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Kat pushed me back down onto the chair next to Colby.

I looked over to him, breathing heavily, but he wouldn't meet my gaze. He was staring at his hands, twisting his damn rings.

 "Colby..." He glanced up at me. "Is this real?"

He blinked slowly, then opened his mouth. I saw two pointy fangs descend from his gums, as his eyes started to change. I said that I believed in everything, and I had always thought that was true.

I was freaking out a bit though. This was insane.

Honestly, who could blame me? Freaking vampires were real and I just so happened to be in love with one. I was entitled to freak out if I wanted to.

My breathing was slowing down, and my brain was finally starting to catch up with the situation, no matter how impossible it seemed. I could handle this. I wrote about this stuff all the time.

This wasn't any different, except that now I was playing a role in one of my stories.

I hesitantly reached out towards Colby's face, his bloodshot, black eyes watching me warily. I  barely grazed my thumb along the bottom of one of the fangs, feeling how sharp it was. They could literally slice through skin like butter.

His fangs slid back up into his mouth, and his soulful blue eyes were staring at me when I glanced up at him.

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I didn't know what to say, so I clamped it shut.

 "Are...are you okay?," His deep voice was full of concern.

 I furrowed my brow.

Am I? I think I am.

 I nodded.

 "The incident...the one that you said changed you and Sam. This is what happened?"

He shifted in the chair, turning towards me, but careful not to touch me. "Not exactly. We got jumped, beaten so badly that we were almost dead. Elton found us, and turned us. I'm still not sure why. He said that he felt bad because we were just kids." He shrugged.

 I looked over to Sam and Kat.

 "Why are you feeding on her?" I pointed to Katrina, while I spoke to Sam.

He looked almost ashamed.

 "Because I told him that he could." Kat interjected.

I held my hand up, stopping her.

"I asked Sam, not you."

Regardless of the fact that I felt like Sam was a great guy, I was still worried about her. It was my job to protect her when she couldn't see how to protect herself. Now I just needed to find out if she needed protection.

Sam sighed, looking at Katrina, then back to me.

 "Because she's the only one that I can feed on."

Colby cleared his throat.


Vampires were supposed to be able to feed on whoever they wanted.

"There's this legend, where if a vampire finds his One true love, that person will be the only person that they are able to feed on, while that person is alive. Otherwise, it's stale blood bags that make us nauseous. I asked her permission and I didn't hurt her. I swear Chloe. I would never do anything to hurt her. If I didn't think that I could control myself then I would've never tried in the first place." He was looking at me so intently, his face open and honest.

 I believed him, so I nodded.

 "Okay...but you better not hurt her Sam. I mean it. I'll shove a stake through your heart so damn fast."

He kind of smiled at me. "That's not exactly how it works, but okay."

I replayed what he had said in my head. "Wait, wait, wait...one true love...that means that you and Kat? It's that serious? Like there will never be another? For life?"

 That was intense. Kat was blushing but didn't look surprised. They must've already talked about it.

 "Yeah, it's for life. There won't be any others for me. Ever," Sam replied, gazing at her with his blue eyes full of love.

 The more I thought about this, and the longer I sat here with them, it occurred to me that Kat was right. They were the same people. Same personalities, same person, just different...advantages and disadvantages.

Maybe I would have to be very careful not to cut myself around them but other than that, we'd get along great.

 "So what kinds of powers do you have? What can you do?" My curiosity was growing larger by the second, now that I had calmed down and accepted it.

I looked back at Colby for my answer. He was watching me with wide, amazed eyes.

 "What?" I asked.

He shook his head.

 "You're seriously okay? You were freaking out a second ago, jerking away at my touch! Now you wanna know what super powers we have? I can't keep up with you."

 I laughed. "I had a right to freak out. You told me that I've been staying with a house full of vampires, without knowing. Anyone would freak out." I scooted closer to him, so that our legs were touching, trying to let him know that I wasn't scared of him...not really anyways. "I'm sorry that I jerked away. It freaked me out a little...but who wouldn't wanna know about the super powers? That's gotta be the best part!" I exclaimed excitedly.

He chuckled, looking relieved that I was okay now.

"Okay, we have the usual legendary things that a vampire has. We have speed, you saw Sam leave earlier." I nodded, remembering. "We have amazing eyesight and hearing, so that's why you were told that there aren't any secrets in this house. We can literally hear everything, even if it's in another room."

Kat held her finger up. "Wait...everything?"

Colby laughed. "EV.ER.Y.THING."

 She started blushing and punched Sam in the arm. "What the fuck, you couldn't have told me that?"

Sam's eyes widened. "Sorry, geez."

 I laughed and looked at Colby. "Maybe you should soundproof your room." My mouth dropped open when I realized what I had said, and my face heated up.

 He groaned.

"You have got to stop blushing! I swear that's one of the hardest things to resist."

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