30 (Colby's POV)

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"Sorry. I forgot that I was supposed to ask before I touch you." She looked at me quizzically without saying anything, so I kept talking. "I was just going to try and teach you...if you want."

She still looked confused so I looked at the putter in her hands. Realization flooded through those hazel eyes, and she nodded just a little.

"Okay," She replied, swallowing so hard, I heard the gulp.

Her heart was already racing. This might not be a good idea. I didn't think this through. Too late now.

She turned her back to me, gripping the putter again. I put my hands on her hips and she sucked in a dry breath. I stepped closer, my body pressing into hers. I didn't have to be this close but I was enjoying it. The scent of her hair, and her body spray blending with the scent of HER. It was intoxicating.

"Okay, you need to spread your feet a little more, get a better stance."

She didn't seem to be listening so I gently shoved her feet further apart with my own. I don't think she even noticed.

I moved my hands to her elbows, and couldn't help but let myself feel her skin as I trailed my fingers lightly down to her hands. I closed my own over hers.

 "You need to grip it here, and here." I moved her hands, keeping mine over them.

 I leaned down to her ear, just because I could. Hearing her heart beat like a hummingbirds was egging me on, making me get closer and closer to her.

 "Ready?" I whispered, my lips a breath away from her skin. She didn't answer me, just stood still. "Chloe?" I asked, a little unsure of what to do now.

 "Huh, yeah." Her words rushed out, and her cheeks flamed up.

Aw damn it, the smell of her blood got stronger. I stiffened and stopped breathing for a second, trying to ignore it. I gripped her hands even tighter, trying to distract myself. Okay...I can do this.

 "Okaaay," I breathed out.

I controlled the putter and the ball rolled gently to the right beside the hole.

 "Well, I'll be damned." She murmured. "Um, Colby."

 "Yeah?" I asked, still so close to her.

 "You can let me go now."

I was still holding her. She didn't want me to let her go. I could smell it. This was a blessing and a curse at times. She would let me have her, right now, if I wanted...and I really really wanted.

I dropped my hands and stepped back quickly. She turned to look at me, her eyes soft.

"Thanks for the help."

I nodded, a quick jerk of my head. I needed a distraction. Stop looking at me like that!

"No problem. You think you can sink it?" I asked.

She gave me a lopsided grin, that almost made my resolve break. "Let's find out!" She said so excitedly, it actually had me a little excited to see if she could do it.

 She positioned herself, almost right. "Is this right?" she asked looking up to meet my gaze.

"Yeah, spread your legs a little more, hands a little further down and you're good. Barely tap it though."

She nodded, and looked back down. She gently tapped the ball and it fell into the hole.

Next thing I know, she lets out some cute, weird noise, and then I'm holding her. Feeling the weight of her in my hands, holding her steady against my body, while she hugs my neck. She leaned back and looked into my eyes and I knew. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to stop it. I had to taste her again. Not bite her, not yet. Just taste her.

I slid my hand up to her hair and fisted it there, bringing her face roughly to mine.

 I didn't just kiss her, I attacked her mouth with my own. She was pliant and willing, a little moan escaping her throat. I was done for.

 I took control, trying to show her how badly I wanted her in this one kiss. My tongue swirled around her own, showing that I was in control. I sucked her bottom lip into my mouth, gently biting, making sure that my fangs stayed where they were. I wouldn't be able to handle nicking her.

I tightened my hands in her hair just thinking about that possibility. Sex and blood with her...her small hands twisted into the hair at the back of my neck, pushing my hat up, pulling just a little. I was lost, completely and utterly lost in her. I never wanted to find my way back.

Sam's voice registered in some part of my brain, down deep. "I did not expect that."

Yeah, me either brother, but I'll take it.

 I gripped her leg, wanting to feel the flesh beneath her jeans, when some asshole clapped right next to my face. I would fucking kill them.

 I snatched my lips away from her, ready to turn to whoever had interrupted, but her eyes caught me in their grasp and I couldn't look away. I was overcome with a feeling of need so strong, I had never felt anything like it before in my life. Not even with Emilie. I felt bad saying that, like I was cheating. I shook that off. You couldn't cheat on a dead girl.

My hunger grew so strong, I could feel the familiar gnawing in my stomach, letting me know that it was time to feed. I needed fresh blood, not the bag. That wouldn't sustain me tonight.

"Um, hi. Can we get you guys to stop before they actually call the cops on you for indecent exposure? We need to go. You are literally making out in front of children. I don't even care about finishing the game at this point." Freaking Katrina. If Sam didn't think she was his One, or whatever, I might actually kill her as annoyed as I was with her at this moment.

What the hell did I care if people were watching? Okay, that's not entirely true. That could be very bad for everyone.

 I dropped Chloe's legs gently, setting her on the ground. She seemed a little wobbly on her feet so I kept my hand on her waist, to make sure she didn't fall. I glanced around at the families staring at us, hiding their kids eyes like we were doing something wrong. 

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