25 (Colby's POV)

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My girl rolled her eyes and replied with a smart ass comment.

 "We're fine. BFFs. Can we play?"

 Wait, my girl? What kind of thought was that? She wasn't my girl and she wasn't going to be my girl. Ever. It was too dangerous, especially with how irritated she made me.

Sam laughed at her response, then looked at me. "I feel like you are going to have a run for your money on who has the smarter mouth between the two of you."

 I looked over to Chloe, then back to Sam smirking. "It's definitely her."

She grinned, like she was proud of it. She probably was.

"You're probably right. Remember that when you start an argument with me." She looked back at me, meeting my gaze. "I always win. At everything."

 Is that a challenge, princess?

 "Is that right?" Sam asked her.

 She nodded, leaned on her putter. "Yep. I always get a hole in one." I got the sense that she was lying through her pearly white teeth.

 "Okay then, we'll see. Colby and I come here all the time, just for something to do."

If I could have blushed, I would have. You don't just tell people, especially girls that you come here with your buddy to play mini golf. Especially when you had a reputation to protect.

No one at the house knew that Sam and I came here. It was our thing. Just something to do. We came here before we turned and I guess it was kind of our way of maintaining that little bit of humanity that we had left inside of us.

Of course, it seemed like Kat was helping Sam hold on to his a little bit more, while losing Emilie had almost destroyed mine. I shook that thought from my head, and glanced at Chloe as her eyes flicked between Sam and I in surprise.

"You guys...come play mini golf?" She pointed her finger at us, going back and forth. "You two? Here?" She was so surprised that it was comical.

 Yep, Sam started laughing again. He was always so damn happy nowadays. It was sickening.

"Yeah, and Laser Tag, and Bowling, and everything else they offer. It's one of our favorite places. That's why I started bringing Kat here. Thought she would enjoy it as much as I do."

Like I said, sickening.

He laid one on Katrina, making out slowly, so slow that it was agonizing. I turned my head away from them, only for my eyes to land on Chloe.

 Her face was red with embarrassment, and her gaze kept flicking from them to the ground. How could this total bad ass chick be so cute and timid at times? Fuck.

I reached down and situated my tight ass pants, then cleared my throat to get Sam's attention. Enough was enough.

"Can we play?" I asked, holding my putter up, pointing it at the green.

 Sam smirked at me. "Patience Brother. Had to get my good luck kiss before we start." He kissed her again quickly, then sent me a wink that I don't think the girls saw. What was that about? "Okay teams. Kat and I versus you and Chloe. Now we can start."

 Oh you sneaky fucker. That's what the wink was about. I should have guessed though. I don't know why I was thinking that it would be guys against girls for some reason.

 Sam got in position for his shot and I moved a little closer so that I could see. It just so happened to be a little closer to Chloe than I realized.

 Her scent, that I had kind of been keeping at the back of my mind, suddenly invaded my nose, shocking the hell out of me. I jerked my head towards her and gasped, wanting to feed so badly, it took everything in me not to.

She turned her head towards me and met my gaze. I could smell the longing coming off of her. She wanted me. She might not like me, but she damn sure wanted me.

Ahh fuck, I wanted her too. I wasn't sure what I wanted more in that instance. To feed from her or to fuck her senseless.

I wet my dry lips and watched as her gaze fell down to my mouth again. She did that a lot.

"Hole in one bitches!" Sam's yell broke the spell and we both looked over to see him grab Katrina and kiss her again.

Could they not? I was seriously getting annoyed.

"I knew you were good luck." He murmured against her hair. She giggled and blushed, the blood rushing to her cheeks. I saw Sam lick his lips and swallow hard. "Colby, your turn." He looked at me, a little worry in his eyes.

 I stared back for a moment, then walked towards him. "You good?" I whispered low enough so that the girls couldn't hear me as I walked past him.

 He gave me the slightest of nods. I dropped my ball into position then, knocked into the hole with one swing. No problem. This was the easiest hole.

"You guys must come here every damn day. Jesus." Chloe said in a snarky voice.

Huh, she didn't like to lose apparently.

 Kat took her turn, making it in 3 shots, high fived Sam, then turned to Chloe. "Your turn, Miss I Never Lose."

  I watched her roll her eyes at Kat and stalk over to the green. She positioned her ball, then got ready to putt, wiggling her hips a little. Was that necessary?

She swung the putter back and I knew it was going to go way too far.

She had so much force behind it, the ball went flying straight over the gate that surrounded the mini golf area, into the bumper boats water that was next door. I don't think she has played this a day in her life.

Her face flamed up again, and so did my urges. She had to stop doing that.

 "Thought you played this before." I retorted, unable to help myself. She glared at me, and I smirked. "It's not nice to lie."

 "I didn't lie!" She was still blushing and I was enjoying making her do it...no matter how dangerous it was for both of us right now. "I said I didn't lose. I haven't lost...yet." Her fists were balled up, while she continued to glare at me.

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