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Then Millie burst out laughing.

"You always were pathetic Jeff. I never loved you. Once I saw Colby, it was always him. It will always be him." Her eyes turned back to me. "Now I just need to get rid of this distraction and he'll be all mine again."

She shifted in her crouch, and I did the only thing that I knew how to do. I let my smart mouth take control. I laughed.

Her forehead creased, and her black eyes grew angry.

 "What are you laughing at, you bitch?"

I rolled my eyes, faking a bravado that I didn't feel. I saw Colby creeping closer to her out of the corner of my eye. Maybe I could just keep her distracted long enough for him to...I don't know, do something.

"I'm laughing at you, you psycho bitch. You think that Colby will love you if you kill me?" I giggled like it was the cutest thing in the world. "He'll hate you forever, because you know what?" I could see the anger building up in her, but at least she wasn't trying to pounce on me just yet.

She wanted to know what I had to say.

"He actually loves me. Really and truly loves me. I'm his One."

She sucked in a deep breath and her eyes darted over to Colby. Shit! He was much closer to her but not quite there yet.

I didn't know why he didn't just jump on her.

 I knew he could use his vampy powers or whatever and reach her, so why didn't he? Now she knew that he was creeping up on her. Surprisingly enough, she didn't even acknowledge it.

 "His one?" She repeated, staring at Colby. "I thought that wasn't real." She swung her head back around to me, and braced her hand against the counter, ready to strike. "You're lying!"

I shook my head, backing up into the counter. "I'm not. Ask him, if you don't believe me! You were nothing more than a blood bag to him, and an occasional lay to take his mind off of things."

 She snarled at me, looking more terrifying than she already did, if that were possible. My fight or flight instinct was kicking in hardcore, telling me to haul ass out of this coffee shop. I knew that if I tried to run, she would be on me in a second.

Jeff's dumb ass was still just standing there next to her, looking like a wounded kitten.

I didn't understand why he wasn't screaming and running away while he had the chance.

 "I'll kill you, you stupid bitch!"

 This was it. She jumped towards me, her nails coming for my face. All I could see was a lot of flying red hair, black eyes, and her fangs.

I didn't have time to move. I threw my arms up in front of my face, and waited to die, uncertain that Colby would be able to stop her in time.

"Ooof" I heard someone's breath being knocked out of them, then a deep male groan of pain.

 I moved my arms hesitantly, looking for Colby, thinking that he was hurt. He was standing behind the counter now, just a couple of feet from me, with Jeff unconscious lying against him.

"Where is she?" I whispered out, glancing around me, expecting to see that vicious red hair at any moment.

"She's gone," Colby replied, his voice tired and defeated. "I chose to save this fucker instead of going after her." He scoffed in disgust at the unconscious figure in his arms and dropped him unceremoniously to the floor.

"Colby," my voice came out more pathetic than I had ever heard it before.

 Somewhere in between a whine and a beg, terrified, and needy. He met my eyes, and then he was in front of me, pulling my body against his in a tight hold.

"It's okay baby girl, I'm here. No one will ever hurt you. I won't let them." It was becoming his mantra to me.

The "It's okay baby girl, I'm here," part...and I honestly loved it.

 My entire body started shaking violently, and I couldn't stop it.

Colby pulled me away from his chest and looked me in the eye.

 "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Y,y,yeah, j,j,just an,anx,anxious, I th,th,think." My teeth were chattering and my body was freezing.

"You're in shock," he replied, rubbing his hard, cool hands up and down my arms. "Is there some Coke or something in this place?"

 I pointed my shaky hand towards the cooler in the back. He darted there and back, with a small can soda in his hand.

"Drink this. It'll help." He popped the lid for me, and put a straw in it, putting it to my lips.

 I sucked in just a little, and felt the cold, bubbly liquid go down my throat. Then I started gulping the sweet drink, until Colby took it away from me.

"That's enough. You're going to throw up drinking it that fast." He had a small smile on his lips, but it didn't reach his eyes.

 The shaking had slowed down significantly to just a tremor now and I felt a little better.

"Wh-what do we do about him?" I asked, motioning to Jeff.

Colby looked over his shoulder, and rolled his eyes. He grabbed a cup and filled it with cold water from the tap, then walked over to Jeff and dumped it over his face. The poor guy woke up coughing and sputtering, looking bewildered.

Colby leaned down beside him.

"I'd advise you to go somewhere that she doesn't know about and not come back." He clapped him on the shoulder, while Jeff continued to look confused and frightened. "Your choice though. I'm okay with you dying." Then he got up and walked back over to me. "Ready to go home?"

 I shook my head. "I wanna go home with you tonight."

Something about a house full of vampires in an actual house, was more comforting that being in my apartment, even if Colby were with me.

He looked at me sadly, then pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose in frustration.

 "I'm so sorry that I brought you into this mess Chloe. I never meant for any of this to happen. You have to know that."

 I looked at him, bewildered. 

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