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"Can we talk about something else please? Just for a little while." His voice was begging even more now.

 "Okay, who's Emilie?"

I don't know why I asked that. It was the first thing on my mind I guess.

 "Emilie?" His gaze fell from my face, down to his hands, where he started twisting his rings around his ringers. "She was an ex. It doesn't matter. Why were you stalking my page?"

 Yep, there's the blush again. I should have known that if I brought up Emilie, he would bring that up.

"Um. I wasn't stalking your page. My Instagram was still open on your page from when I followed you back....yeah, so the pictures just caught my eye and I started looking at them." Sounded like a real excuse, right? "Wait, what do you mean 'was an ex.' Isn't she still an ex?"

 He shook his head, still looking down, twisting his rings. "No. She died."

 I did not expect that. I put my hand over my mouth for a second. My nosy ass just had to keep prying. No wonder he didn't like talking about her.

 "I'm sorry."

He glanced up then, and the sadness and guilt in his face was almost more than I could take. I wanted to pull him into my arms and try to make the pain go away. I didn't, but I wanted to.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. It wasn't your fault." The way he said that got me to thinking.

"Do you think it was yours?"

 Damn me and my big mouth. I didn't mean to ask that. His brow creased as he looked into my eyes.

 "I know it was." That's all he said, his big silver blue eyes contracting in the pale blue fairy lights that he had around his furniture.

 He didn't offer a better explanation and I was honestly a little scared to ask. Not of him, but of hurting him or hearing how he thought that he was responsible.

"Okay, subject change again. Maybe back to the original subject. Why don't you like me?" I was doing all the talking here even though he was the one who dragged me up here, literally.

He gave me a ghost of a smile, glancing up at me through his thick lashes. Oh shit, kill me now. That look almost did. It was so innocent and sexy at the same damn time. Yikes, I had it so bad.

"I don't not like you. I just don't like you."

 I shook my head, grinning. "That doesn't make any damn sense!"

 But I kind of understood it, to be honest. He rolled his eyes and dragged a pillow into his lap, resting his arms on it.

"Seriously, you didn't like me the minute you saw me. Do I just look like someone you hate or something?" I remembered the way he had glared at the me in the garage, the first time he laid eyes on me.

 He shook his head. "No. You definitely don't remind me of anyone." He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "It wasn't that I didn't like you then. It's just...Sam didn't tell me that we were having company over and I wasn't prepared for it. Sometimes," He licked his lips, then drew his bottom one into his mouth, biting it. "We do...jobs that other people outside of that room shouldn't know about it. It's shady stuff. That's all I'm going to tell you about it, but I didn't hate you. I didn't like your smart ass mouth." I grinned at him, and he almost grinned back. "You just wouldn't  shut up. You still won't just shut up. It's very annoying sometimes...all of the time."

I reached over and popped his jean clad leg, once, with my hand. "Yeah well, that's probably because you enjoy being the biggest smart ass and aren't used to people challenging you."

He cut his eyes up to me, a mischievous glint in them. "Maybe."

 "Sooo...are you going to tell me what you want from me? That's the whole reason I'm up here right?" I was enjoying talking to him and seeing this slightly softer side to him, but the anticipation was killing me.

He was back to staring down, twisting his rings again.

When he looked up at me, one of his hands went to his ear and started twisting the helix piercing at the top of his ear. I noticed that all of the piercings he had, from the 3 in his ears, and the one in his nose, were all black.

"I don't know what I want from you Chloe. I don't really know why I brought you up here."

"Dragged," I interrupted.

 "What?" His voice got a slightly irritated vibe to it. He didn't like to be interrupted apparently.

"You didn't bring me up here, you dragged me up here. There's a difference."

 He gave me a deadpan look that told me he was done with my shit already. I shrugged and made a face."Just saying."

"Do you want me to answer the question, or not?" He asked.

I motioned with my hand for him to continue.

"I am intensely....attracted to you. I don't know what it is. But on the other hand, you drive me up the fucking wall, and make me want to stay away from you to avoid the aggravation. That would probably be the smart thing to do."

 Ouch. That hurt. I didn't think I was that bad.

 "It doesn't make sense that I have this...urge to be with you, to touch you, to taste you." Oh damn...his voice got deeper and his eyes came up to meet mine.

I brought my legs up in front of me, bent at the knee. He was making me feel things now.

 "I don't want other guys touching you, even though I have no right to feel that way. You've done something to me, and I don't understand it." He stopped talking for a moment and looked down again.

 "Is that why you got mad at Mike? and Elton?" I asked, timidly, scared to break whatever was making him talk to me.

 I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This fucking dark god of a man wanted me? Even if was just for sex...well, guess I might have to try and get over my aversion to not having sex for fun...because I had a feeling that would be VERY fun. 

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