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 "Maybe one day you'll realize that."

He didn't reply as I walked towards him. Instead, he just got a thoughtful look on his face and chewed his lip. I reached down and pulled Prissy off of him, putting her in her kennel.

She meowed loudly in protest.

"Oh shut it, you. You can have him back later."

Colby stood up, looking down at the kennel that I was carrying. He reached to take it from me and I let him.

 "Where is my phone?" I muttered, looking around.

"It's in the living room, on the coffee table," he replied, holding the carrier up, looking at Prissy.

She was meowing pitifully at him.

"Maybe she can just ride in my lap?" he looked at me questioningly, a pained expression on his beautiful face.

I shook my head.

"No. She'll freak out in the car. She's fine Brock."

 I was a little annoyed that he still wasn't telling me what was going on, but whatever. I'd just ask the girls. They had to know. At least one of them. They would tell me.

I found my phone, and gathered up the things that Prissy would need. We piled everything into the car, and drove back to Colby's place. The house was lit up again, and there were quite a few cars in the driveway.

 "Oh what the fuck?" I groaned out as we pulled up. "Don't you guys ever get tired of people always being here? Jesus."

I was grumpy and I knew it, but that didn't stop it from happening. Probably because it was almost time for Mother Nature to show herself and the fact that I knew that Colby was keeping stuff from me again. It was irritating the hell out of me.

Colby grabbed the kennel in one hand and then started grabbing everything else, as well, piling his arms up with everything. I huffed out a breath, standing next to the car.

"I can help, ya know." I snapped out, rolling my eyes at him.

 "I've got it. Vamp strength, remember? Why are you so...." he sniffed the air. "Ooohhh." He started to smile, but I glared at him.

"Don't you fucking say it Brock." I turned on my heel, and started towards the door, feeling him smirking behind me.

 I swear to God, if he says anything about me having mood swings or being ill because I'm almost on my period, I might just kill him. It had nothing to do with that. Okay, it probably did, but I hated it when guys just assumed that girls were mad because of that.

 It irked the shit out of me. Especially when it was that time of the month. He darted ahead of me, and somehow opened the damn door, letting me go in first.

Now he was just pissing me off.

Where was the smart ass when I needed him?

"You're annoying." I said, walking in ahead of him.

 He chuckled, but that was all I got. I headed straight to his room, passing several people on the way, guys and girls. They seemed to all be vamps, watching Colby and I as we passed.

 A few called out greetings to Colby. He stayed close to me, but answered them with a nod of his head. We made it to his room, and he kicked the door shut behind him, before setting everything down on the couch.

 I started fixing up Prissy's food bowls and litter box without speaking.

 "Hey there pretty girl." I heard him coo.

 I couldn't stop myself from glancing over at him. He had opened the kennel, letting Prissy walk out onto the couch. She meowed at him and rubbed up against the hand that he held out to her.

 "Such a sweet girl, yes you are. So pretty. Oh, you like that, huh?" His voice was low as he continued to say sweet things to her, while scratching under her neck and behind her ears.

 She was literally reveling in his actions. I couldn't even be ill anymore. Damn him and my stupid traitor of a cat.

I sighed, and placed the litter box in the closet. When I turned back around, he was sitting on the couch, with Prissy lying across his lap like she belonged there.

"Not mad at me anymore?" he asked, with a stupid grin on his face.

 I rolled my eyes again, but shook my head.

"No, I'm not mad. Wasn't mad to begin with."

 He smirked a little, and raised one eyebrow. "Could've fooled me. Wanna tell me why exactly you were mad?"

 I sat down on the couch next to him, and laid my head over on his shoulder, reaching my hand over to pet Prissy. "Because I don't like secrets Colby. You're keeping things from me and I don't like it. And I wasn't mad. Just a little irritated."

He let out a small chuckle. "You're right. You would've been raising hell at me, if you were mad. I'm not trying to keep secrets from you. There are just some things that are a need to know basis...but I'll tell you what I'm doing if you want."

I raised my head to look him in the eye. Those crystal blue eyes stared back at me with such a sincere look, I almost told him to forget it. Almost.

 Instead, I nodded my head.

 "Okay...I'm going to speak with Azarious, the leader of the Rogue clan tonight. To discuss Millie's actions."

 I sucked in a breath as he gauged my reaction. "Is that going to be safe?" I asked.

He shrugged, still running his fingers though Prissy's fur.

 "I think so. Should be. We've never really been friends since he is Rogue but we've always been able to talk things over and settle our differences without fighting. Hopefully, it'll be the same this time."

He removed his hand from the cat, and placed it over my thigh. I swear Prissy gave me a look like I was stealing her man.

 I would've laughed if I hadn't been worrying about what he might be walking into tonight.

"Okay, but Millie is Rogue. That means that you're talking to him about what? Killing part of his clan? Isn't that going to be a problem? If they're anything like you guys, I assume that he wouldn't like that too much."

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