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"Yeah, but we still have plenty of time before we need to start getting ready. Let's just hang out for a little while. Maybe I can read more of your poetry?"

I slid on a pair of short yoga shorts, and a band t shirt, then jumped onto my bed next to him.

 Prissy meowed in protest and jumped down, running out of the room. I hadn't even realized that she was there the entire time, lying quietly about a foot away from Colby. Damn. Maybe we were making progress.

He laid back down on his stomach and I did the same next to him. I wasn't really comfortable with him going through my poems but I figured we had already come this far, I might as well suck it up and let him.

 He seemed to get some kind of enjoyment out of it anyways.

 "What about this one? What's this one about?"

I looked at the one he was talking about. "Oh my God, I forgot that I had that one." I was hesitant to tell him who it was about. "It's about my first night with my ex, Josh."

"Oh...maybe I shouldn't have asked." He laughed but it sounded forced.

"Come on Colby, you know we've both had other partners. We've even both loved other people."

 "Yeah I know. It's just hard to hear about or think about. Heightened emotions, remember?" he replied, raising his eyebrows at me.

 I nodded, because I actually did understand. It hurt me fiercely to think of him with other people. Not so much when I thought of Emilie, because I didn't think of him as the man he is now. I thought of him as the boy, who was in love, then lost his entire life over a freak incident.

That's who loved that girl, and sadly, she lost her life because of it. That accident forever changed him and I think that he may not ever forgive himself for it.

 "Yeah, I get it. It's gotta be hard for you, if it's this hard for me." I laid my hand on top of his and squeezed. "Trust me though, he had absolutely NOTHING on you. I have NEVER been more completely sexually satisfied in my entire life. Maybe that's not really saying anything since you're only like the third person I've been with, but still."

He grinned, showing a little of that male pride in himself.

He was still looking at the computer screen, scrolling.

"Wait, what's this one?"

 I glanced at it and almost peed myself. I forgot that I wrote this.

This was the first thing that I wrote after meeting Colby.

Not the one that Kat saw. I scrapped that one. This was something completely different and I was not ready for him to see it.

Too late. He was already doing just that, his lips moving silently as he scrolled down the page. I didn't say anything, afraid to breath just then.

"Is this about me?" he asked, his voice low, as he turned his head to look at me.

 I just nodded.

"When did you write this?"

"The first night I met you." I squeaked out. "When you were a complete asshole but then you saved me from falling on my face after following me and Mike here."

"Drawn to you, but I don't know why. I want to scream at you and whisper in your ear, Tell me the truth, tell me your lies. So hard, I'm filled with fear. I want you back, I need you near," he recited out one part of the poem and I felt my face flush, so I ducked it down towards the bed.

His fingers closed around my jaw pulling my face back up to meet his.

"I felt the exact same way the exact same night. You know that right? Except that I actually wanted to kill you. It terrified me. I wanted to kill you, but needed you with me at the same time. It doesn't even make sense. It still doesn't."

I didn't speak, already lost in his blue eyes again. This was becoming a problem for me.

He leaned forward and pressed his full lips softly to mine, and I exhaled a sigh into his open mouth. I would never, ever tire of this. If Colby got tired of me one day, and I wasn't his One or whatever, then I would forever be alone because there was no way that this existed with anyone else.

He broke the kiss after a minute and leaned back.

"Love you."

 "I love you."

We seemed to say it all the time now, at random moments, but I didn't care. My heart wasn't guarded anymore.

We lay there quietly for a little while, and I actually fell asleep in his arms. I didn't mean to, but I was just so content and relaxed.

I woke up to soft cooing sounds coming from the floor.

"What are you doing?" I groaned.

 "Shhh," he replied, holding his hand up for me to be quiet and not to move I guess when I looked over at him sitting on the floor.

 Prissy was sitting directly in front of him, laying down, but stiff. He had some of her treats in his hand, laying them one by one in front of her. She would wait for him to move his hand, eat the treat, then look at him expectantly, waiting for another.

 "Progress," I whispered, smiling.

He grinned, a big boyish grin that almost shattered my heart.

 "We have a love, hate thing going on right now. She'll fall for me."

 I rolled my eyes. "If cats are really like their owners, she won't have a choice," I replied quietly.

He slowly reached out to pet her while she was eating. His hand connected with her fur and he let out a sweet sigh of contentment, while his fingers were rubbing through the short hair. Unfortunately, she finished her treat and noticed that he was touching her.

She hissed and darted away under my bed.

"Aww, but we were just starting to be friends!" He exclaimed, looking under the bed. "Too much, too soon, I guess."

He stood up, and didn't look the least bit disappointed.

 In fact, he looked happier than I had seen him in a while, if ever.

"Let's get your clothes up and go get dressed Beautiful. I'm ready to have some fun!"

I giggled as he dragged me off the bed, up into his arms, his fingers gripping my waist. 

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