I was discovering a new side to him every day, and I honestly loved him more and more every time I did. He played for forever, but eventually saved and turned to me. I could see a shadow in his eyes, something that he was worried about.
"You okay? What happened at the meeting?" I asked, pushing the curls back from his forehead.
He nodded, and stood up, holding his hand out to help me up.
"It didn't go exactly as planned, but we're handling it. Nothing for you to worry about."
I took my hand back from him and shook my head, staring him in his tired eyes. "Don't do that. Don't keep hiding things from me Colby! We just talked about this!"
I was well aware of everyone listening to us, but I didn't care. I was sick and tired of being kept in the dark, when all of this revolved around me in the first place! I crossed my arms over my chest, holding his gaze.
He sighed, and dropped his head.
"I want to show you something. Can you sit here for a few minutes and I'll be right back? Then we'll go to my room and I'll explain everything."
His eyes were begging me to work with him on this so I finally blew out a breath and nodded.
"Yeah, sure."
Then he grabbed Sam and they were gone. I felt breezes and would catch the occasional glimpse of blonde or dark hair zipping down the hallway, as I stood in the TV room waiting. I knew that whatever it was wouldn't take long, and I was right.
Soon, he and Sam appeared in front of me, looking exceptionally windblown but still perfect. Fuckers. Sam looked a little apprehensive but Colby had a big grin on his face, his dimples popping out.
He held his hand out to me.
I nodded and took it, letting him lead me up the stairs to his room. When we entered, I gasped, unable to take in what I was seeing. What had originally been purely Colby's room, now had a lot of my things in it.
My throw pillows and comforter from my bed were on Colby's bed now, instead of his black and white comforter that suited him so well. My pictures hung on the walls, and my black dresser was pushed up against his side wall where his computer desk used to sit. I didn't see that anywhere.
I knew that my mouth was hanging open, but I couldn't seem to get my brain to work and close it for me.
"You can decorate however you want, I just wanted to get your things in here and set it up so that you know that this is your home too."
My home?
He paced around the room nervously, pointing everything out.
"I put your dresser here, and made sure that everything that you had on it is still there, see? And we can use your comforter and pillows if you want. That's fine with me. I don't care. Um, and the closet."
He opened the closet, while I stayed stuck in front of the door watching him with wide eyes, still unable to process.
When had I said anything about moving in?
Had he asked me while I was asleep? I was so confused right now. I wasn't ready to move in with them, or to give up having my own place.
After being bounced from home to home, having to share rooms with people, living in dorms, this was the first time that I had a home that was actually mine. Just mine. My own space where I could do what I wanted, when I wanted.
He swung the closet open, and I saw his clothes shoved to the back to made room for mine.
He even had my little storage bins set up in the corner, with all of my hair accessories, and jewelry.
"Oh, and the bathroom. Sam doesn't mind so don't worry."
He opened the bedroom door again, pushing me through it, and then pulling me over to the bathroom opening the door. He started opening the drawers, showing me all of my bathroom supplies piled neatly into them.
"I got everything from the bathroom, even your favorite towel." He pointed to the rack behind us, then back to the bathroom counter. "Your blow dryer, straightener, curling iron are all against this side, your make up is in the top drawer, your lotions are here against the back wall. If you can't find something, just let me know." He dropped his hands and looked at me, waiting for a reaction.
I still hadn't spoken a word, and my mouth was still open in shock.
"What- what is all of this Colby?"
He looked confused, his brows furrowing a little as he followed me back to his room. I picked up Prissy off the bed, and nuzzled her neck.
"It's your stuff..." He let his voice trail off, looking around the room and then back to me. "This what I wanted to show you. You don't have to keep going back to your apartment anymore. I even brought your laptop so that you can write. I set it up in the office down the hall so that you can have some peace and quiet when you do. Is this not okay? I thought you would like it."
He looked like a lost puppy. I was honestly upset that he would just do this without asking me, but the look on his face kept me from letting my usual attitude come out.
I sighed heavily.
"Colby, this is really sweet but you didn't even ask me what I wanted. You just did what you wanted. That isn't going to work. I don't want to let my apartment go. It's my home. The first real home that I've had. I like it there."
I sat down on the bed with Prissy in my arms.
He sat down next to me, and started playing with his rings.
"You don't want to live here? With me?"
He looked so dejected, that I didn't really want to answer him...but this is why I had to take time away from him before. I couldn't do what he wanted me to do.
I had to do what was best for me.
"No. I'm sorry. I'm not ready for that Colby. I want my own place for now."

FantasyMATURE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE CONTAINS SEX/BRUISING/FIGHTING Chloe moves to LA, California to try and discovered as a writer. Her best friend helps her out with a place to live, and introduces her to a whole new crowd. With her smart mouth...