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I was standing in the downstairs bathroom, surrounded by mirrors that seemed to make a portal that just continued forever. It was kind of freaky but kind of cool at the same time. Devyn and Kat were in her room, while Tara was helping me with my hair in this bathroom.

I could do my own hair but she wanted to 'experiment' as she called it.

I was a little nervous, not gonna lie. After what was only a few minutes of super speedy hands, twisting, curling, and styling my hair, I was allowed to open my eyes.

"Oh wow." I murmured staring at  the girl in the multiple reflections.

My hair was half up, twisted around the back of my head in multiple loose braids, while the rest was curled, hanging down my back in huge waves. It was gorgeous and I had NEVER done anything to my hair besides straighten it, wear it natural, or throw it in a pony tail. This was amazing!

I hugged Tara, catching her off guard.

 "I love it! Thank you so much Tara!"

 She laughed and hugged me back, then gently removed my arms from her. "Maybe warn me before you do that next time, huh? But you're welcome. Colby's gonna love it!" She winked at me.

 I backed away a little.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking. I'm not used to having to be careful around anyone but Colby and even that isn't as bad as it was since...well..." I trailed off, blushing.

She grinned hugely, and opened the bathroom door.

"Since you started being a freak?"

 "Shut up," I groaned, with a short laugh.

"Come on girl, let's go let Dev do your makeup, then we can get that killer fucking dress on you! I can't wait to see it!" She shimmied a little, then she was gone.

"Well damn Tara, you just gonna leave me like that?" I muttered, climbing the stairs.

"Sorry, I tend to forget," she replied as she popped up beside me again, almost giving me a heart attack.

 "Fuck!" I exclaimed. "Can you stop doing that? You're going to kill me!"

She laughed and pulled me up the stairs, into Devyn's room. Kat was trying on different outfits while Dev was doing her makeup.

"Oh wow," Kat said, looking up when we entered the room.

"Your hair looks amazing Chloe!" Devyn replied.

I placed my hand lightly on my head and posed.

 "Why thank you, dahling."

They laughed at my goofiness.

"Here, sit down. Let's get your makeup done. I'm finished with mine." Dev moved out of the chair so that I could sit in front of the mirror.

She used every bit of makeup that she and I owned on my face I think, but somehow it didn't feel caked on.

"Is that, like, your job or something?" I asked, admiring my face in the mirror.

I almost didn't recognize myself. My eyes were smoky, with a subtle luminous quality to it, while my lashes stood out against my face, making my eyes seem bigger than they actually were. The green and blue of my eyes melded together.

My cheeks were slightly rosy, my lips full with a bright red color to match my dress. I never wore red lipstick but wow. Somehow Devyn had pulled the whole thing together, and I was impressed.

Kat was ready, wearing a tight blue dress, that had a sheer see through area on her stomach, and matching strappy heels. Tara wasn't doing the dress thing, instead wearing tight black ripped jeans, and a short black and red ripped shirt, with silver chains on her neck. Devyn was wearing a short black skirt, with a tied, white button up shirt.

 Kat was holding out the red dress to me.

"It's time." She said dramatically.

 I rolled my eyes.

"Have you ever even worn this dress? I've never seen it."

I shook my head. "No. I saw it in the store and fell in love with it, but I've never been brave enough to wear it. You know I usually stick to jeans and dark colors."

"That's my girl," Tara replied, smiling at me.

 "I'm kind of nervous to wear it actually." I replied giggling stupidly.

"Put it on! I need to see it!" Kat exclaimed.

I stripped my clothes and took the dress from her. I slipped it on, then let Kat zip me up, before turning back to the mirror.

"Oh. My. God." I breathed out.

That wasn't me. Couldn't be.

 "Bitch...you are HOT!" Tara exclaimed.

"She's not wrong, holy fuck Chloe. Where did this come from? Colby's tongue is going to be on the floor along with every other guy around! Well, except our guys of course." Kat replied, staring at me in the mirror.

I couldn't even grin back at her. I was still in shock.

 "Chloe, you're beautiful sweetie." Devyn said softly, smiling at me.

 "The guys are here. Just in time." Tara said, with a wicked grin. "Come on up guys!" In the next second, there was a knock on the door. "That means you can come in too, you dorks!" Tara said, yanking the door open.

Jake was first, and automatically grabbed her up, kissing her passionately.

"You look amazing as always."

Sam and Corey filed in after, both going to Kat and Devyn, but my eyes were stuck in the doorway.

Colby stood there unmoving, his eyes wide. I sucked in a breath at the look in his eyes. That look meant that we weren't going to make it out of this room, much less out of the house.

 He slowly walked across the room to me. I couldn't breathe. For a vampire, he was moving slow as fuck and I was dying, waiting on him to get to me.

When he was finally directly in front of me, he let out a slow breath, the cool air passing over me. His blue eyes were glowing, the silver pulsating rapidly around his iris.

"You look- I don't have any words to express how fucking amazing you look right now." His voice came out low, and gravelly, making me want to clench my legs together.

He automatically narrowed his eyes, still staring at me. 

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