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"Girl, I'm gonna need you to calm the fuck down." Kat said to me, looking stern. "You're overreacting and you know it." She looked away from me to Colby, pointing her finger at him. "And you. Stop taunting her. It's clear that you are obviously trying to get a rise out of her. I don't know, maybe it's some kind of turn on for you, but you need to chill too. You're both acting like children."

 I almost laughed when Colby's mouth dropped open, then snapped shut. I'm guessing that Kat hadn't ever really spoken to him like that.

 "I thought she was the nice quiet one." He muttered to Sam, loud enough for us to hear.

"Not when you piss her off." I replied, still glaring at him. "She might be worse than me." He met my glare, unflinching, just a somewhat calm stare back. "Can you stop glaring at me? Because honestly, I do kind of like pissing you off, and you're making it really hard not to keep doing it."

He dragged his hand through his hair, causing the light to glint off of his rings. "Not really sure I want to see Katrina actually pissed right now, so I'm gonna need you to calm the fuck down too."

 I know my lips quirked. I felt them. How can he make me go from being beyond angry to wanting to laugh in 2 seconds? Oh my God, he was infuriating!

 "Fine." I replied, holding my straight face. "I don't really wanna face the wrath of Katrina either so let's just finish the game."

His full perfect lips curved up slightly at the corners, rewarding me with a tiny smile. "Deal."

 Kat grinned widely, and kissed Sam's cheek. "See, I told you they would be fine. Let's play! Cuz I'm hungry and I really wanna go get something to eat."

 I was still watching Colby so I saw the look that passed between him and Sam. Wonder what that was about? None of my business I'm sure, but that had never stopped me before.

"If you guys wanna stop communicating with your eyes, the next hole is this way." I pointed with one hand, while the other rested on my hip, while I looked at the guys expectantly.

 Sam just smiled and shook his head, while Colby looked at me like I was this complicated puzzle board that he just couldn't find the last piece too.

When it was my time to putt again, I honestly tried my best. I aimed and everything, but I didn't hit the ball hard enough.

 When I went to take another shot, I jumped when I felt hands on my hips. I swung around to find Colby, standing there looking unsure.

"Sorry. I forgot that I was supposed to ask before I touch you." I couldn't tell if he was being serious, or mocking me. "I was just going to try and teach you...if you want."

Teach me what? He glanced down at my ball and putter. Oh yeah, golf. I nodded slightly.

"Okay," I swallowed so hard, my throat hurt.

 He made me so damn nervous.

 I turned back around, gripping the putter. When I felt his hands slide onto my hips again, my mouth became suddenly dry. Like the Sahara Desert dry.

 He stepped up behind me, and pressed himself into my backside. I'm positive that he didn't have to be this damn close to me.

He was talking, saying something about my stance, or something, but I couldn't hear him over the white noise that was happening in my ears. His hands moved from my hips to my arms, then trailed lightly down to my hands, closing over them on the putter. He moved them down a little, telling me to grip here instead for some reason.

 "Ready?" He asked me, his mouth very close to my ear.

No, no I was not.

 How did you expect me to play something, to listen, to actually learn, when you have your body smashed up against my ass? I could smell his cologne, and something else that was just entirely Colby. Masculine, and hard, with a light undertone of something I couldn't place.

"Chloe?" He asked me again, and I snapped out of it.

 "Huh, Yeah." I rushed out, my face flaming again.

I felt his body stiffen against mine, and his breath caught, before it picked up at a higher speed. His grip tightened over my hands, almost painfully.

 "Okaaay," He breathed out.

 He brought our hands up and back with the putter just a bit, then smacked the ball, jerking the putter to a stop. The ball rolled right over to the hole, one inch past where it would have dropped in.

 "Well, I'll be damned." I was about to turn and thank him, but I realized that he was still gripping my hands over the putter. "Um, Colby."

 "Yeah?" I felt his cool breath on my ear.

 Why did even his breath smell good? Like...watermelon, maybe?

 "You can let me go now."

 I mean, if you want...or you can just take me to my car, because I was definitely having second thoughts on this whole not having sex for fun thing.

He dropped his hands and stepped back, while I turned to face him.

 "Thanks for the help."

 He nodded in a jerky fashion. "No problem. You think you can sink it?"

 One corner of my mouth lifted in a lopsided grin. "Let's find out!" I replied, excitedly. I jogged the few steps to my ball and positioned myself, how I thought that I was last time. "Is this right?" I asked, looking up to find Colby watching me.

 "Yeah, spread your legs a little more, hands a little further down and you're good. Barely tap it though."

 I nodded, and tried to concentrate. I tapped the ball, making it go directly into the hole. I know it was only like an inch or two but still! I was excited!

Before I thought of my actions, I squealed, and jumped onto Colby, wrapping my arms around his neck ,my legs around his waist, hugging him.

 He automatically caught me, supporting me with one hand under my thigh, and one around my waist. 

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