190 (Colby's POV)

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I couldn't believe that Chloe was actually okay with me being in her bed with my arms wrapped around her. It almost felt the same as before she forgot about me...but not quite. There was something missing between us, and I could feel it.

I knew she could too. She had to trust me a little though, or I wouldn't be here right now. I put my free arm behind her head, raising up a little so that I could look down at her.

It seemed like maybe my blood helped heal her migraine too. I was thankful that she had already accepted it before or I wouldn't have been able to sneak it in her drink. Almost gave myself away with that stray drop.

I was thankful that she didn't question my answer about it.

"You sure? I don't want to upset you. I know you don't really believe it." I heard the sadness in my own voice.

Her eyes shot up to meet mine, and she propped her chin up on my chest.

"How am I supposed to believe something like this? The whole thing is insane. The fact that you're in my bed right now is insane. My head is literally spinning and I can't even figure out which way is up or down! Would you believe it if you were me?" Her breathing was picking up, her cheeks flushing red as she got upset.

I rubbed her arm, and bit my lip, trying to ignore the way her scent was enveloping me even more. I hadn't fed in a couple of days...not even on blood bags. I think I just forgot with everything that was going on.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea for me to be here...but there was no way that I could make myself leave. Not when I had her, even just a little of her, for now. She was still staring at me waiting for me to answer.

Control Colby, control.

You can do this.

"No. I probably wouldn't believe it either, but do you think that I'm lying to you? Look me in the eyes and tell me that you think I'm lying. I won't bother you again, if you can tell me that."

Please don't tell me that, I silently begged. She stared at me another minute and opened her mouth. My heart dropped, and I closed my eyes against the words I didn't want to hear.

They never came.

I felt her cheek drop back down onto my chest, and I sighed a breath of relief.

"I'm not lying to you Chloe. I know it's an impossible thing to believe but it's true. We were happy. I was happier than I have been in a very long time."

She snorted into my shirt. I couldn't help but smile at the sound of it.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"That doesn't sound true at all. Relationships with me are hard. I'm a bitch, and I'm always right, even when I'm wrong."

I chuckled, knowing how right she was. "Yeah, I know. That's okay though because I'm the same way. We argue. A lot actually, but that's part of what makes us great. It's fun to make up afterwards."

I heard her soft intake of breath at my words. I probably shouldn't have said that, considering that she believes she's lying here with a stranger that broke into her home and followed her to work.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, scared to say anything else.

She was quiet for a moment before she spoke.

"It's fine. You know, I hate to admit it to you, and especially to myself, but I do feel drawn to you. Like we have...something. I'm just not sure what that something is yet."

I felt giddy at her words. At least I knew she felt something. Her brain might not remember me, but her heart did.

Her body did too. I could tell that at the coffee shop, and afterwards with that kiss. I don't know what I was thinking besides the fact that I just missed her so much.

I had to kiss her, bad idea or not. Turns out, wasn't such a bad idea. She responded the way she always did, melting into me, her body reacting to every touch from me.

It took everything I had not to take her on top of her car in front of everyone. I was honestly so much better at control.

Really wished that I could tell her, so that I could see her proud smile.

"Okay, so we were happy. I have to believe a little of it, because of the way Prissy reacts to you."

She reached her hand out to the black cat that was lying across my thighs, rubbing through her fur. I could hear the deep rumble of approval. I laughed a little.

"She didn't like me at first. Hated me actually. It took a little convincing but I finally won her over...Just like I did with you." I added.

She continued stroking the cat without speaking for a minute but I could practically hear her brain whirring.

"So, can you tell me what this accident was that took my memories away? Did I get knocked on the head with something? Is that why the migraines are back?" She raised her hand up to her head, feeling through her hair, like she was looking for a bump of some sort. "I would've been in the hospital for something like that though. I would've remembered that part...right?" She looked back up at me, her eyes wide.

She was scared. Scared of this being real, scared of not knowing what was going on in her life. I felt a surge of hate sear up in me for Millie, and for Elias.

I didn't even care why he had did what he did. I hated him for this. I squeezed her closer to me.

"You weren't in the hospital so you haven't forgotten that. I promise that I'm doing everything I can to help you remember. This is all my fault anyways. I should have kept a closer eye on you. Kept you safe." I inhaled, realizing my mistake as soon as I did it.

Her scent punched me in the gut, flames shooting up my throat. Fuck, I really needed to feed. I would text Sam or Mike in a little bit to bring me some blood bags.

Ugh, I hated them. I would much rather have Chloe's rich, succulent blood on my tongue.

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