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Oh my God. Colby had my body screaming for him with a single kiss.

Could this be called just a kiss though? There had to be some kind of word that I didn't know to describe what he was doing, his mouth working mine.

I gasped when he grabbed my hair and snatched my head back, bearing my throat to him. The pressure from his grip was intense but only excited me more.

Could I do this? Could I just have sex with someone that I barely knew? Yeah, I might've thought about it, but I had never done this without being with the person and really liking, or thinking that I loved them.

He threw me back against the bed and was on top of me, before I had a chance to breathe. His large, ring clad hand grabbed the neck of my shirt and pulled, ripping it easily, the fabric biting against my skin.

Oh God, his mouth started doing incredible things to my body, trailing along my skin, nipping those sensitive areas.

 "Oh!" I yelled out, when his teeth bit into my shoulder, sending a sharp pain through it.

 He didn't stop, only got more forceful, his hands holding me down and traveling along my skin at the same time. This was intoxicating and overwhelming. I don't think I can do this.

We were getting somewhere, talking, and then he just...changed. I saw it happen in his eyes. It was like he turned into another person and I was kind of scared to be honest...but was I more excited or scared?

 "Stop" I gasped out.

His weight was bearing down on me. I was actually starting to like him, this side that he was showing me. I know I had thought about just throwing caution to the wind and having sex with him with no strings but I couldn't do it.

 I shoved against his chest, using all of my strength. His lips were making a heavenly trail along my neck, nipping at it. I was so close to just throwing my legs around his waist and saying fuck it.

 My self control was wearing thin but my fear was also growing. He made me crazy. He wasn't stopping, he was being so rough, and I admit it. I was scared.

"Colby, please! stop!" I tried again, shoving at his hard chest.

He stopped moving, his breathing labored near my ear. When he pulled himself up, hovering over me, his eyes were almost black with the pulsating silver ring mesmerizing me again.

 In the next second, he was gone from the bed. It took my eyes a second to find him pacing his floor.

His gaze met mine and I shrunk back against the wall, covering my chest with my arms. The anger, the intense hatred oozing off of him, actually hurt me.

"Colby, I-"

 I don't know what I was going to say. Apologize for stopping him maybe, but that made no sense. No means no.

 It didn't matter because he stopped me, holding his hand up, still glaring at me. He bent down and picked a shirt up off of the floor, throwing it at me, then looking away.

"Put this on and leave." His voice was mean and guttural, devoid of all emotion except anger.

"Can't we talk-"

Again, he stopped me, his eyes whipping back towards me.

 I flinched again. How could someone's eyes have that much force on someone? Fuck.

 "Don't you ever stop talking? Just fucking leave!"

He was making my chest ache. I hadn't let anyone get away with treating me like this since I got strong enough to deal with it.

"FUCK YOU!" I screamed at him.

 I slipped the shirt over my head. It smelled like him.

"YOU wanted to talk, YOU dragged me up here, YOU just almost forced yourself on me so don't you dare act like this is my fault! I'm so sick of your fucking mood swings, you arrogant asshole!"

 I was on a roll now. He had worked me up, embarrassed me, hurt my feelings, then acted like it was my fault when I tried to talk to him! I'm so done with him. I wasn't about to be one of those girls that gets treated like shit and just keeps begging the guy for more. FUCK THAT.

 I stood up, right in front of him, wanting to shrink away from the force of his eyes, but I held my ground.

 "I don't know why I keep bothering with you. You've shown me time and time again, that you are nothing but a selfish jerk that only cares about himself."

He grabbed my upper arms, probably leaving another bruise. I tried to snatch away, knowing it was futile.

"You're right. I only care about myself. Everyone in LA is that way, isn't that what you said? Fucking go home, back to wherever you came from. Go back to your parents, I'm sure they'd love to deal with that smart ass mouth again. Just leave."

My chest folded in on itself, making it hard for me to breathe. I didn't have parents to go back too. I might've lost them a while back, but the wound was still fresh and he just dug a serrated knife into it. I couldn't stop the tears from falling, as I glared right back into his intimidating ass eyes.

 "I fucking hate you Colby Brock. I hope I never see you again." I tried to snatch away again, and he let me go.

 I stalked from the room without a second glance back, heading down the stairs and running into Sam. His eyes looked worried. I tried to brush by him, not wanting to talk, embarrassed that I was crying.

"Hey!" He reached out and grabbed my arm.

I was so sick of everyone doing that to me! I snatched away, feeling the strength in his grasp. He let me go, but I know that he could have easily held me.

 "Are you okay? Is Colby okay?"

 I rolled my eyes, feeling the wetness in them, and snorted. "Colby is perfectly fine besides the fact he is a fucking asshole. Tell Kat I'm leaving, please and make sure that she has a way home Sam. I need to go."

He nodded, and that's all it took. 

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