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 I glared at Colby, watching his lips curve up in a smirk.

"You lied...because you are definitely losing." He replied, holding my gaze, with a mischievous twinkle in his blue eyes.

 I saw Sam and Kat's heads swinging back and forth watching us.

 "Is that right?" I asked.

He was purposely trying to piss me off now...and he was doing a pretty good job. I hated that little smug smirk on his face. I was already embarrassed and it made me angry. I may have a few anger issues.

 I walked towards him slowly, and saw his nostrils flare a little, but he didn't move. His hand tightened on his putter, and his smirk faltered.

Was I intimidating him? This tall, dark guy with the tough exterior, intimidated by me? Normal people, sure, I was used to it, but I never expected it to happen to any of the guys that I met recently. They honestly scared me a little.

 I stopped when I was directly in front of him, not a breath away, our chests almost touching.

"I. Don't. Lose." I said, poking him in the chest.

Damn, that was a hard chest.

An image of him with no shirt on flashed in my mind, along with my dream directly after, making me want to clench my legs together.

 He was looking down at me, the silver in his eyes glowing, making the blue even more pronounced.

Once again, I was enchanted, unable to look away, unable to breathe.

Why did I always let my big mouth get me in these situations? Better yet, why did I want to jump on him right here and now and let him have his way with me? I had never, ever felt this way before about someone that I had just met...or at all.

 Yeah, I've been sexually attracted to guys but not like this. Especially when I didn't know them. This was insane.

He was making me insane. I don't know how long we stood there just staring at each other, until he finally spoke. "You will."

 I know. I think that I might lose more than this game, if he didn't stop looking at me like that...like my shirt. Maybe my pants. Yep, I was going to lose a lot more. Fuck.

"If you two want to stop flirting, maybe we can finish the game. We're still on the first hole and people are waiting." I heard Sam's voice but it sounded like it was coming from far away.

 "Fuck them." Colby replied, still holding my gaze.

 "Colby!" Kat sat, shocked.

 He broke the connection, finally allowing me to breathe, to look at her. She nodded towards the people waiting behind us. It was a family with 2 children. The girl was a teenager, and I could see her eyeing Colby, undisturbed by his words. A younger boy was with them, probably around 5, hiding behind the mom who was giving Colby one of those disapproving Mom looks. The dad looked like he wanted to say something about the language that was just spoken about his family but maybe didn't want to start anything in front of his family.

 "Colby, let's move on to the next hole bro." Sam said calmly, looking at him meaningfully.

Colby let out a deep breath and moved away from me a few feet. "Yeah." He walked ahead to the next hole, leaving me a mess, stuck to the spot trying to sort out the jumble in my brain.

 Sam followed him, throwing his arm around his neck, saying something that I couldn't hear. Kat walked over to me, and put her arm through mine, leading me to the next hole.

 "He used his eyes on you, huh?" She whispered, close to my ear.

 I looked at her confused, still unable to clear my head enough to think properly. "I- what?"

"The eyes!" She exclaimed a little more forcefully, but still in a whisper. "Sam still has that effect on me. We've been dating a month and I swear he still has the same effect on me now as he did the day we met."

The eyes. His eyes. Yeah, they definitely had some kind of effect on me.

"What's up with their eyes?" I asked, a little louder than I meant too, and saw the guys heads turn our way.

"Let's play!" Sam called out, motioning for us to hurry up.

That effectively stopped our conversation, and we walked a little faster to where the guys were standing at the next hole. Sam and Colby both made their shots in one turn, with Kat making hers in 2.

 "When did you learn how to play golf?" I asked her, astonished.

 She shrugged, smiling over at Sam. "Sam has brought me here a couple of times, and shown me a thing or two."

He winked at her.

Colby didn't look at me anymore for the next few holes, or speak to me. It was almost like he was avoiding me. I didn't know what I had done but this whole ignoring me thing was pissing me off again.

I don't even know what hole we were on, but the longer he ignored me, the more angry I got. The more angry I got, the harder I tended to hit the ball.

 I hadn't made a shot yet, to be honest. I was losing so bad.

I groaned when my ball went flying, narrowly missing a child's head as it bounced off of one of the little houses in the middle of the green. I threw my putter down, watching it bounce on the ground.

 "I give up! This game is stupid." I said, exasperatedly.

 "The game isn't stupid, just because you suck. Told you that you were going to lose," Colby decided he wanted to talk to me again now. Well, too damn bad.

 "We're on the same team Dumb Ass!" I yelled at him. "If I lose, you lose!"

He opened his mouth to retaliate but apparently had forgotten that fact. I swung around, facing Katrina.

 "I'm ready to go. Honestly, I should have just stayed home again. I don't know why I keep letting you talk me into these things. LA is not at all what I expected." I glanced at Colby. "The people here are giant fucking pricks that I want nothing to do with." 

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