95 (Colby's POV)

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 I can't do this. She has got to stop looking at me like that. Her lids were heavy, and she was looking at me from through her thick lashes, while she bit her lip.

 My pants just got significantly tighter. I broke our gaze, and pulled her pants the rest of the way off, trying to ignore the growing yearn that I felt for her. Tasting her blood actually made it easier to control myself, but not for this.

I wanted her. Badly. Not yet though.

 There was no way that I would be able to control myself just yet. Not after fighting so hard when I was feeding on her. No, she needed to rest now.

Plus she was stoned off of my venom. It would be a couple of hours before she wasn't intoxicated and I wasn't going to take advantage of her.

I threw her pants on the floor, then pulled the blanket over her. She groaned and kicked it back down.

Damn it, Chloe, not gonna make this easy for me are you? She looked at me through her lashes again, batted her eyes goofily, and giggled.

"You need to rest. I'm going to go back downstairs so you can sleep. Do you need anything before I go?"

She reached her arms out to me like a child. "Youuuu" She whined, poking her bottom lip out.

 I laughed at how childish she was being.

"Lay with me please"

 I groaned inwardly. She really wasn't making this easy for me.

She scooted over on the bed clumsily, and patted the space next to her. I laid down next to her, silently hoping that she didn't...nope, there she goes. She rolled over on top of me, her head resting on my chest.

 I brought my arm around her, as she threw her leg on top of mine. Her head snuggled into me, and I couldn't help but grin.

"Coooolbyyyy," she said groggily.

 I let my hand thread through her hair.

 "Chlooooeeee," I replied back.

"I sleep better when you're next to me. No nightmares." Her voice was muffled against my chest, but I understood her.

 My emotions flared up into that feeling that I was beginning to recognize as love.

"I sleep better with you beside me too."

She sighed and I could feel her lips curve against me. Her hands went under my shirt and flexed against my abdomen.

"What are you doing?" I breathed out, stiffening.

"I like your body," She giggled, then raised up on her elbows. "I like your face." She poked my cheek. "I like your lips." Her finger traced along my lips. "I like your hair." Her hand went to my hair and slightly pulled, making my pants even tighter than they already were.

 "Fuuck," I groaned out, feeling my fangs start to come out.

 I shifted my legs, trying to move her off of my lap so that I could concentrate on staying sane for the moment. She only shifted with me, making sure that she stayed directly on top of me. Chloe giggled at me, her lips tilting up sexily at the corners.

"Whats wrong Colby? Are you losing control?" Her stoned ass was trying to push me.

Again, I wondered if she had a death wish.

 I picked her up by her waist and set her on the bed beside me.

 "Chloe, calm down and go to sleep."

She pouted again, and I realized how much that actually did for me. It was very sexy, her bottom lip poking out, while she looked at me through her lashes. Damn.

"I need you to go to sleep."

 "But I don't wanna. I wanna do something else."

I shook my head. "No baby, not right now. You're still feeling the affects of my bite and I need to take a break from trying to hold on to my control."

She lay her head over on my chest, and kissed my neck. "I like when you bite me. I really like it." She snuggled her head into me again, her eyes drooping even more. "I'm glad that I'm the only one you can feed from. That makes you mine. You called me baby. I'm happy."

I knew that she wouldn't be saying things like this if she weren't stoned, but damned if I didn't feel a warmth spread through my chest from her words. I drew my arm up around her back and threaded it through her hair, letting her relax into me.

 "I'm happy too...baby," I added the last part for her, but I hadn't even realized that I was calling her that until she said something.

 I liked it.

Her breathing became heavier and her body went slack, letting me know that she had finally went to sleep. I slipped my phone out to give me something to do while she slept. I didn't want to risk waking her by going downstairs.

There were several texts on my phone. Some from a number that I didn't recognize. I opened them, and bristled. Millie.

 How the fuck did she have my number?

 "Hiya baby! I forgive you for earlier. Just wanted you to know! Say hi to your toy for me. I'm sure we'll get to both enjoy her soon." 

That bitch. I could feel myself getting angry, my gums stinging from my fangs coming out again. I swear to God, I was going to kill her.

 She was going to make me and I would take great pleasure in it if I were being honest.

 I read the next one.

"Why are you ignoring me baby??? I need to hear from you. I miss you. You don't want to get me upset do you? You know I go a little crazy..."

And the next one.

"Colby, STOP IGNORING ME! You know you want me too! I just have to show you how much you miss me. Remind you. It's okay, You'll remember soon. I can't wait to have your body above mine again. That weak bitch can't do you like me Colby. You'll remember soon. XOXO"

 I threw my phone across the room, watching the screen shatter and a dent in the wall appear. Now I gotta get a new phone. Great.

 I swear to God, if she even tries to come near Chloe...things are not going to end well for her.

"Love you," Chloe muttered in her sleep, like she could feel me getting upset and was trying to comfort me.

 I stroked her hair and kissed her head.

"I love you too Chloe." 

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