? Don't start this again! I swear to God Colby, we start doing okay, then you go and start this shit! You either trust me or you don't! Now which is it? Cuz there's no point in this back and forth with you and I. I have chosen to trust you, even after the other night. Now, are you going to give me the same courtesy or keep up your stupid jealousy and ruin everything?" I was breathing hard by the time I finished my little speech.

 I wasn't entirely sure what he was going to do. His eyes were darkening by the second, the blue disappearing and the black veins starting under his eyes.

 "What the fuck?" Jeff said, his voice filled with shock and fear.

Colby sighed heavily, and stepped back away from me.

 "Fine." He snarled out. "But I swear if he keeps it up, he will die." His head shot up and his eyes landed on Jeff, causing him to shrink back. "And I'll be the one to do it." He stormed out of the shop, leaving me standing there in shock at what had just happened.

 How did this always happen? 

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