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Colby was at the window of the run down building that they had brought me to.

Was I dreaming, or hallucinating from the vampire bite?

Was he really here?

 Relief flooded my body as I stared at him.

He was staring out the window that he had just kicked the other vamp out of.


I tried to call his name, but I got choked up and the full word wouldn't come out of my mouth.

He looked over to me, in full vamp mode, black eyes, fangs extended. He was the most beautiful creature that I had ever seen, and my heart swelled just from the sight of him. He came for me, just like I knew he would.

I had been terrified when the random vampires had surged over the entire gang, a severe fight happening so fast that I didn't even see what was happening. Kat, Dev, and I were bit and hit several times, all of them taking turns tasting our blood. I couldn't even fight it after the first couple because I was so high.

I knew that I had to look horrible right now. My dress was ripped up to my hip, and hanging off of my shoulder. I was handcuffed to this disgusting yellow mattress, that had huge brown stains spread across it.

 My wrist was raw from struggling against the metal. I knew that I had no chance of escaping them, but that didn't stop me from trying. I fought with everything in me, earning a few random punches to the face.

It hurt like hell, and I knew that my eyes were already starting to swell, and my cheekbones were bruised. They didn't hit me as hard as they could or they would've killed me. Apparently, I was supposed to be left alive until they handed me over to Millie.

I heard the one that was watching me talking to her on the phone for a second, telling her that they had me...but now I was with Colby again. I was safe. When I tried to say his name, his head shot in my direction, his black eyes meeting mine.

 In the next second, he was next to me, breaking the metal holding me hostage, and gathering me in his arms. I hissed in between my teeth from the pain, and he let me go. I latched onto him and whimpered.

 "Please don't let me go," I sounded pathetic but I didn't care.

I needed him. I needed to know that he was here, next to me, surrounding me. He put his arms back around me gently, and I clung to him tighter, needing to be closer.

 He pulled me back after a few minutes, and looked at my face. His hand came up, his fingers tracing lightly over my cheeks and brow bone, across my nose. I saw the anger that he was barely holding back in his now blue eyes, as he looked at the damage the bad vamps had left on me.

 I didn't know what else to call them.

"Are you okay?" his voice came out, soft and forced, like he was trying to hold back what he really wanted to say.

He wanted to rage, I could tell, but he was holding it back for me...but just barely.

I nodded, scared that I would cry if I opened my mouth.

 "I'm so sorry that I left you. I shouldn't have-"

His grip tightened on me, his voice hardening and his words coming out clipped.

 I messed up. I opened my mouth to tell him that it wasn't his fault but instead a hard sob wracked my body, letting out all of the fear and anxiety that I had been holding in. I collapsed against him, and let him hold me up.

 I had no strength left in my body. He picked me up, bridal style, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, soaking his shirt with my tears. He didn't speed out of the building, instead taking his time walking down the stairs, holding me close against his chest.

When we reached the outside, the cool night air made the tears on my face cold. I looked up into his face, and saw his jaw clenched, his face hard.

 "I knew you would come," I said, my voice strained after all of the crying.

 He looked down and met my gaze, and smiled sadly.

"I'll always come for you," he replied before pressing his lips softly against mine. "Do you think you can handle me running us back to the others? I need to check on them. I just left them there. I don't even know if they're alive." His voice broke a little with those words and I shivered.

I couldn't imagine anyone being able to hurt the group that was becoming like family to me, much less killing them.

My heart broke thinking about it and I took in a shaky breath.

 "Yeah, let's go."

 He nodded and took off. The speed stole my breath, as usual, then we were back in the dimly lit hallway with the others. Sam was holding Katrina in his arms, whispering to her.

 Her face was streaked with tears. Devyn was kneeling next to Corey who was still knocked out on the floor with the others.

"Are they okay?" I asked, my eyes going wide, looking around at my friends.

 All of this happened because a crazy ass vampire had it out for me...because Colby loved me and not her. This whole thing was blowing my mind.

What had my life turned into?

 I patted Colby's chest, motioning for him to put me down.

 "Chloe!" Kat looked over to us, and ran towards me, grabbing me as soon as my feet hit the ground.

My arms went around her, as "OW" came out of my mouth from the force of her hug.

She didn't let me go, but she did lighten up a little.

"Be careful. They hurt her pretty badly," Colby replied, walking over to our friends, who were laid on the ground.

 It was everyone. Corey, Jake, Tara, Aryia, Elton, Mike, and Kevin.

How did they get the jump on all of them?

It didn't make sense. It had all happened so fast, and I was stoned when it happened, so I had no clue.

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