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By the time it finally registered in my brain, that I had literally just jumped into his arms, I was already lost in his eyes again. We were staring, stuck in that spell.

Before I knew what was happening, the hand that was around my back came to the back of my head, and twisted in my hair, pushing my face down to meet his. I didn't resist, couldn't even if I wanted too. This was out of my control. I wanted it too badly.

When his lips crashed against my own, I let out an embarrassing little moan. His lips worked against mine, his tongue pushing for an opening. I gladly let him in. Seemed like I wasn't up for arguing right now. He was fighting for dominance and I was okay with that, for a change. I let him take control, doing things with his tongue and lips that I had never felt in a kiss before.

Utter bliss. That's what this was. His hand tightened in my hair, and my own hands found their way to the soft curls at the back of his neck, pushing his snapback off. Neither of us noticed when it hit the ground.

 "I did not expect that." A deep voice said.

It was outside of our bubble though so it didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was here, now, our lips, and bodies pressed together so tightly, wind could not break through.

I felt his other hand grip my thigh, tight enough to bruise.

 There was a loud popping noise next to our faces, causing me to jerk back and snap out of the trance. We were both breathing heavily, only it looked like it was causing him pain.

 I noticed the darkness under his eyes was more pronounced that it had been, like he was severely sleep deprived. Weird that I hadn't noticed before how bad it was.

The silver ring inside of his eyes was pulsating, growing then shrinking, while the white of his eyes had a red ting to them. If I wasn't so entranced, I might have been scared by it. He had an almost feral look to him.

"Um, hi. Can we get you guys to stop before they actually call the cops on you for indecent exposure? We need to go. You are literally making out in front of children. I don't even care about finishing the game at this point." It was Kat, clapping her hands next to our faces.

She was really annoying me tonight.

Colby dropped my legs, but held me steady while my feet found their footing. I was feeling kind of light headed honestly.

 He kept his hand on my waist for a second, like he sensed that I still needed the support to keep from falling face first into the ground. I glanced around and saw several families staring at us, the parents in disapproval, some even hiding their kids faces.

Oh come on! It was just a kiss! An amazing ass kiss, for sure, but still just a kiss. They were overreacting. I glanced back and Colby and saw him staring at me.

"Sorry," I apologized for literally jumping him. "I got overexcited about making the shot then..." my voice trailed off.

 I didn't really know what else to say. He was there. He knew what happened. It was kind of his fault actually. He could've have just politely put me down, but no. He had to go and pull my damn hair and force my lips onto his. I was so glad that he wasn't polite.

 We started walking behind Sam and Kat, taking our putters back to the desk. We were walking closer together now, our hands brushing occasionally. That simple act was strangely erotic.

 "Why?" I heard him say softly.

 "Why what?"

 "Why are you sorry?" His perfect eyebrows were raised when I looked at him.

"Oh...I don't know. Because I jumped you."

 His eyes burned into me again, almost making me trip. His hand shot out and steadied me then let go. "I can't walk and look at you, apparently." I said, annoyed, and looked away from him, so that I could watch my feet.

 I could swear that I just heard him chuckle. "I didn't mind."

 "Huh?" I was lost again.

That seems to be happening a lot around him. Didn't mind catching me when I almost fell...AGAIN.

"I didn't mind you jumping me...but maybe a warning might be safer. For both of us."

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Whatever, he said he didn't mind and I felt a flutter in my chest. Maybe he wasn't as much of an asshole as I originally thought. Or maybe he just likes it when girls tried to make out with him in front of everyone. I mean, he's still a guy.

 I didn't reply, just kept concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other until we reached our car. The guys walked all the way to the back of the parking lot with us.

"So do you guys want to grab some food with us?" Kat asked, smiling up at Sam through her lashes.

He grinned like he was the luckiest guy in the world and took her hand. "No, not this time. Why don't you just grab some food and bring it back to the house?"

Kat looked at me, seeing if that was okay with me. I shrugged. I wasn't sure that I wanted to go back to that house but I was kind of wanting to keep getting to know Colby. He was...intriguing.

 I saw him shake his head just the slightest little bit though, like he was telling Sam no, don't do that. If I wasn't seeing things, that meant that he didn't want us to come back to their place.

Here we go with the confusion again.

 "I don't care Kat. I can just go home and you can ride with the guys. They can stop and get you something on the way."

Sam shook his head. "Nonsense. You both should come. It'll be fun! Actually, Colby can ride with you, so that Kat can ride with me. That cool brother?"

 Colby was glaring at Sam now. I actually flinched when I saw his expression.

 "Whatever you say, BROTHER." Colby spit out between clenched teeth.

Okay, he was so fucking HOT when he was angry but also terrifying. My body didn't know how to react around him. 

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