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I watched Sam and Colby leave with the rest of the vamps that were going with them, apprehension swirling in my belly. I noticed that Mike was standing on one side of me, while Elton was on the other.

"This is how it's gonna be tonight?" I asked dryly, my eyes shooting from one to the other.

Elton showed me his wolfish grin, and winked. "Pretty much sweetheart. We aren't letting you out of our sight."

Mike just looked bashful, which was still weird, considering he looked like this dangerous biker gang guy. I shook my head and looked at Kat and Devyn.

"This is gonna be a long night," I joked.

They laughed, and came to stand next to me.

"Maybe it won't be so bad. Let's just hang out in the TV room or something," Kat said, pulling my arm.

I let her drag me to the next room across the hall, and sit me on the couch. Elton, Mike, Kevin, and Aryia were right behind, while the rest of the vamps spread out around the house, even going outside. I'm guessing to guard the place.

What the hell do I know about protection missions...or whatever they called whatever this was. My head was starting to spin at the situation I was in, so I shook it off, and stood up to go see what games the guys had. I wasn't into games but I did like to the play the occasional role playing game, like Final Fantasy or....

"Oh My God," I stated, holding the game case in my hand. "Is this really what it says it is? Is there a PS 2 around here?"

My head started darting around the entertainment area looking for one. Devyn laughed at me. She walked over to where I was and dug a box out from the behind the stand. Inside was a glorious PS 2.

"Fuck YES!" I screamed, earning a few looks from everyone.

I knew they thought I was crazy. I didn't care. I had just found Kingdom Hearts, the original, and a PS 2 to play it on.

I was never leaving this room.

"I take it you like that game?" Mike asked, motioning his head towards the case.

I started hooking everything up, and glanced back at him, nodding.

"One of my favorite games of all time. Who's is this?"

I needed to know, because they were going to be my new best friend. Sorry Kat.

Mike just laughed a little.

"It's Colby's."

I stopped what I was doing, and slowly turned back around to face Mike, seeing the grins on everyone else's face when I did.


I must not have heard him right. I thought he said that the game belonged to Colby...the game couldn't belong to Colby. Not my Colby.

Not the hard hearted vampire with a smart ass mouth, and a take no shit from anyone attitude. The one that was ready to fight at the drop of a pin, and didn't have time for jokes, and fun.

Then the recent images of Colby flashed in my mind. The jokes that he shared with the guys at the club, the dancing, our movie night, the way he was when Prissy was letting him pet her...even the way he looks at me, and tells me he loves me. That Colby.

That was my Kingdom Hearts player. I smiled to myself and shook my head a little.

Who knew? I continued to set everything up, and then sat down on the floor in front of the TV because the cord wouldn't reach to the couch.

Fuck it, I wanted to play. Sitting on the floor wouldn't kill me. I lost track of the time, and what was happening around me.

I got immersed in the game and didn't give a shit about coming out of it. Then I died.


Next thing I know, I was up against the wall, Colby in front of me, his back to me, while he was in a crouch, scanning the room, and baring his fangs.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I yelled, trying to push past him to get back to my game.

He didn't let me pause it, and it had just started back up. I obviously couldn't get past him, because he was acting like there was an ambush coming down on the whole house.

"Where's the danger? Who are you trying to kill?" He asked, eyes still scanning the area, and his body still pushing me back against the wall.

I couldn't help it. My annoyance faded, and I died laughing, falling to the ground against the wall. He turned around, facing me, while the others started laughing too.

"Oh oh oh" I gasped out, holding my stomach. "I was t-talking about th-the game!" I pointed my shaking finger towards the TV screen, where Sora was just standing there.

He furrowed his eyebrows and followed my finger.

His mouth fell open a little, and his body relaxed, allowing me to scoot back around him.

"You're playing Kingdom Hearts?"

I nodded, sitting back down on the floor to continue playing. He sat next to me, and snatched the controller from my hands.

"Hey!" I shouted indignantly, trying to get it back.

Of course, I was no match for him. He laughed, and his fingers started expertly working the controller. I huffed and rested my elbows on my crossed legs, watching the game.

"I didn't know you were a gamer." I replied, after a minute of watching him.

"I literally have two Kingdom Hearts tattoos Chloe." He replied, not taking his eyes from the television.

I clapped my hand over my mouth for a second, recalling his heart lock tattoo and the crown on his wrist.

"Oh my God! I can't believe that I didn't catch that! I used to LOVE this game but I haven't played it in years!"

I looked at him, sitting on the floor, cross legged, playing one of my favorite games on an old PS 2 system, his eyes staring intently at the screen. I was beginning to see that there were so many sides to him.

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