Traffic slowed me down but I finally made it back home, after what felt like the longest car ride in history.
As soon as I walked in, Prissy met me at the door meowing and winding around my feet.
"Damn it, I forgot to stop and get you some food. I'm sorry baby. I'll go back to town in a few minutes."
I scooped her up and placed her on my shoulder where she lay across it while I made my way to my bedroom. I kicked off my uncomfortable heels but didn't bother changing out of my business clothes. I wanted to read.
Colby had me intrigued about the stupid story.
I grabbed my laptop and lay on my stomach.
I started it up, and clicked open the file titled "Midnight."
I didn't even have a decent title for Christ's sake. My story was about vampires, that lived together and ran the underworld of LA. That much I knew.
I remembered that part. My main character, who I called Zoe, moved to LA with her best friend and somehow got tangled up in the underworld business. She met Cole through her best friend's boyfriend and hated him.
Despised him, but was still drawn to him. I remembered the way that I felt drawn to Colby. I didn't hate him but he was an annoying shit when he wanted to be.
Also, he was a stalker who broke into my home and claimed he was my boyfriend so there's that.
I shook my head at my own stupidity and kept reading.
"Cole was an abrasive asshole that Zoe couldn't seem to get off of her mind. The way his ring clad hands threaded through his red streaked chestnut hair, his blue eyes darkening when he looked at her..." image of Colby running his ring clad fingers through his red streaked hair, looking at me with those damn blue eyes that seemed to put me in some sort of trance...Okay, similarities. I'll give him that.
How do I know that he didn't just read my story, and then change himself to be that way to trick me?
I kept reading.
"She was overcome with joy from making a simple putt, and jumped into his arms. His strong hands caught her, and her eyes locked with his. That silver ring,"
"Oh, what the fuck?!" I exclaimed, thinking about that weird ass silver ring around the blue of Colby's eyes.
I scrolled further down, words jumping out at me. Blue haired girl Katherine. Something flashed in my mind, like a memory but it was way too fast, and too bright for me to fathom what it was.
It sent a sharp searing pain through my head, like a migraine that was trying to kill me.
"Oow," I yelped out, grabbing both sides of my head with my hands.
That fucking hurt. I leaned over and pulled some headache medicine from my bedside table drawer, swallowing it down with the bottle of water that I keep on the table. I should probably stop reading if I have a migraine coming on, but I couldn't.
Not yet. Cole and Zoe's first kiss, intense, passionate, fire zinging through her body...this was getting weird. They fight because Cole can't seem to not be a man whore, or because Zoe doesn't want to lose herself.
My eyes were blurring now and those flashes wouldn't stop hurting my head. I gave up. I closed my laptop and lay back.
Prissy had enough food to last her until this headache went away. I couldn't function very well when a migraine happened. Hopefully, I caught it early and I could maybe just sleep through it.
I didn't understand what brought this one on. It had been a really long time since I had a migraine and this one was the most intense that I had ever felt, not even full blown. I had never experienced those flashes before.
The brightness seemed like it was trying to burn a hole straight through my skull. The back of my head was pounding already though. Sleep wasn't an option.
I pulled myself up out of the bed, grimacing at the nausea that poured over me. Oh God, how I hate these things. I shuffled to the kitchen, hand against my head to try and hold it still.
The pain was getting worse, the migraine setting in fully now. I grabbed an icepack out of the freezer, and went back to my room, shutting all of the curtains, trying to block out any light that might enter. I grabbed one of my prescription migraine tablets that I had from before and swallowed it dry.
I lay back again and put the ice pack on my head, hoping it would pretty much just numb my brain. After about an hour or so of tears and swearing, the pain finally lessened enough for me to have coherent thoughts again. Strangely enough, they landed back on my blue eyed stranger.
Funny that I still thought of him that way, even thought I knew his name now. My phone was lying beside me, having fallen out of my jacket pocket. I felt around on the bed, careful not to move, not wanting to jar anything and have that pain intensify again.
My fingers closed over the object, and drug it back up the bed towards me. I blinked my eyes open hesitantly to see if I could withstand having them open. My head was still pounding but opening my eyes didn't make it any worse.
They were swollen and dry from crying but that was about it. I pulled my phone up, and tapped it on.
"Ow fuck," I exclaimed, as the harsh light from the evil little device invaded my eyes.
I dropped it against my chest, and slammed my eyes closed again. Okay, turn brightness down first. I gingerly opened my eyes back up and turned the phone sideways so that it wouldn't blind me.
Turning the brightness all the way down, I opened my texts, finding the last one that Colby had sent me. I realized that I had never opened it.

FantasyMATURE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE CONTAINS SEX/BRUISING/FIGHTING Chloe moves to LA, California to try and discovered as a writer. Her best friend helps her out with a place to live, and introduces her to a whole new crowd. With her smart mouth...