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He could at least try to be nice to his friends. Damn.

Mike was a nice guy and he cared about Colby.

"Anyways, yeah. She showed up, and tried to attack her. That annoying prick Jeffy jumped in front of her and I had to grab him before she ripped his throat out. I may or may not have accidentally given him a concussion when I threw him out of the way. Millie ran before I could grab her."

All of that happened while my eyes were closed at the shop. Okay then...it might take me a while to get used to this whole SuperMan speed thing with everyone around me. I was starting to get a little inferiority complex.

 I was glad that Kat and Dev were around to remind me that I wasn't the only weak human in the group.

I had tuned out all of the talking that was going on around me, thinking about this when I realized that Tara was clapping her hands at me.

 "Hello! Earth to Chloe! What is going on in that brain, sis?"

I shook my hand and smiled at her, embarrassed. "Sorry. I zoned out. What's up?"

She laughed at me and rolled her eyes. "Colby was telling us how you used your smart ass mouth against Millie. I was telling him that I knew that I would like you from the first time you walked in here and cussed him out. Knew you'd fit right in." She tilted her head, her expression turning quizzical. "Do you have a death wish though....? Cuz you just seem to keep antagonizing vampires. Not really a good thing to do if you wanna, you know, stay alive and stuff."

Jake chuckled, as he lifted his hand to her hair and twirled a section of it around his fingers. "She's got a point Chloe," he replied.

 I frowned.

"No, I don't have a death wish...I...hmmm."

I didn't know how to answer her. Of course I didn't want to die.

So, why did I keep pushing Colby? Yeah, he pushed me too...I also snapped at Mike and Elton, and now Millie, who actually wanted to kill me.

"I don't know," I replied, shrugging and leaning back into Colby's chest. "Maybe I'm just dumb."

Tara let out a peal of laughter like I had said the funniest thing in the world, while the other's just chuckled.

"You're not dumb. I'm in this situation too," Kat replied, leaning over and patting my hand.

 I smiled at her.

"No," I said, shaking my head. "You're in love with a vampire but that's where the similarities end. You haven't cussed any of them out, you d-"

 "Yes, I did," She cut me off.

 I furrowed my brow.

 "When? Before I moved out here?"

She shook her head blushing. "No...after you had the first big blow out with Colby. Obviously, I didn't know he was a vampire but I knew he was this unstable, scary guy."

 My mouth fell open. "You," I turned my head to look at Colby. "You cussed out Colby."

 He grinned at me, one that made him look so boyish that I almost forgot he was a big scary vampire. "She did. She tore me a new one. Scared me honestly. I asked Sam for help but..." He trailed off and looked over to Sam, who was grinning proudly while Kat blushed hardcore.

"Hey, I wasn't getting in the line of fire. She was pissed."

 Kat leaned back onto his chest and held her face up to kiss his cheek. "You always were the smart one."

"Hey!" Colby replied, with laughter in his voice.

 Kat laughed with him and leaned forwards again.

"Seriously though, I'm glad that you guys got together, because I actually hated you. Knew it wouldn't work with Sam if I hated you so I tried but you were an asshole Colby. You just were. Now I even kind of like you."

Sam wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. "I love you," he said, kissing her neck.

She let her head fall to the side, grinning.

"I love you."

 I rolled my eyes. "Okay, I'm going to throw up," I joked.

 "Shut up," Kat said laughing, as she threw an empty water bottle at me.

"Okay, I'm ready for some serious answers," I said after I caught the bottle.

Turning to look at Colby again, I tapped him on the head with it.

"Spill. Why is your blood in her veins?"

He closed his eyes for a second then opened them, meeting my own gaze. Then he proceeded to explain the entire thing with Millie, himself, and Elton. Oh Elton.

 I glanced over to him, shock present on my face, I know. He was emotionless, sitting there, watching me take in the story.

I was beginning to think that maybe there was more emotion there than he let on however, when I saw his face grimace at the part about leaving her dead body in a dumpster?

 I think that's what he said.

"Why does she want me dead? Is it simply because she's obsessed with you?"

Colby nodded. "Partly. She's wanted to kill you since before I even met you though."

 I felt like I had been sucker punched in the stomach.

 "What?" I breathed out.

 He tightened his grip on my waist, pressing me closer against his body.

"Yeah...your flat tires. That was her and her little minions. She smelled you and wanted you. Planned on getting you. Was tracking you all the way to your apartment, until I warned her off. Then Sam and I met up with her because she threatened to kill you anyways. She wanted me to drop you and then she'd leave you alone." He reached his hand up and traced my cheekbone with his fingertips. "Couldn't do that. I'm sorry. It's my fault. All of this."

I placed my hand on top of his against my cheek. "Stop doing that. Stop blaming yourself for every little thing. Think about it. If not for you, I'd be dead right now. She would've killed me in the street if I had decided not to go to the party, or in my apartment if you had decided to not be obsessed with me."

 He smiled at my choice of words. "I love you, you know that?" he replied softly. 

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