Chapter 15

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"I thought you hated me." I gasped out, in between Colby's lips meeting mine.

His large hands were on my hips, hugging me against his hard body.

 "I could never hate you." He placed his lips against mine again. "I just didn't want to want you. Didn't know how to deal with it." His hands grabbed my arms and brought them around his neck, then trailed his fingers down my arms. "Now, I don't care. Whatever happens, happens. Can't stay away." He picked me up, hands under my thighs, like I weighed nothing and carried me to the bedroom.

He dropped me on the bed and wasted no time in stripping his shirt off.

A blaring noise cut through my subconscious, pulling me from my sleep. I groaned.

 "Noooo. Don't wanna wake up." I grabbed my pillow and threw it over my head, trying to drown out the noise from the alarm on my phone. "It was a good dream." I whined into the pillow.

Damned if I knew why I was dreaming about Colby but I wasn't complaining. That was the best dream I've had in a while. I would've liked to finish it, at least.

 Knowing that the noise wouldn't stop until I got up and turned it off, I sat up and threw my pillow across the room.

Okay, so I wasn't a morning person. It was too early, in my opinion for anyone to be up this damn early. It was only 8 AM for Christ's sake.

If I didn't have to start looking for work right now, this would not be happening. I was hoping that I could find a job that didn't require me to be up at the ass crack of dawn.

 "Uuggghhh" I groaned again, loudly, just to make myself feel better.

I got up and grabbed my phone, really wanting to smash the damn thing, but swiped the alarm off, and fell back on my bed to scroll through Instagram for a few. Just until I was fully awake enough to get in the shower. I wasn't procrastinating, honestly.

 When I pulled the app up, I noticed that someone had followed me. I clicked the little notifications button, and almost dropped my damn phone like it was a snake!

 Colby Brock followed you.

"Huh?" I said out loud. I didn't even think he would have an Instagram, much less follow ME. "What in the actual FUCK is going on?" I wondered aloud.

 My kitty, Prissy, jumped up on my bed, rubbing her head against my bare leg, reminding me that it was time for her to eat since I was awake. I scratched her behind the ears and stared at my phone.

 Do I follow him back? Is this a trick? I'm so confused right now.

 For some reason, I felt like there was something very important that I was forgetting that would help me understand this, but I couldn't remember what it was.

 I got a flash of Colby's lips pressed against mine, outside on my balcony. My dream was pretty potent.

 I shook my head, trying to clear it of that scene. It was going to have me messed up for the rest of the day.

 It wasn't like I could just call him up and get him to help me...scratch that itch, if you know what I mean. I didn't have anyone to call for that, and I wouldn't if I did. I might seem like a wild child sometimes, but sex was one thing that I didn't play with. If I didn't have feelings for you, it wasn't happening. That being the case, it had left me starved for affection for about a year now. I was dying and these little dreams, and day dreams of Colby definitely weren't helping the situation any.

"Fuuuck" I moaned out, staring at his profile.

Yep, I had clicked on it, just to see what kind of pictures he had on there. Maybe get an idea of what kind of person he actually was.

 His most recent ones were just of him, never smiling, just staring at the screen.

Then there were a few with Sam, some with the other guys, some of all of them. I ended up scrolling way far back, until I saw a few pictures of him, smiling.

 He was actually smiling. Wow. He smiled with his entire mouth too, and it didn't look weird. I could see all of his teeth but it was so gorgeous.

 There was a girl standing next to him in a few of them. Sometimes he would have his arm around her, sometimes not so much but they were standing very close to together.

Wonder who that is? Is it bad that I kind of hated her? I was having this overwhelming feeling of jealousy well up in me. That was stupid. Colby didn't even like me to be around.

 So why did he follow me again? None of the other guys followed me. Not even Mike. He had to have found me through Kat. There wasn't any other explanation.

Should I follow back? I didn't know what to do, at this point but thought it would be rude if I didn't do anything. So I hit that blue button and turned it to following.

"Well, that's that." I said, throwing my phone down on my bed and hopping up to grab my clothes and take a shower.

 The hot water felt good on my skin, like it was rinsing all of the stress from the past night away. I probably stayed in there longer than I should have, but Kat would get over it. She was supposed to be here soon.

I hurried along and jumped out, drying off and putting my clothes on. When I was through with my hair, I checked my reflection.

 I was only filling out applications, and not doing interviews, so I dressed basic. Ripped black skinny jeans, a long white sleeveless band shirt that said Led Zepplin on the front, tucked into the front of the jeans, showing my silver belt.

 I slid my bracelets on, and then went to work on my makeup. "Fucking wings. I hate these things." I grumbled to myself.

Wait, what is that? There was a dark mark on my upper arm, like a bruise. I didn't remember hurting myself...and I didn't bruise easily so I would've remembered it. 

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