52 (Colby's POV)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry guys, I have a job now, so I'm not going to be updating as often. I'm still updating every day so far, but I'm just letting you know. Ya girl is tired! I know I've been slacking on the comments section too and I'm sorry. I'll try to do better. I'm so glad that you guys are enjoying the story tho! Sidenote: If you wanna follow me on Twitter my user is samncolby_solby. If you know someone who might enjoy my work, please share it with them! Love you guys and thank you so much for your support! It means so much to me. Now I'll let you read the chapter.

I heard a tapping from the other room, so I slid my hand out of hers and went to see what it was.

  Someone was standing on her balcony, peering in, tapping on the glass.

I flew across the room, and snatched the door open. I grabbed the person by the arms. slinging them against the wall, then holding them there with my forearm against their throat.

No one should be on her fucking balcony in the middle of the night. If the person had been human, the force would have killed them.

 I stared into a pair of silver ringed green eyes, with the thick red hair that I hadn't seen in a while.


When in the fuck did Millie turn into a vampire and why the fuck was she on Chloe's balcony?

"Hiya baby. Miss me?" She gasped out.

 I released her, and stepped back.

"How are you a vampire?"

 She smiled at me, a wicked little grin that I didn't particularly like. She ran her fingernail down my chest, to right above the waistband of my pants. I grabbed her hand as she tried to go lower.

"Answer me." I demanded, turning on the anger.

She wasn't acting the least little bit scared and it was kind of pissing me off. I slung her hand back towards her. She puffed out her bottom lip, pouting at me.

 I never did like this bitch. She was always so damn dramatic.

 "You didn't miss me even a little bit baby? I missed you. So much." I just glared at her, waiting for my answer. "Fine. Remember the last time we had sex? The day I caught you cheating? I bit you. I drank your blood and you didn't even notice. I knew what you were."

I was honestly shocked. I know that when I lose control, I don't really notice things but damn.

"How did you know?"

She scoffed. "I'm not stupid Colby. The signs were there, and I found your freezer full of blood. With me spending so much time at that Hell House, it wasn't hard to figure out. The random girls with puncture wounds on their necks, the bagged blood, the fucking fangs that the guys didn't bother hiding sometimes. Especially Elton."

Okay, she had a point. We didn't try to hard to hide it at home, but I had been compelling her to forget everything she saw. Guess I hadn't been real attentive with it towards the end though.

"Whatever. How'd you die?"

She bit her lip, drawing black blood, before she darted her tongue out to catch it. "Oh, that was thanks to your buddy Elton. You got him to take me home, remember? Well, I wanted to get you back so I fucked him. He bit me, I loved it, one thing led to another and I was dead."

Oh what the fuck Elton?? He didn't mention this to me or any of the other guys, or at least they hadn't said anything to me.


That was the only word that came to my mind. I was actually speechless for a moment.

"I know right!" She giggled, like it was the funniest thing in the world. "I woke up next to a dumpster. Elty made it look like I was a junkie that overdosed. How funny is that?"

Not very.

 Elton and I were going to have a talk about this.

 Enough of this. She was volatile when she was alive. There's no telling what she was capable as a vampire.

"Why are you here?" I sighed out.

I honestly didn't think that I would ever have to deal with her crazy ass again.

"You don't sound happy to see me Colbear...that doesn't make me happy at all." Her eyes glinted in the city lights, the silver contracting as her anger grew. I could sense it.

 I could take her down easily, I was sure of it...but Millie had always been crafty. There's no telling who else was out there in the dark, waiting for her to come back. I wasn't trying to declare war on whatever vampire clan she was with.

 "WHY. ARE. YOU. HERE?" I asked again, emphasizing the words, and my aggravation.

 She smiled, and leaned very close to my face, her lips just a breath from mine.

"For you silly. I missed you."

 I shoved her back, her body slamming into the building. "Bullshit. You had no way of knowing that I was here. We can't smell other vampires. No one knew that I was going to be here. Why are you on this balcony?"

 I didn't even want to use Chloe's name. I was afraid that I already knew the answer to my question though.

Millie groaned, letting it come out as more of a growl.

"You're no fun. What happened to you? Whatever." She was switching subjects so fast, and it was seriously annoying me. "I'm here for whoever lives here. That girl that I saw you with on the couch earlier."

How did I not know that she had been watching us earlier? Chloe was making me lose my edge.

Millie placed her hand on my chest and dug her nails in, piercing my skin. It didn't hurt, she was trying to use a power play.

I let her...for the moment.

"Why are you looking for her?"

She inhaled deeply, like she were inside of a bakery, smelling the sweetest, most delicious cake ever made.

 "For that scent. I caught it down an alley the other night while I was out hunting with some of the others. We sliced her tires so that we could have a taste." She pouted again. "I guess that's what moms mean when they say that you shouldn't play with your food, because if I hadn't wanted to scare her shitless before I killed her, she wouldn't still be alive. Her friends showed up before we got to her." She shrugged, a carefree grin crossing her face. "Oh well. Next time." She laughed then, the peals ringing out into the night.

This bitch was certifiably crazy. Not Chloe crazy...but like really crazy.

She dragged her nails down, scoring my skin.

 "Wanna help me drain her baby? We could both have our way with her, then feed together. That would be so fucking hot."

 I grabbed her hand again, squeezing until I heard the bones crunch. 

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