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"Yeah, but what about my ripped up neck? Didn't think about healing that?"

 He shrugged. "We didn't know about it. It was just another legend or rumor that circled around but we've never had to try it before. Didn't even think about it until Sam came across it in something that he was reading."

 I looked down at my bandaged wrists. I knew that my neck was bandaged again too, because I could feel it pulling, and I knew there had to be multiple bruises all over my body, including my face.

"You gonna let me walk around looking like I was in a cage match with Mike Tyson or you gonna hook me up with some of your magic blood?" I asked, holding my wrists out to show the bandages that I was positive he had put there.

 He rolled his eyes at me.

"I was going to ask you Chloe. I have to have your permission. Can't just force it on you. Kat and Devyn approved it. They drank, then they went to sleep. They've only been asleep for about an hour. They should be completely healed within the next hour."

My head was starting to hurt. We made it to the garage, where all the guys and Tara sitting around talking. They got quiet as soon as we walked in.

"Hey guys, talking about me or something?" I joked, walking in front of Colby, with Sam right behind us.

 They laughed nervously.

"No Chloe, we weren't talking about you. More about this war that is about to happen and what we're going to do about it," Mike replied, smiling at me gently.

 "Yeah...sorry about that," I said quietly, remembering that all of this was really because of me.

"It's not your fault," Elton said gruffly.

I sat down with Colby on the bean bag, his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him, and I looked at Elton, eyebrows raised.

"It's mine. None of this would be happening if I had been more careful. If I hadn't killed Millie, then we would be good right now."

Sam shook his head. "We've all made mistakes and had accidents Unc. Don't be too hard on yourself. If it wasn't her, it would be someone else. There's always going to be someone else. We're on top. Someone will always want to bring us down."

Elton nodded, chewing his bottom lip. This was the first time that I had ever seen him upset and it was kind of unnerving.

I turned towards Colby.

"Okay, so tell me more about the blood thing. What about when Elton turned you? Why didn't it make you sick, if you guys aren't his One?"

 "Who says we aren't?" Sam joked, wagging his eyebrows at Elton.

"They're my bitches," Elton replied.

I rolled my eyes, and kept looking at Colby.

 "We don't know everything Chloe," he sighed. "Like I told you, we've never had to use it, so we've never even thought about it...until now. It says in the book that IF the person that is fed the blood is not the One and is too far gone, so close to death that there is no coming back, then they'll just die and be reborn as a vampire. If someone who is not close to death is fed the blood, and is not the donor vamp's One, then that person will be violently ill, but otherwise no harm done. If the One is fed, then their injuries will fade away. The One also has a greater chance of being healed from life threatening injuries, than a normal human, instead of dying or becoming a vamp. The Vampire wouldn't be able to deal with losing their One, usually going crazy, committing mass murder, exposing the secret, or trying to kill themselves." Colby shrugged, like he didn't just lay all of that insane information on me.

 Colby was pretty much telling me that he would go on a killing spree or kill himself if anything ever happened to me...I wasn't sure how to take that.

 "Okaaay....so Katrina is actually your One then?" I asked looking at Sam. "And Devyn is yours?" I looked at Corey.

They both nodded with sappy smiles on their handsome faces.

"I knew it but it's nice for it to be proven without having to use compulsion," Sam replied, his goofy grin spreading over his whole face.

 "Yeah, I knew it too. There's never been anyone but Devyn," Corey stated, eyeing me and Colby.

I couldn't help but blush.

 "So do I get the miracle cure or...?" I asked Colby.

 "Yeaaahh...can we wait until Katrina and Devyn wake up?"

 I furrowed my brow at him. "Why?"

Sam looked confused too. "Yeah Colby, why?"

Colby looked embarrassed, and a little ashamed,  which was something that I definitely wasn't used to.

 "Um...I just wanna wait until they're up. Make sure that they're okay and everything."

Corey narrowed his eyes at him. "Why? You think something will happen to them?"

 Colby shrugged. "I don't know bro. It's just that you guys have already given your blood to them. It's a done deal. I would just like to make sure that they're okay before I risk trying it with Chloe. I'm sorry, you guys know that I love Kat and Dev, and I don't want anything to happen to them. I just have to know."

His eyes were pleading with Sam and Corey to understand. They looked upset, but their eyes softened after a moment.

Sam clapped him on the shoulder.

"It's okay Brother. I understand. I would do the same thing if I were in your shoes."

Corey nodded at him. "I would too bro. I get it."

I leaned back against Colby and huffed out a breath, annoyed.

He tightened his arm around my waist. "What's wrong love?"

 I glanced up at him, meeting his worried blue gaze. "I wanted to try the miracle cure now...patience was never my virtue."

His eyes widened, staring at me. "Seriously? You're upset because you don't get to drink my blood just yet?"

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