His tongue traced a line along my skin, then a pinching pain against my neck had me sucking in my breath. I brought my hand up to grab his hair, holding his head in place. The pain was ebbing away, and it was starting to feel like Colby was giving me a hickey.
My head got a little swimmy, like I had been drinking, but then the euphoria hit. I was floating. His lips on my throat was the best thing that I had ever experienced and I never wanted him to stop.
I moaned, but it was unlike anything I had ever heard before and it ripped up from my throat. I felt a love for him that I didn't know that I had. I had just recently come to realize that I did love him but this...this was something else.
This was all consuming, a drug that I never wanted to stop. A pure addiction that I just wanted more and more of. I loved him like I had never loved another living soul...well that was an ironic thought.
Colby's hand on my waist tightened, and the suction became more intense, as a growl ripped from his own lips. He pushed me back against the bed, and I willingly complied. Anything just for him to keep doing what he was doing.
I had been high before. I had smoked weed a few times, been drunk, even done a couple of things worse than that but I had never...and I mean NEVER, felt anything like this. My whole body was buzzing with pleasure, the slightest movement from him making me come undone.
Maybe this was what Ecstasy felt like...yeah, because I was in actual ecstasy. My hands left his hair and traveled up and down his back, pulling his shirt up so that I could feel his cool skin. No wonder all of those people kept coming back to be fed on...this was absolutely amazing.
Soon, my hands dropped to my sides as I became weak but still living in a state of euphoria. I could tell that I had a loopy grin on my face. I thought about the other girls that Colby had done this to and I got a little mad.
Jealousy probably..but then I remembered how he said that he couldn't do this to anyone except me anymore. Hehe. All mine.
A giggle escaped my lips, and I sounded drunk. I would've kept laughing but I didn't have the energy. I just wanted to sleep now. I was very very tired.
I was beginning to wish that Colby would stop. It wasn't feeling as great anymore. I didn't feel very well.
"Col" I whispered out, unable to finish his name.
I was going to pass out. I felt another quick sharp pain as his fangs retracted from my skin, but whimpered when his lips left.
"But that's their home," my brain stupidly thought, before I saw Colby's face come into my line of vision.
I couldn't move if I wanted to. My body was too weak.
"Chloe?" His concerned voice pierced through my brain, grabbing my attention.
I stared at his face, watching his eyes go back to normal, and the black veins under his eyes disappear. His lips were red, blood red, the liquid shining in the dim light of the room. I gulped, realizing that it was my blood on his lips.
My eyelids were heavy as I looked at him, wanting to close. I was so tired.
"Chloe, are you okay? Answer me." I heard the worry in his voice, but the demand still an authoritative ring to it.
I tried to smile at him, to reassure him that I was okay, just so very tired. Not sure if my lips worked, so I nodded my head, just once, my head falling heavily back against the bed.
"Shit," He muttered, leaning above me.
What was his problem? I felt good, just tired. My body was sedated, and I felt like I could sleep better than I had in years.
I just wanted him to lie beside me and let me sleep.
"Chloe, I need you to sit up baby."
Did he just call me baby? What the fuck? But I like it.
I think I giggled again but I can't be sure. My head was swimming, thoughts darting in, then disappearing before I could catch them, images racing around so fast that I couldn't see them. It was weird.
I groaned as my body lifted, Colby pulling me up into a sitting position on the bed. His arm came around me, supporting my weight as I sagged against him.
"I took too much. I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean to. Oh God," I heard him mutter.
"No," I mumbled out. "Mm fine."
Sam came bursting in at that moment, his eyes wide, with Corey right behind him.
"Sam" I heard Colby's pleading voice, as he lifted his head to stare at him.
"M'okay" I groaned out again, trying to push myself up, my hands pressing on his chest.
Sam was in front of me in a second, making me shake my head to comprehend the speed with which that happened.
How? Oh yeah-vampire. I started giggling again.
"What's wrong with her?" Colby asked, his voice concerned.
Sam smiled at me.
"Nothing. She's high. What are you laughing at Chloe?"
I pointed at him, feeling a little strength come back into my body. "Vamp," I said, then started giggling again.
Colby looked at me like I was crazy while Sam and Corey laughed with me. They were fun. I poked Colby in the cheek.
"Smile vamp," I stated, then burst out laughing again.
The worried expression on his face dimmed, and he smiled just a little.
"You sure she's okay?" He asked Sam, concern still lacing his voice.
Sam nodded and put his hand on Colby's shoulder.
"She's fine brother. I promise. Just high as a kite. You know how it is. It's just worse with her because everything is intensified for you two. You should see Katrina. She starts laughing and doesn't stop. She pointed at my shoes yesterday, and just laughed for like an hour after."
I laughed at Sam's funny story.
Why would Kat laugh at shoes?
"Shooooes" I let the word roll off my tongue.
It sounded funny. I laughed again.

FantasyMATURE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE CONTAINS SEX/BRUISING/FIGHTING Chloe moves to LA, California to try and discovered as a writer. Her best friend helps her out with a place to live, and introduces her to a whole new crowd. With her smart mouth...