73 (Colby's POV)

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I darted back inside my room, leaving Chloe in the hallway, while I grabbed the book and hurriedly stuffed it in my closet under some clothes. I grabbed a random hoodie off the hanger and walked back out to the hallway.

"Okay, we can go," I said smiling and holding up the hoodie.

 "It's not even cold outside, Colby," She said laughing a little and shaking her head.

She was so damn cute.

I shrugged.

 "S'not for the cold. It's for the look."

 She cocked her eyebrow at me and looked at the hoodie in my hands. "A bright yellow hoodie is for the look? Hmm, I didn't know that you wore anything but black."

 I glanced down, taking in the bright yellow color. Fuck. I had grabbed an old hoodie that I used to wear years ago before all of this happened..

"Um, yeah. I do on occasion. I like yellow."

She just smirked and took my hand in hers. I could get used to that.

 "Whatever you say."

 We walked back downstairs and into the garage where everyone was waiting.

"You ready?" Sam asked, as we walked in.

 I nodded.

 "Why do you have that old thing?" He asked, motioning his head towards the hoodie.

"Just do. Drop it." I muttered.

 Couldn't a guy wear a different damn color than black, if he wanted too? Not in this group apparently.

 Chloe stifled a giggle, turning it into a non believable cough.

 I rolled my eyes at her.

"Shut up."

 She just smiled sweetly at me, and bit her lip. I licked my own, watching her mouth and saw her shiver. I clamped the lid tightly on my control and pulled her against my body.

 She gasped at my sudden movements, but melted into me. Definitely liked the impact that I had on her.

I pressed my lips against hers, softly at first, but then I felt her press against me harder, and bury her hands in my hair. She pulled a little roughly, making the lid on my control wiggle free just a little. I groaned into her open mouth, and gripped her hips tightly, pulling her even closer against me, leaving no space between us.

The intensity was growing again, and I couldn't stop it. I didn't want to stop it, and I don't think that Chloe did either. We were both hanging on to one another, as if we could save each other's lives. Maybe that's true. She was saving mine.

My eyes flew open, and I broke the kiss, when that thought entered my head. She was saving my life. She was bringing hope back, making my existence enjoyable instead of something that I was forced to deal with.

 Her eyes were locked on mine, her lips swollen and pink from my attack. She was breathing heavily and her scent was flooding my nose.

 I needed a blood bag badly, but they were in the freezer in the garage, and we were in the garage now. This could be problematic.

"Okay, that was intense. Don't eat her Colby." Mike laughed nervously, while I looked over to him and glared.

 "We should go." Sam said, watching me with his eyes narrowed.

I'm good Brother. Still got my control...for now...but I needed that blood. Would he be able to understand that, and help me out here?

 I met Sam's gaze, trying to tell him.

"Hey Katrina, you and the girls wanna go show Chloe around the rest of the house? The different rooms, the pool, all of it?"

Kat nodded, standing up and coming to stand by Chloe. "Yeah, sure. Let's start in the backyard. I actually love this back yard. It's not huge but the pool is really nice, and there's a hot tub! It rarely works though."

 Chloe glanced up at me, as Kat grabbed her hand. "See you."

I nodded my head at her once, and gave her a slight smile. "See you."

Then they were gone out the door, with Dev and Tara right behind them.

As soon as the door clicked, Sam bolted it and I grabbed a couple of bags out of the freezer. I popped a hole in them quickly, and drained the bags, back to back.

"Oh my God," I said, heaving out a breath. "I needed that."

 "You good now?" Sam asked, taking the empty bags from me and placing them back in the freezer until we could dispose of them.

 I nodded.

"Yeah, but we're running low it looks like. We need to hit up the blood bank again soon." He agreed and looked back at the other guys. "Who's turn is it to go reup?"

 Kevin and Mike raised their hands. I was glad it was them, and not Elton and Aryia this time. Elton was just crazy and I never knew what to expect from him.

 I nodded at them.

"We need this done ASAP. I'm drinking more since I'm not feeding fresh. I'll try again soon though, and we can cut back down." They nodded.

 "We'll handle it tomorrow. Gonna stay here with the girls tonight." Mike replied.

 I shrugged.

 "Sounds good."

 Sam and I walked out the front door, not saying another word. We took his car this time. Didn't need it but we were still trying to keep up appearances.

 Me because of Chloe, obviously, while I guess he just wasn't used to being completely himself yet in front of Kat. He was still hiding it from Chloe too. She may have to be compelled soon, if she keeps hanging around the house. I wasn't doing though. Nope.

 It didn't take us long to reach the old abandoned place that's up on Riley's Hill. I sensed someone watching us, maybe a few someones, and I knew Sam felt it too. His shoulders stiffened, and his forehead creased.

"There's more than just her." He whispered, and I barely nodded.

 I assumed that she would bring one or two more, but there were at least ten vamps out in the surrounded wooded area.

 "It's fine. We can take em." I said, unabashedly.

Maybe I was a little full of myself, but they didn't concern me.

Sam and I walked towards the run down old place, hopping into the busted window with ease.

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