Chapter 21

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I yanked my arm away from him, and saw an almost hurt look on his face.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him.

 The shield fell down over his face again, guarding any emotions that he might have. "You said you had bruises. I was just going to see how bad they were."

 I furrowed my brow, staring at him but he wouldn't meet my gaze. We were standing behind Sam and Kat at the mini golf counter by now.

"You could've asked instead of just grabbing me." I replied softly.

 Why did I so desperately want to see some kind of emotion on his hard face? "It won't happen again." He replied roughly, looking towards Sam and Kat.

 They stepped to the side to allow Colby and I to get our putters and balls. I sighed heavily.

 "I thought you weren't going to be all rude and shit tonight." I said, as I grabbed my stuff.

 He did the same, not looking at me, but I could have sworn that I saw his lips quirk up just a tiny bit. "I'm not being rude." I just looked at him incredulously.

 "I'm trying really hard not to be a bitch. That's extra hard with you, because you just seem to bring it out of me. The least you could do is be less of a dick."

We were following Sam and Kat over to the mini golf course, Colby keeping pace with me now, but still keeping his distance.

 "I thought that I was being less of a dick." He replied, his voice lighter than normal.

 He glanced at me, letting those blue eyes meet mine. The silver ring was barely there in the lights of the course.

 I decided to try and be a little nicer, which is a lot for me since I thought I was already being pretty nice. I gave him a small smile, then stuck out my tongue.

"Maybe you are. I don't know how much of a dick you are, since we just met."

 A ghost of a smile played on his full lips and it took everything I had not to kiss him right then and there.

 Whoa Chloe, chill.

 "Everyone seems to think that I'm a pretty big dick. So this is improvement for me."

I sighed again, melodramatically. "I guess I'll just have to deal with it then."

 We made it to the course, walking up behind Sam and Kat.

"You guys seem to be getting along pretty well." Kat said, winking at me.

 I rolled my eyes. "We're fine. BFFs. Can we play?"

 Sam laughed at my response and looked at Colby. "I feel like you are going to have a run for your money on who has the smarter mouth between the two of you."

Colby glanced at me, then looked back to Sam. "It's definitely her."

 I grinned. "You're probably right. Remember that when you start an argument with me. I always win. At everything."

 I was 100 percent lying. I had never even played golf of any kind, and I was sure that I was about to lose. Gotta keep the image though.

 Kat looked at me, her eyes narrowed. She knew I was lying.

 "Is that right?" Sam asked, meeting my gaze. The silver in his eyes were a little more prominent tonight.

 I nodded. "Yep," I replied, balancing my putter on the ground and leaning against it. "I always get a hole in one."

Sam nodded quickly and smiled. "Okay then. We'll see. Colby and I come here all the time, just for something to do."

Okay, that was a surprise.

"You guys...come play mini golf?" I pointed my finger between the two of them in their black clothes and tough expressions. "You two? here?" I did not expect that.

Sam laughed again at my expression. "Yeah! and Laser Tag, and Bowling, and everything else they offer. It's one of our favorite places. That's why I started bringing Kat here. Thought she would enjoy it as much as I do." He threw his arm around her shoulders and she smiled up at him.

He leaned his head down and pressed his lips to hers, in a soft, sweet, slow kiss.

 Okay, anytime now. I was getting uncomfortable, standing a few feet away from Colby, feeling sexual tension that was probably one sided. Colby cleared his throat and Sam broke the kiss, looking over at him.

 "Can we play?" Colby asked, pointing to the first green with his putter.

Sam smiled, one side of his mouth lifting up. "Patience Brother. Had to get my good luck kiss before we start." He kissed her again quickly. "Okay teams. Kat and I versus you and Chloe. Now we can start." He placed his ball and got positioned, as we all watched.

 Colby moved a little closer to me, and I swear my whole body started tingling. I heard his sharp intake of breath and glanced over to him. He was staring at me, the blue of his eyes burning into me, the silver ring growing. I was mesmerized.

My eyes were drawn to his mouth as his lips parted and his tongue darted out to wet them.

Ah, Holy Fuck. How is it legal for someone to be that sexy? He took another step towards me.

 "Hole in One bitches!" Sam's excited yell broke whatever spell was happening and Colby and I both jerked our gazes towards him. He grabbed Kat around the waist, pulling her to him and kissed her again. "I knew you were good luck." She giggled and blushed a little. "Colby, your turn."

I looked back over to him but he kept his gaze on Sam. He walked past me, positioned his ball, then expertly drew the putter back and dropped a hole in one. How is this fair?

 "You guys must come here every damn day. Jesus." I replied, a little irked at how good they were.

 I probably shouldn't have ran my mouth, knowing that I've never played this a day in my life. How hard could it be though?

 "Yeah, we come 3 or 4 times a week." Colby replied, coming back over to stand a couple of feet away from me.

 Kat took her shot, only putting 2 times before the ball went in. She gave Sam a high five, then looked at me. "Your turn, Ms. I Never Lose." Oh shut the fuck up Kat. 

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