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He stared at me for a second as deja vu washed over me.

"I know." He replied, his voice going rough again.

I relaxed my arms on the table, and tilted my head to the side.

I decided to play this a different way.

"You may wish that you knew but baby, you have no idea."

Instead of getting the smart ass reply that I had hoped for, he just held my stare as his lips quirked up on one side. Fuck, but that was sexy. I noticed his nose ring glinting in the dim light, and then he brought his hands up, folding them and propping his chin on them in a cute little way.

I almost hyperventilated. His fingers were adorned with multiple bulky silver rings, which honestly just made his hands more sexy.

His hands were sexy? Now I knew that I was in trouble with this guy.

"What's your name? You seem to already know mine, but what's yours? All I know is Brock." I raised my eyebrows at him and waited, tapping my nails against the table.

"My name is Colby. Make sure you don't forget it." He replied smirking.

Colby...that name sounded familiar. Colby Brock. I let the name bounce around in my head for a minute, trying to remember where I might have heard it before.

I got nothing so I let it go. I rolled my eyes at his obvious cockiness.

"Boy stop. You are not as hot as you think you are." I replied, cocking one eyebrow at him.

I was lying straight through my teeth but I felt like he needed to be taken down a notch. He licked his lips before biting down on the bottom one. My eyes watched the movement, and I squeezed my legs together under the table.

Damn it.

"Right." I heard him say.

My eyes shot back up to his eyes, and I noticed that weird little silver ring flexing again, and his pupils blowing out. His nostrils flared a little, like he was sniffing the air around him. He was smirking again.

"Whatever." I huffed out, and leaned back in the booth, trying to create some distance from this stifling atmosphere that he was causing all around me. "So explain. Why do you think you know me, or that I know you? Why did you break into my apartment? Why-"

He cleared his throat, stopping me mid-sentence.

Ugh, he was annoying. I shut up, and stared at him, waiting for him to start explaining.

"You were in a kind of...accident." He started, looking down at the table.

I shook my head as the waitress finally made her way to us.

"Hey, what can I get for you two today?" She was a perky little brunette with neon green streaks in her hair.

If her uniform had been any tighter, she would just pop out of it. I was surprised that she hadn't already with the way the buttons on her top were straining against her chest. But whatever, if that's how she liked to dress, who was I to judge.

Maybe it helped her with tips. I noticed that she wasn't looking at me at all, keeping her eyes trained on Colby.

He glanced up at her then back at me, holding his hand out like 'whatever you want.'

I opened the menu, which I hadn't even looked at yet, and skimmed it quickly.

"I'll have the spicy chicken salad with the potato bacon soup. Um, a pink lemonade to drink."

Susan, I think that's what her name tag said, glanced at me and nodded quickly before looking back at Colby.

Jesus, did this guy just get girls drooling over him wherever he went? I felt an irrational jolt of jealousy zing through my body.

How does this bitch know that we aren't dating? She was being really disrespectful right now.

"And for you sir? What can I do for you?" She lowered her voice, I guess trying to sound sexy or something, when really she just sounded like an idiot.

I glared at her, wanting to tell her to go fuck herself, but I bit my lip to keep my big mouth shut.

"Nothing, I'm good, thanks." He didn't even look at her.

When I glanced away from her to him, he was staring dead at me with another one of those little fucking smirks on his face. UGH. I couldn't decide if they made him more attractive or more annoying.

Susan the waitress glanced from him to me, back to him, then stalked off, disappointed. Ha bitch, that's what you get. I couldn't help the small grin that crossed my face.

"What's so funny?" He asked me.

I shook my head.

"Nothing, was just thinking about something. You aren't eating?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm on a special diet. I ate my meal earlier."

I frowned and let my eyes roam what parts of his body that I could see. His muscles flexed under his tight white long sleeve t-shirt, the buttons popped open at the top, letting me see a peek of a tattoo on his chest.

"You don't look like you need to be dieting...at all." I complimented, raising my gaze back to his.

He shrugged, that little smile still on his face.

"It's for health reasons. Thank you though. I'm glad you approve."

I couldn't help but smile, and I added an eye roll for good measure. "Talk." I replied, trying to make my voice stern. "What accident do you think I've been in? Don't you think I would remember something like that? Or be in the hospital or something?"

He sighed, and moved his hands to rest on the table in front of us, fiddling with the rings on his fingers. I watched the movements of his long fingers, unable to stop myself.

"You were in an accident that caused you to lose parts of your memory. It didn't hurt your body, only your mind. When I came to your apartment, I was worried about you, because I didn't know about it at first." I noticed that he didn't say what kind of accident, but I let it slide...for now.

"Okay, what have I forgotten then? How do you know me?"

He glanced back up at me, and I sucked in a breath.

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