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I want to say thank you to everyone of you who are reading my work. I appreciate it so so much, you have no idea. We now have over 160k reads on Addicted! And it's ranked #2 in Fans! That's so amazing and it means the whole entire world to me that you guys are liking the story this much! I am continuously overwhelmed by the amount of love I receive from you guys in my dms and in the comments. I wish that I had the time to respond to each and every one of them, but please know that I do see them, and I appreciate them all! I love you all so much! I hope you continue to enjoy, and please keep voting and commenting! I love to read them!


"I guess she figured out that I wasn't going to hurt her."

Just then, my temperamental cat rolled over on her side, letting Colby's ring clad hand rub her belly.

"What the fuck is happening?" I breathed out, amazed at what I saw.

She barely let me rub her belly, but there she was, purring away while Colby's hand moved through her fur.

 "You whore." I snickered at her. "He won you over too, huh?" 

I gently sat up, so that I could get my phone and see what time it was. The spoiled cat didn't move at all. She didn't even look at me.

She was in heaven right now. I understand Prissy, I totally understand. I wouldn't move either if his hands were on me like that.

 I closed my eyes, and shivered a little, thinking about that for just a second. When I opened my eyes and glanced at Colby, his gaze was latched onto me, his eyes darkening.

"Damn it." I replied. "I can't even have a personal thought around you. This is ridiculous."

He smirked at me, and rubbed my back. "Trust me, I'm thinking about you being naked, and under me about ninety percent of the time so don't worry about it."

 I rolled my eyes, and turned my head so that he couldn't see me blush. I knew he could hear my heart beat speeding up though, and probably smell my blood stronger. I think that's what he said happens when I blush.

 I heard him chuckle behind me, but I ignored him, looking around for my phone.

"Where's my phone? It's still dark out. I need to know what time it is."

"It's around 2 am. I actually have to go soon. I thought you would sleep more than a few hours. Was gonna have a few of the guys come watch over you but since you're up, do you wanna just go stay at the house for a little while? So I can handle some business."

 I glanced back at him, over my shoulder. He was staring at Prissy, still letting his hand rub over her belly and side.

She didn't look like she planned on moving any time soon.

 "Can we take her with us? She's gotta be lonely. I'm hardly ever here anymore. I know Elton keeps Circa there but maybe I can keep her locked up in your room just for tonight? I'll bring everything I need with me."

 "That's fine. I'd love to have her there. Circa usually listens pretty well anyways. I don't think she'll bother her, but we'll make sure that she stays in my room regardless."

He pulled his own phone out of his pocket and checked it, then started texting with one hand.

 I shook my head at him and smiled.

 "You can stop petting her, ya know. She'll probably still lie there."

 He grinned at me, and kept rubbing her. "Nope. Not gonna stop until we're leaving."

 I couldn't help but laugh at him. He was being so soft that it actually made my chest ache.

"Now's the time though. We need to go." He put his phone back in his pocket, and then placed both of his hands around Prissy while he sat up, so that he was holding her to his chest. "Are you gonna put her in her kennel or just let her ride in your lap?" I joked, watching him make sure that she didn't fall.

 She actually just curled up against him and stayed asleep. I think I've lost my cat...couldn't blame her though.

 "Where do you need to go?" I asked, as I stood up looking for my shoes.

 I found them at the foot of the bed, and slid them on.

He glanced over at me, a shielded expression in his eyes.

 "Just some stuff dealing with the clan, you know."

 I sighed heavily. "Colby, I thought you weren't going to keep stuff from me anymore. I thought that I was part of your 'clan' or whatever now."

He smiled at me a little sadly, and shook his head. "No, you aren't part of the clan."

 Okay, ouch. Damned if that didn't shoot a pain straight through my heart. He told me that I was one of them now.

 I didn't know how to react to what he had said.

 "Oh...okay." I mumbled out, looking away from him.

In the next second, he was in front of me, Prissy on the bed looking like she didn't know how the hell she had got there.

 "I didn't mean it like that. I mean that no, you aren't a vampire, so you aren't part of the clan. Not technically, but you are part of our family. You always will be. Don't ever doubt that."

 I blinked away the tears that jumped to my eyes, and looked up at him. "I have to be a vampire to be part of the clan?" I asked, furrowing my brow.

 "Technically yes. There is some mention of a type of 'Coming Together as One' ceremony, for the vampire's that have found their One, and they don't want to become a vampire. I don't really know. I haven't read up on it much." He looked a little embarrassed as he bit his lip.

This ceremony sounded a lot like a wedding to me. My brain shunned away from the idea. Wasn't ready for that.

"Oh...okay. Well, maybe I'll become a vampire one day." I joked, smiling at him.

His eyes flashed, but he didn't reply. Made me wonder what he thought about that idea.

I hadn't given it much thought to be honest, but why not? I felt like I was going to have to think about these things eventually. I already knew that I couldn't live without him, and I didn't really think it was a good idea for me to keep getting older and older.

I was 23 already, and he was 20 when he was turned.

That already made me older than him.

"So you can't tell me what you're doing then?"

He turned away from me, and sat back down on the bed, where Prissy promptly crawled into his lap. "I'd rather not. I guess I can, but I don't want you to be worrying about it."

 I nodded, and walked to my closet to dig out Prissy's kennel. "Okay, that's fine. I get it." I found the kennel, and turned back towards him. "I'm not a fragile little flower though Colby. I don't scare easily."

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