153 (Colby's POV)

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"You're incorrigible! I'm getting in the shower."

I laughed, and pressed my lips to hers, feeling her melt into me. I was never going to let anyone hurt her again. EVER.

After tonight, things would be dealt with. She pulled her lips away from me, and hugged me, laying her head against my chest.

"I really have to get in the shower. We need to get started, plus I have to go home and spend some time with Prissy. I miss her." She pulled back from me and pouted, poking her bottom lip out.

 I narrowed my eyes at her.

 "Stop doing that." I growled out.

 She laughed, and shook her head.

 "Nope. If you get to tease, so do I! Seriously though, We need to hurry so I'm going to get in the shower. Quit distracting me." She let me go, and started to walk away.

"Hey babe." I called out behind her.

She stopped and turned her head in my direction, raising her eyebrows.


 I grinned wickedly. "Do you think that you might already be in the shower if I hadn't called you?"

She rolled her eyes at my stupid joke. "I'm in love with a fucking dork." she replied, then went inside the bathroom and shut the door.

A few minutes later, I heard the water start. I finished getting ready, hooked my chains onto my pants, slid my shoes on, and fixed my hair. By the time Chloe came back to the room, my rings and necklaces were on, and I was ready to go.

 She had Devyn's clothes on, and her hair wrapped up in a towel. She looked fucking gorgeous. The tight white pants that Devyn had loaned her, paired perfectly with the short royal blue tshirt that she was wearing.

It hung off of one shoulder and stopped just before the waist of her jeans. I almost groaned out loud. Instead, I adjusted my pants, trying to relieve the pressure from my jeans suddenly being too tight, and watched her remove the towel and flip her hair over.

She started towel drying her hair for a bit, then flipped it back over. Fuuuck.

How was I ever going to get anything at all done, when I couldn't stop staring at her and getting turned on from every little thing she did? This wasn't normal.

 She glanced over at me and caught my eye. The knowing look, and the little smirk she gave me almost set me off. I was so close to saying fuck whatever it was she wanted to do today, fuck the plans that I had for tonight.

We were going to stay right here in this bedroom, and never leave.

"I love you." I blurted out, the words falling out of my mouth.

 A smile lit her entire face up, as she walked over to me.

 "I love you." she replied, then tilted her head up for a kiss.

 I obliged, letting my lips linger against hers for just a few moments.

 "Okay, I'm going to blow dry my hair, put a little makeup on and I'll be ready. Maybe 30 minutes."

I nodded, and pulled my phone out, sitting on the couch to wait for her. I texted Sam, knowing that he wouldn't be up yet, to let him know where I was, and also the plan for tonight. I decided to go ahead and text Azarius too.

 Hopefully, he would get back to me and we could set up a meeting time and place for later. It wasn't long before Chloe was finished, walking back into my room, looking absolutely gorgeous. She was always gorgeous, but there were so many sides to her.

 Glamorous, comfortable, naked, sexy, lust crazed, in love, happy, giddy, silly, sad, angry, bitchy...and I was in love with every single one of them. I shook my head at my own thoughts, amazed at how quickly and easily my entire life and being had flipped around. I didn't even feel like the same jack ass that I was a couple of months ago.

 We left the house, taking my car, and rode around town, letting her put in applications at several different places. I walked her inside each one, making sure to compel the employee at the front desk to make her application first priority. Of course, I did it when Chloe wasn't looking.

She wouldn't be happy with me for that, but I wanted her to be happy and I was going to do whatever it took. She deserved to at least have them look at her application, and hopefully, her manuscript soon. I was still dying to read that, since I knew that it was kind of about me.

We were out in the sun for a while so I was getting drained pretty fast. I would have to feed again soon, because of it. Damn it.

 I didn't want to keep feeding from her so often. Well, I did, but I didn't.

"You don't look so good. Are you okay?" she asked me, as we walked back to my car from the huge office building that we had just left.

I nodded, smiling at her.

"I'm okay. The sun is just taking it out of me."

 Her mouth fell open a little, and her brows knitted together in concern. "Oh my God, Colby, I'm so sorry!  I forgot! Let's just go back to my place. I'm finished for today anyways."

 I let her drive and lay back in the seat with my eyes closed. The dark tint on my windows was a God send right then. We arrived at her apartment complex, and made it to her apartment.

 When she opened the door, her little black cat met her at the door, rubbing against her legs. Until she saw me anyways. At least she didn't go absolutely nuts this time.

 Instead, she backed up, growling a little, lying tensely on the floor a few feet away.

"Oh Prissy, stop it. He's not going to hurt you." Chloe purred to her.

 I found that adorable. In all honesty, I really wanted to love on the stupid cat. It had been so long since I had the opportunity to pet or hold any animal.

They just automatically distrusted us. It was hardwired in them to protect themselves and they knew that we were predators. That there wasn't something right about us. 

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