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"I can actually hear your blood rushing through your veins, and the scent gets overpowering."

How the hell was I supposed to stop blushing?

Sam laughed.

 "It gets easier Brother, don't worry."

 Colby shook his head. "It's harder for me and you know it."

I placed my hand on top of his, squeezing gently. "Why is it harder for you?" I asked softly.

 He shrugged.

"I'm not really sure. Maybe because I'm more emotional. Maybe because I shut my feelings off for so long." He rubbed his hands on his thighs. "I didn't really even mean to turn them back on. It just kind of happened after I met you." He looked embarrassed.

 "It didn't seem like it. You were an asshole to me."

 He looked shocked. "You were a bitch to me!"

 I rolled my eyes. "So we were mean to each other. You started it though. Barging into that damn garage, yelling about why someone like me was there. What did you mean by that anyways?" I had actually been wanting to know the answer to that for a while.

 "I meant a human that wasn't part of the group. Someone that didn't know what was going on."

 "But Katrina was here too. She didn't know." I countered.

 He looked over to Sam and Kat who were whispering quietly to each other, letting us have our time.

 "Yeah, but she's with Sam. She was already part of the group. She just didn't know the big thing yet. You were a distraction. I wanted to kill you the first time I saw  you. That's why I was mean to you. I don't kill people anymore, but there was something about you that made me want to sink my teeth into you and drink you dry." He was staring at me intently now, the silver ring flexing in his eyes.

Chills went down my spine as he licked his lips, like he still wanted to do what he was saying. He was scary right now, and while I might have felt a little fear, I still wasn't afraid of him.

 "My dream!" I blurted out, without meaning to.

 It just popped into my mind.

Colby's brow furrowed in confusion.


"I had a nightmare last night about you."

 He sighed in relief...why?

Then looked confused again.

"Your nightmare was about me?"

 I nodded. "Yeah, it scared the shit out of me. You were you, but you weren't you. You were actually a vampire, and you called me to you. I wasn't able to resist you and then you bit me. I woke up and you were standing over my bed. How did I dream about you being a vampire? Why did I dream that?"

He bit his lip. "Huh...I don't know. That's weird. Do you have like some sort of psychic ability?"

 I shook my head. "Not that I know of. I mean, I always felt like I was sort of an empath, able to read and pick up on people's emotions, connected to the spirit world kind of thing, but nothing serious. It was just speculation. Do you think my dream was a vision or something? Like I was predicting the future?"

He shook his head. "No...I think it was a warning for you to stay away from me. I could still be very dangerous to you Chloe. You don't understand the effect that you have on me." 

I wrapped my arms around his arm, and leaned my head over onto his shoulder. "Doesn't seem like you have that hard of a time controlling it." I whispered, looking up at him.

I heard a low growl start in his chest, rumbling up his throat.

Why in the hell did that just excite me so much? Oh. My. God.

 "I'm getting better at it." He replied, still staring down at me. "Sam has been helping me. You're lucky too, because otherwise I would have killed you in the coffee shop when you cut your finger."

 I looked down at the cut on my hand. I had peeled the band aid off yesterday, leaving the cut to air dry. It didn't look too bad, still a little deep, but a scab had formed over it.

He reached down and grasped my chin with his fingers.

 "I really don't want to kill you Chloe." His voice was low, and silky, flowing over my skin like a cool breeze.

 For some reason, those were the sweetest words that I had ever heard, and I kind of wanted to laugh, but it wasn't really the right time. Too late.

The laughter bubbled out of my mouth before I could stop it, although I automatically clapped my hand over my mouth.

 "What's so funny?" He asked with a crooked grin.

 "I was thinking about how that was so sweet, what you just said. Then I realized that my life is fucking weird where my boyfriend tells me that he doesn't want to kill me and I think it's the sweetest thing!" I laughed again, basically howling in Sam's room.

Kat joined in, but the guys just watched us and looked at one another.

 "In our situation, it is sweet!" Kat exclaimed.

 It took us a minute to calm down but our laughs eventually faded into scattered giggles.

 "Are you two done laughing at our expense?" Sam asked, a grin on his face.

 "For now. I'm sure we'll get another chance soon though." Kat replied.

 Sam grabbed his chest.

 "Ouch. You sure know how to hurt a man's heart."

She rolled her eyes. "You're heart doesn't even work."

 "Damn, that's harsh," Colby said quietly, glancing at me with a smile.

 Sam grabbed Kat around the waist, and tossed her backwards on the bed.

 "It works well enough to know that I love you and your smart ass mouth."

They started wrestling around, and Colby stood up. "It's time to go."

 I stood up beside him. "But why? We were just-"

 A moan followed by Sam's name echoed through the room.

 "Yep, time to go." Colby grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room so fast, it almost felt like my feet left the ground. Maybe they did.

 Can vampires fly?

Once we were in the hallway, he stopped, causing me to run into his back. 

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