We would be great one second and in the next, we were screaming at each other. I sighed and turned back to the mess he had left behind. He had said he would stay but I wasn't sure that he would now. Not after all that.
Jeff and I didn't speak as I started cleaning up the broken cups.
As I was sweeping up the glass, he finally spoke.
"Um, I'm going to the bank now. I'll be back soon. "
I looked over to him, to find him running his hand through his short blonde hair. That action just made me think of Colby.
"I'm sorry that I said anything to you about Colby. It wasn't my intention to cause" He swept his hand out motioning towards the mess. "This. Or to steal you away as he put it. I mean I do...like you, but I'm your boss, and I know you're involved." He sighed, and looked me in the eyes. "Can we just forget about this?"
I didn't say anything but I nodded. He nodded back shortly.
"Okay, good. I'll be back soon." He grabbed the money bag off the floor where it had fallen earlier and walked out.
I bent down to sweep the broken glass into the dust pan, when the sharp noise of the bell over the door startled me. My hand slipped, once again, slicing my finger on the broken glass.
"Shit!" I exclaimed, pulling my burning, bleeding finger up to look at it.
"Are you okay?" I heard the deep rumbling voice that I loved so much behind me.
I turned to face Colby and his eyes went to my finger.
"Oh...sorry." I replied.
I'm not sure what I was apologizing for. Bleeding I guess. It was his fault that I was bleeding to begin with though.
"For what?" He walked over to me, and took my hand gently in his. "Can you ever not hurt yourself in this shop? I'm beginning to think that it's bad for your health to work here." He had a small smile on his face when I looked at him.
"Calmed down then, have you?" I replied sarcastically, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach from him tracing his fingers over my palm.
He dropped my hand and walked to the cabinet that held the first aid kit.
"Um...yeah." He turned back towards me. "I'm really sorry that I lost my temper and that I...accused you of wanting to be with Jeff. I didn't really mean it." He grabbed the kit and walked back over to me.
"I can do it," I said, taking the kit from him. "I don't want this to bother you."
He shook his head and took the kit back. "It's not bothering me. Well, it kind of is, but it's fine. I'll manage. I deserve the torture anyways, right?" He looked up at me and kind of smiled.
It took everything in me, but I didn't smile back. His smile faltered and he looked back down at my hand, cleaning it with an alcohol wipe. I hissed in between my teeth from the sharp burn that the alcohol caused.
Colby glanced up at me then blew gently on my finger, causing the burn to fade. He also caused other things to happen in my body, like goosebumps spreading over every inch of my skin, but we weren't going to talk about that right now.
"So you know how you said you wanted me to teach you how to be in a relationship?" I asked smartly.
He looked back up at me bashfully after applying a band-aid to my finger.
"Yeah..." he replied, letting the word roll off his tongue.
"Well, going crazy" I smacked him in the chest, hurting my hands in the process. "and destroying everything while you try to kill someone where I WORK, I might add, is NOT part of it. Then you storm off without me knowing anything!"
He sighed heavily and grabbed my hands in both of his hands. "I know...but you had to know that I wasn't actually leaving. I was just getting away from that...prick. I would never leave you unguarded."
I rolled my eyes. "Okay, why do you keep saying things like that? You act like someone is waiting in the shadows to kill me first chance they get."
His head turned away from me to the mess on the floor. "No, I'm just worried about you."
"Why do I get the feeling that you aren't telling me something?"
He grabbed the broom, and bent down to clean up the remainder of the broken cups. "I'm not. Just want you safe. Anyways," He dumped the dustbin in the trash, then set it down with the broom and turned back towards me with a childish grin. "Am I forgiven? For being a complete asshole?" He held three of his fingers up in the Boy Scout Oath. "I promise to try and do better, and not kill someone just for being a dick."
I crossed my arms across my chest. "And?"
He was forgiven now and he knew it. I just couldn't stay mad at him. That was part of the reason why I chose to stay away from him for a while.
The smile stayed on his lips as he stepped towards me and grabbed my hips, pulling me to him.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, and finally broke down and returned his smile.
"I promise to stop with the temper tantrums...or at least try to stop...unless it's called for."
I rolled my eyes. "Better than nothing I guess."
He pressed his lips softly to mine. "Thank you for sticking around."
I hugged him tightly and whispered in his ear. "Thank you for never leaving me."
The bell over the door jingled loudly, alerting me that someone had walked into the shop. I jumped back, away from Colby and turned to face the customer that had just walked through the door. Colby grinned at me wolfishly and came to stand next to me.
"How can I help you today ma'am?" he asked the middle aged woman standing in front of me.
Her mouth dropped open a little when she met his eyes. I completely understand lady.
I stepped back and watched him work.

FantasyMATURE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE CONTAINS SEX/BRUISING/FIGHTING Chloe moves to LA, California to try and discovered as a writer. Her best friend helps her out with a place to live, and introduces her to a whole new crowd. With her smart mouth...