Chapter 4

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When he inhaled, his head swung in my direction sharply, his vibrant blue eyes burning into mine, the same silver ring enveloping his iris. I couldn't look away. He had me captured in his gaze, and I was melting. Holy Fuck. Out of all of the hot guys in this room, this one...I don't have words. He was utterly perfect...except for the intense look of hatred piercing into me. He snapped his head back to Sam.

 "What the fuck is she doing here?" He growled out.

 I shook my head, trying to clear whatever trance he just had me in. My inner bitch flared up at his words. What the fuck did I ever do to him?

 "Excuse me? You don't even know me." I bit out harshly, looking from him to Kat.

 For some reason, it hurt my feelings that he didn't want me here, and blamed her for bringing me. The asshole's eyes met mine again for half a second then dismissed me like I was some sort of annoying fly that he couldn't be bothered with.

Sam's shoulders sagged as he met this guys' gaze. "CHLOE," he emphasized my name. "Is here because she's Kat's friend and I said she could come. You got a problem with it?" I watched, feeling the tension build in the room, as they glared at each other.

The others didn't say a word, all watching just as I was, waiting to see what would happen.

 Who the hell was this guy? My eyes didn't want to do as I told them, and they kept trailing back over to him, admiring the way his muscles flexed in his back, and the way the blue streaks in his hair fell perfectly in with the brown when he dragged one of those hands, heavily clad with bulky silver rings, through it.

 "Yeah, I do. Why didn't you tell me that her," He jerked his head in my direction, "was coming over. It's not a good time."

 Like her? What the hell was that supposed to mean? I jumped up from the couch, my anger threatening to burst out of me. I wanted to punch this asshole right in his pretty face. I looked at Kat.

 "I'm leaving. This was a bad idea anyways. I don't know what I supposedly did to piss off pretty boy over here, but I'm out. I'll see you later." I started walking towards the door that was being blocked by pretty boy.He just stood in front of it, still looking at Sam.

"Can you move, or is that asking too much?" I said sarcastically, leaning back on one leg and crossing my arms.

 "Colby, stop being a dick all the fucking time brother. It's getting old." Sam sighed. "Chloe, you don't have to leave."

 Oh, so the asshole was Colby. The 'leader' or whatever. His hateful ice blue eyes met mine again and I thought he smirked a little, like he wanted to smile, but just didn't have it in him. Then it was gone and there was only a straight line made with his full lips. My eyes watched as he caught that bottom lip between his teeth and slowly released it.

 "You can stay. I'm leaving." With that, he turned on his heel and walked back out, slamming the door behind him.

 I turned back to the group, stunned. "What the fuck did I do to him?" I asked the room.

 They all kind of laughed, but not very loudly. Scared of him hearing them or something? This whole thing was insane.

"Nothing, he's just like that. Not a bad guy. Just...hard to get to know...and kind of a smart ass." Sam replied, pulling Kat into his lap and wrapping his arms around her waist.

 "Well, Chloe's a smart ass too, so they should get along famously." Kat laughed as Sam kissed her cheek.

 I shook my head fiercely. "Nope, he's a dick. Are you guys actually friends with him?" I asked, going to sit back down on the couch.

 "Yeah, he's a good guy. Just needs...well, I don't know what he needs but something." Kevin replied, grinning and shrugging.

 Mike gave me a half smile. "He's alright. Colby's just not into new people. or people in general, I guess."

 "Well, that clears it up." I replied, shaking my head.

"He's an asshole but a good friend." Jake said, and Tara nodded her head in agreement. "You just gotta calm his ass down when he needs it. Which is often." She said giggling.

"Colby is one of my best friends. Life just hasn't been good to him and he doesn't deal well with change. Maybe you'll get to know the real him. Maybe you won't be around long enough to." Corey said quietly. "Who knows?"

What the hell was that supposed to mean? Sounded cryptic as fuck though and I felt chills go up my spine.

Devyn didn't speak but she watched me with her soft brown eyes. I felt like she was shy and didn't speak much anyways.

"I think he likes you." Elton said, giving me a sly grin, as he twirled a knife in his fingers. "And why wouldn't he? You look good enough to eat." He licked his lips and then caught his tongue between his teeth, still grinning.

These guys were weird...and they were starting to freak me out.

 "Colby can be difficult, but he's my best friend." Sam said, and I turned away from Elton to meet his gaze. It felt like his eyes were boring into my soul. "Yes, he can be an asshole, but from what Katrina tells me, you can be a bitch. We all have our vices. Maybe ours are just different from yours. If you continue to stick around with us, you'll just need to be careful with that mouth of yours. There are some people that you just don't fuck with...most of them being in this room. Colby being the main one."

 I waited for a smart ass reply to pop into my head but it didn't. I got nothing. I was speechless and I didn't even know why. I don't think that had ever happened to me before.

 "Sam, stop. It's not that bad and you're scaring her." Kat replied, looking at me worriedly.

"I'm not scared." I pouted out, glaring at her.

I was lying. I was a little scared.

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