"Okay, so I'll call some of my connections and see if I can find Millie. I'll set up a meeting spot with her at that old abandoned place on Riley Hill. If we end up needing you guys, Sam or I will send a quick text. You guys get there fast. Hopefully, we won't need you and everything will be fine, but just in case. Until then, we act like everything is normal."
The guys all nodded.
I looked around the room. What the hell was taking Sam so long?
I still hadn't gotten a chance to talk to him about Chloe. About her and I possibly...dating? I guess that's the word that I want to use. That seemed so juvenile to me now, after everything that life had thrown at me. Hell, I didn't even know if we would be able to be around each other for more than 24 hours without fighting but I was kind of okay with that. Pissing her off was fun. Just didn't like it when she pissed me off. Double standards, I know.
We were too much alike on some things. The attitudes, the need to prove ourselves, and the independence. I was willing to admit that I was stubborn as hell and I know that she is too. This would probably be hard and we would have to work on talking things out.
I was used to just telling people what to do and they did it. Except Sam. Him and Elton were the only ones that challenged me sometimes.
If Sam thought that I was doing something wrong or wasn't thinking things through, then he let me know. He had saved my life more than once, and brought me back from some dark places. I couldn't do this without Sam.
I didn't let myself care for people too often. Outside of this house, I had no connections to my former life. My parents thought I was dead and it was better that way.
The people in this house were my family. I guess Katrina was becoming part of the family too. Didn't look like she was going anywhere.
I wasn't surprised that Sam told her. I knew he had been wanting to. I was impressed that she was still here, in a house full of vampires, just hanging out with the girls.
If I did believe in the One business, then she would definitely be the One for Sam. They just clicked so well. I could tell how much he loved her. I knew that he loved her before he did, just by the way he spoke about her. She was the first girl he had for real dated since we were turned. No one else ever caught his interest.
He used to be just like me, using the girls that passed through here for what he needed, then letting them go. Of course, he wasn't as mean as I was.
I didn't try to be, I just didn't care.
Sam walked back into the garage then, and I stood up to meet him before he could come sit.
"Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something. Everything with Millie is almost handled. Just gotta find her and set it up."
He nodded, but his eyes were wide and he was biting his bottom lip.
"What's wrong?"
He glanced around the room sharply, then back to me. "Huh? Nothing. What do you wanna talk about?"
I licked my dry lips, and felt my forehead crease. "Can we go to my room or something? It's kind of private."
"Yeah, sure."
"There's too much secrecy going on in this house lately!" Kevin yelled out as we walked out the door.
We both ignored him. Something was eating at Sam. I could tell.
Maybe whatever Katrina had wanted to talk to him about. I thought that she would stick around but maybe I was wrong. I really hoped not, for Sam's sake.
"You okay?" I asked, as we head up the stairs, towards our rooms.
He glanced at Corey and Devyn's room where the girls were at, then back to me.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Kat told me she loved me. She knows everything now and she still loves me." His lips curved into a giant smile as he said that.
"That's great man. I'm really happy for you." I replied, opening my bedroom door.
We walked inside and sat on the couch that was positioned at the foot of my bed.
"So what's up? What do you wanna talk about?"
I ran my hand through my hair nervously. "Chloe." I replied, watching the reaction on his face.
He swallowed hard and ran his own hand through his hair. It was something we both did entirely too much.
"What about her?" He asked, his voice hesitant.
"Why are you acting weird?" I asked bluntly.
He looked at me like I was crazy.
"I'm not. What about Chloe?"
I shook my head.
Whatever, he would tell me eventually. He always did.
"I wanted your opinion on whether or not you think it's a good idea for me to maybe start...dating again...dating Chloe, I mean. Do you think I can handle it?"
He smiled just a little, his lips just barely quirking up at the sides. "You've been doing really great at controlling your bloodlust and your anger Brother. I definitely think that you can handle it. Just remember to leave if you have to. Get away as fast as possible if you feel like you might be getting out of control."
I sighed heavily. "So you think it's a good idea? Chloe and I?"
He slapped me on the shoulder. "Yeah, I really do. I think it's a great idea." He laughed.
"What's so funny?"
He had a big grin on his face now, and his eyes were shining. "Nothing. I'm just happy for you. I can see how much you like her. Maybe you'll grow to love her even."
I rolled my eyes. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Not all of us move as fast as you and Katrina." I sat back on the couch, more relaxed now that I knew that Sam had my back on this.
The guys would tease me, but I could handle it. Plus, if they irritated me too much, I could just break their necks so that they would pass out for a little while.
"You know she was dreaming about me last night."
Sam's eyes shot to mine.

FantasyMATURE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE CONTAINS SEX/BRUISING/FIGHTING Chloe moves to LA, California to try and discovered as a writer. Her best friend helps her out with a place to live, and introduces her to a whole new crowd. With her smart mouth...