I was well aware of everyone staring at us, but for once, it didn't bother me.
"I love you more."
"Not possible," He replied, before pressing his lips to mine.
It was a simple, sweet, slow drawn out kiss, movement of teeth, tongue and lips, that set my soul on fire and had my entire body flushed by the time he lowered his mouth away from mine.
"Wow, I thought I was about to watch some live porn," Jake laughed out.
Colby snatched the water bottle from my hands and aimed it at Jake's head. It gave a satisfying pop when it connected with his forehead.
"Bro," Jake said, rubbing his head.
I don't know why he was doing that. It didn't hurt him.
Colby chuckled and turned his head to me.
"Are there any more questions that you wanna know right now?"
I tilted my head, staring into his blue eyes.
Nope, I couldn't think of any of the other questions right now...but there were some things I wanted to know.
"Can I ask questions about, uh, vampire life? Instead of Millie?"
He grinned again, and nodded. "Yeah, I guess you can ask anything you want. If I can't answer it, I'm sure one of the others can."
I looked around at everyone else and they nodded.
"I don't really know anything." Kat said smiling. "So I might ask some stuff too." She winked at me and laid back in Sam's arms.
"Shoot," Colby said, moving his arms to behind his head.
I scooted sideways on the bean bag so that I could face him.
This really was the largest bean bag I had ever been on.
"Okay, do you age?"
"No, we don't. Kind of sucks honestly. I'll look 15 forever," Colby sighed.
I rolled my eyes at him.
"You definitely don't look 15. How old are you actually?"
"22. 20 when I turned. Same for Sam."
They looked older than 20 to me, but maybe it was just the dark shadows, the hard muscles, and the hardness in their expressions.
"How does the whole turning into a vampire thing work?" Kat asked.
"Why? You interested?" Corey said, wagging his eyebrows, while Devyn looked a little apprehensive.
Sam sighed.
"It's not really something that any of us chose to happen to us. It was under extreme circumstances. We were dying. There was no saving us. We were fed vampire blood, then we died. The vampire blood brought us back."
"So you have to die with vampire blood in your system?" I asked.
Colby nodded, but didn't look too happy answering the question.
"Can I ask you guys a personal question?" I asked Devyn and Corey.
He shrugged, and she gave me a timid smile and a nod.
"If you were together before Corey turned, why haven't you turned? You just keep getting older and he's not aging. How are you going to work that?"
Dev sighed. "I knew you were gonna ask that. I'm going to turn on my next birthday."
I was kind of shocked. "So you're choosing to die?"
Corey shook his head. "NO. She's choosing to live forever. With me. We've talked about it so many times and this is what she wanted to do. I'm not happy that she has to deal with the bad side of it, and that she has to technically die, but I am happy that she's choosing to love me forever."
He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.
She smiled up at him, then kissed his lips.
"I will always love you Corey."
Thoughts started flying through my head.
Would I have to become a vampire to stay with Colby? Could I just grow old with him? Would he even still love me or want to be with me when I was old and grey?
"Hey, you okay?" Colby started playing with the bracelet on my wrist. "You don't have to make any choices right now. Don't worry about all of this. We're just answering questions," He replied softly.
I know that everyone heard him regardless, but it was nice of him to act like he was trying to keep our conversation private. I nodded, and looked up meeting his eyes.
I smiled at him a little.
"Okay. This question is a little...different."
He rolled his eyes. "Honestly, this entire conversation is a little different."
I laughed in agreement. "Yeah, I guess it is. Okay...Jesus, I don't wanna ask it!" I replied, burying my face in my hands.
I felt his hands on my wrist, pulling them away from my face.
"What is it? You have to tell me now. I can hear your heart racing from embarrassment."
Okay, I was starting to hate that he could literally tell everything about me, just from smell, touch, or my heartbeat.
I wasn't going to be able to have any secret feelings.
"Okaaaayyy...What happens when...when one of us is on our period?"
Tara's laughter behind me, made me cringe in embarrassment. I needed to know because I was sure that mine was coming within the week. If I needed to leave the houseful of blood hungry vampires, then someone needed to tell me.
"Oh," Colby replied, looking like he would definitely be blushing if he could. "Well, that's different. We can tell obviously." He tapped the side of his nose.
"But it doesn't affect us like that because it's not...fresh blood. It's got tissue and stuff in it. I mean, you're a girl, you know what a period is!" He ran his hand through his hair, noticeably uncomfortable from this conversation.
I thought it was so cute. He was uncomfortable talking about a girl's period. Awww.
I rolled my eyes and smiled at him.
"Okay, calm down big boy. I won't make you talk about the secret life of the American female anymore. I just needed to know if I should get the hell out of this house before I start mine. That's all."
He breathed out a sigh of relief, and I laughed. "No, you're good. No one will try to eat you, okay, wrong choice of words!"
Everyone burst out laughing.

خيال (فانتازيا)MATURE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE CONTAINS SEX/BRUISING/FIGHTING Chloe moves to LA, California to try and discovered as a writer. Her best friend helps her out with a place to live, and introduces her to a whole new crowd. With her smart mouth...