159 (Colby's POV)

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Some of the clan was waiting at the foot of the stairs for their instructions. They nodded at us when we walked by. I motioned for them to follow so they fell in behind us.

Chloe stiffened a little, like she was uncomfortable but didn't say anything about it. I guess she had never really seen me 'in charge' besides around the people who lived in the house and they only listened when I had to get mean, because they liked to try me. Everyone followed us to the room with the bar.

 We were going to meet in there since it was larger, and there were so many people here involved. Dean was leaning against the wall, talking to Elias. He glanced at us when we walked in, catching my eye.

 I couldn't stop myself from glaring at him, daring him to look at Chloe. He nodded at me quickly and looked back at Elias. That's what I thought.

I pulled Chloe closer to me, when we got next to the couch, hugging her. I gave her a quick kiss, before letting her go. She sat down next to Kat and Devyn who were at the end of the couch.

Sam was already waiting for me in the middle of the room. I didn't really enjoy this part of the job, but it was necessary.

 I turned in a circle so that I could see everyone for a second.

"Okay, you all know that we have a serious matter to attend to tonight. One of the Rogue clan has committed a serious violation against our own clan. I'm sure you all remember Millie."

 I looked around, taking in everyone's actions. They were nodding their heads, some of them making faces. Chloe rolled her eyes, and made a face at Katrina. Kat giggled.

 I was glad to see that she wasn't acting too worried about tonight. As much as I told her not to worry,  I was actually stressing about it a little.

Really hoped that Aza would be willing to work with me on this.

"Action has to be taken. Since it would be frowned upon to just take her out, along with her minions, we have to go about it another way. I'm hoping to be able to work out a deal with Azarious, to where we can prevent a war from happening. If it comes down to that, then I know that all of you will be by my side."

 They all nodded, and yelled their agreements. I grinned. If I could count on anything, it's that they would always be up for a fight.

"Tonight, I need half of you to stay here and half of you rolling with Sam and I. Jake, Tara, and Elton, you'll be with us." They walked over to the middle of the room and stood behind us. "Also Elias, Chase, Cora, Lauren, and..." I looked around the room until I met his gaze. "Dean, you're all with us tonight."

 He looked a little surprised, his eyebrows shooting up a little. He couldn't honestly think that I was going to let him stay here with Chloe though after what had happened. I saw the way he had reacted when she kissed him.

 Pulling her closer, gripping her tighter, and forcing his tongue into her mouth. I growled subconsciously, staring at him, watching his eyes widen in fear. Yeah, touch her again and I'll make sure that you know what actual fear is.

 "Colby." I heard Chloe's whisper come through my mind, and I snapped my gaze onto hers.

 She was looking at me, remorse in her eyes, begging me to chill. I knew that the others had heard her call my name and had even heard me growl. Didn't care.

 I took a deep breath and looked around at the others.

"I'll also need you, you, you, and you." I pointed out a few more vamps that I needed with me. "The rest of you will be staying here. You have the most important job. If we could stay and do this part ourselves, we would. You're in charge of protecting this house. Our home and the people inside of it. The humans. You don't let anyone enter this home that isn't already inside of it. You protect the humans with your own life, if it comes to that." I stared directly at Mike, Elton, Corey, Kevin, and Aryia since they were the main ones that knew how fucked up it would be if anything happened to the girls. "I'm trusting you with my life, as is Sam. Don't let us down."

They nodded, as Mike stood and walked up to me. "You ready for this? Even if it goes South?" he asked me.

 I nodded.

"I am. I think it'll be okay, but there's always the possibility that it won't be. We're as ready as we can be. We're meeting Aza on mutual ground so that no one has the upper hand, with the same number of clan members." I shrugged. "I mean, if he follows what we agreed to, at least."

I knew there was a chance that he wouldn't, but I wasn't too worried about it. Sam and I alone could take on at least ten vamps by ourselves and be fine. I didn't know why we tended to be stronger than most vamps but it worked in our favor so I didn't question it.

 Mike was one that was almost as strong as we were. Actually, everyone in the house was stronger than normal vamps. Which is why it was so strange that the Rogue clan had gotten the jump on us before.

 I would ask Aza if he knew anything about what they had used against us as well. He may not say, but it was worth a shot.

 I placed my hand on Mike's shoulder.

"Can I depend on you to make sure that Chloe stays safe until I make it back home?"

He nodded, holding my gaze as he placed his hand over my outstretched arm and gripped my wrist. "Without a doubt."

 I held his gaze for a moment longer, then nodded, dropping my arm. As much as we might argue, Mike was and always would be my brother, just like the rest of them.

 I spoke out above the crowd, noticing that Chloe was watching me with a worried expression again.

 "Everyone know what they're doing?"

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