74 (Colby's POV)

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I didn't see Millie at first but I knew she was there. I felt her. Her presence was chaotic, insane almost, making the hairs on my arms stand up.

 I heard her light steps and my eyes zeroed in on flaming red hair, up in the rafters. She jumped down, landing gracefully into a crouch. Her head shot up, emerald eyes meeting mine, her teeth baring in a wicked grin.

"Heya sexy. Heard you wanted to talk to me?" She glanced at Sam and nodded her head. "Hey Blondie, you wanna join in on the fun too?"  Sam shook his head at her, his lip curling in disgust. "Awe, don't be like that cutie." She ran her hand down her body, lifting her too small baby tee to show more skin. "I know you were always lookin' when I was with Colby."

Sam sneered at her, while I shook my head. "Yeah, I was wondering how in the hell he put up with your annoying ass." He retorted.

 I openly laughed, clapping him on the shoulder.

 "Not sure myself Brother. I needed sex and she was easy."

He grinned at me. "Was getting laid actually worth it though?" He cut his eyes to her, and let his eyes roam up and down her body. "I'm not seeing it."

Damn, Sam was being ruthless tonight and I thought it was hilarious. Millie's eyes narrowed, and her lips curled back into a sneer, as she bared her fangs.

"I came here out of the goodness of my heart." She let out a tinkling laugh that annoyed the shit out of me. "Okay, maybe not, but I still showed. Didn't have to and you ungrateful assholes want to insult me. I'm thinking that you called me here for a reason. Maybe to not tell your little secret about Uncle Elty? Hmmm? Wouldn't want him getting in trouble, now would we? Maybe you should be a little nicer to me." Her eyes glanced to me. "Did you finally get to feast on your new toy Colbear? I can smell her all over you. Makes my mouth water. Wish you would've let me share her with you though."

I bristled, unable to help myself, my face going stone cold.

 She tapped her long nails on the side of her nose.

 "You know what's weird though? I don't smell her blood. I just smell her. Which tells me that you didn't feast on her but you have been around her...hmmm...maybe you've got a little crush." She took a step closer to me, and I felt my fangs extend. "Maybe you told me that to keep me away from the little bitch. Maybe you don't want to feast on her at all...but I do. She smells amazing. I want to rip her little throat out, and drain her dr-"

 Millie was on the dusty floor, on her back, as I straddled her holding her down. My hands were around her neck, as I glared down at her, wanting to kill her.

"You won't touch her. Do you understand me, you psychotic bitch?" My voice came out in a low, dangerous growl. "I will kill you Millie, without a second thought. Don't get it twisted. Just because I'm here to talk, doesn't mean that I give two shits about you. I only care about not starting a war. That's the only reason you still have your head. Come near Chloe and you're bringing the war down upon yourself."

I felt Sam pulling at my arm, so I let her throat go, seeing the marks that would soon fade from her pale skin. I got up, standing next to him.

"Control yourself Brother. That's what she wants." Sam said, glaring down at Millie.

 She got up, dusting herself off, then looked at us both and smiled.

 "Still got those anger issues I see. But you can't hurt me now, thanks to Elton."

"I didn't hurt you then, you dumb bitch! I shoved you once! Because you wouldn't get the fuck away from me."

She pouted. "You cheated on me Colbear. I was hurt. Why would you fuck someone else when you had me? I just wanted you to show me that you loved me back." She stepped closer to me, and I clenched my fists close to my side to keep from swinging on her.

Vampire or not, she was still a woman. I didn't hit women...usually.

 "I know you want me Colby." She said softly, tracing her nails down my chest.

I stepped back away from her.

"Stop fucking playing around Millie. You already know why we're here. We wanna make a deal. What do you want in exchange for not telling the council about Elton?"

 She didn't seem to know that I would get in trouble for her having my blood in her system and I wasn't about to inform her. Didn't need her having even more leverage to work with.


She kept her hand on my chest, moving it down to my abdomen. It took everything in me not to flinch away, or rip her hand off.

"I think I want you." She tapped my nose with her index finger.

 I rolled my eyes, and jerked my head away from her hand.

"Seriously? What do you really want?" I asked in aggravation.

 This was annoying enough without her making unrealistic suggestions.

She giggled.

 "I want you. Maybe not just yet. I have a few side guys that I want to play with first and I don't believe in cheating so I guess we can wait till I'm done with them." 

She was fucking serious. What was I supposed to do?

 "I'm not doing that." I stated firmly. "I'm not going to be your fuck buddy. I'm not about that shit anymore." I licked my lips nervously, hoping I could think of something else that she wanted.

 "That's stupid as hell. We aren't giving you Colby. Now, if you aren't going to take this seriously, then war it is. But ask yourself, do you really want that Millie? You know we'll take you down." Sam's lips drew back in a scary ass grin.

I hadn't seen this side of him in a while. Kinda missed it, if I were being honest.

"Now, last time. What do you want?"

 I could see her getting nervous, tapping her nails against her thigh, glancing from Sam to me. 

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