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My brain was going into overdrive again as I felt Colby's soft, cool lips press against mine. It was weird. He was never warm. Not cold exactly, but never warm.

He asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. It even sounded weird in my head. How did this happen, and so fast? Well, not technically fast. We had known each other, like almost a month now, I think, but we only really talked yesterday.

I didn't understand what my body or mind was trying to tell me, besides the fact that I was utterly addicted to him in ways that I had never felt for anyone. It was too soon to be love.

My heart skipped a beat when the thought ran through my head.

 His large hands squeezed my hips, and my breath caught. His lips became more forceful, but I matched him in his intensity. It was almost scary, like we were immersed in one another and couldn't get enough. My hands fisted in his hair, clinging to him to stay afloat, to stay anchored. I felt as if I would just be totally lost if I let him go.

 He tore his mouth from mine, leaving my lips swollen and maybe even slightly bruised, attaching his lips to my neck. I moaned, letting my head fall back, as his tongue traced over my skin. He placed his lips on the sensitive area under my ear, and latched on. I knew that he was leaving his mark, branding me.

 The slight pain had me gasping and tightening my grip on his hair. He groaned against my skin, and I felt his teeth graze against my flesh.

 He nipped my skin, then I felt a stinging little prick in my neck. I leaned away from him quickly.

 "Ow," I replied, reaching up to place my hand on my neck.

 I met his eyes, and the silver was so engorged, I almost lost myself again, forgetting how to breath, or move...how to function at all. It reminded me of something..the dream.

 I was breathing heavily, while his chest was rising and falling in time with the pulsating of his pupils.

 "I'm sorry." He breathed out. "We should go back downstairs."

 "Wait, what? Why? Your teeth just scraped me a little too roughly. It's fine." I tried to reassure him that I was okay.

 It wasn't a big deal, but he eyes were a mixture of worry and that unconstrained predatory look. The one that almost scared me when it showed up.

Maybe we should go back downstairs. He was trying to control himself from whatever demons were inside his head, and I was pushing him.

 "Okay," I sighed, in disappointment.

He gently lifted me off of him and sat me back down on the couch, taking my hand in his. I smiled at his sweet gesture. His other hand went up to run through his hair, roughly as he ground his teeth together.

 "You okay?" I asked quietly, tracing my fingers on top of his hand.

"Yeah, I'm good." His voice came out rough, and a little angry. "Let's just go downstairs," He stood up and pulled me with him.

His tone got me back up.

"So now you're trying to order me around again? Fucking wonderful. I'm getting whiplash here Colby!"I snatched my hand away from him and headed out his door.

Before I got two steps out into the hallway,  I felt his hand on my arm, yanking me back against his chest.

"Damn it Chloe, Stop!"

I pushed away from him, knowing full well that he could make me stay if he wanted to. Pretty sure that he thought about it, because it was a second before he allowed me to move away from him.

 "I'm sorry okay? I'm pissed off at myself right now and I took it out on you...again. I'm trying." His blue eyes were burning into mine, begging for me to understand, but also still angry.

 He was such a complex person. I was beginning to see that there would never be anything easy about Colby. He had so much going on inside of him, and had dealt with some hardships too.

I've had my own fair share of hardships, but I was the type to push them down and keep living. I learned at a very early age that they will only eat away at your soul if you continue to let them fester.

 I felt my face soften and I took a couple of steps back towards him, until I could wrap my arms around his neck.

"I'm gonna need you to calm the fuck down buddy." I replied, staring into his eyes.

I was rewarded with the a small quirk to his full pink lips, so I leaned up on my toes and kissed them, soft and sweet.

 I felt his hands circle around my back, holding me in place to make the contact last longer, before he gently removed me from him.

 "I can only handle so much at one time. Let's go." We walked hand in hand back downstairs, towards the garage door.

The house was empty except for the ones who lived there and Kat and I. It was weird being here with it so quiet.

We entered the garage, and I felt Colby's hand slightly start to pull away from mine, before he tightened his grip, pulling me behind him. Everyone's eyes were on us. It was very weird. I felt like I was some weird thing on display at a carnival or fun house. Their mouths were gaping open, and their eyes wide.

The girls had come back down earlier I guess because they were here also. They didn't look as surprised as the guys though.

Sam...Sam didn't look surprised at all. In fact, he had a giant, blissful smile crossing his face slowly, glancing down at our interlocked hands then back to Colby's face.

 "Oh my God. It finally happened. The world is going to end!" Jake exclaimed, laughing.

 Tara joined in with him.

 "Our wittle Colby has got himself a girlfriend!" Tara laughed out.

Colby stopped in his tracks and glared at them. They were sitting on his bean bag chair together.

 "Shut. the. fuck. up. and get the fuck out of my seat." 

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