66 (Colby's POV)

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Sam and Colby won Choice Youtuber for Teen Choice Awards and I couldn't be more proud of them. I have watched them grow up to be incredible men, making incredible moves. Also, they FINALLY followed me on Twitter!!! Sorry, It's just been a really great day! Sam and Colby VS The World!!! Okay, now you can read

"The Legend isn't real Sam! It can't be..."

 Sam sighed and stood up. "I'll be right back." He left, and I just sat there, in shock.

Could it actually be real? And if it were, did I want to just be destined to someone? I was so fucking confused.

 I like Chloe...a whole hell of a lot...but did I want to be destined to her and not have a choice? Was the universe and some freaky vampire thing telling me that I was going to love her whether or not I wanted to? I don't think I'm ready for that.

 Sam walked back in carrying an old, worn out book with a thick dark brown cover. The intricate design on the front resembled a cross, only the bottom ended with a dagger, and the top was an upside down teardrop. It was raised against the cover, so that I could feel the design popping out when I ran my fingers across it.

"Read the section about The One Colby. Then see how you feel about it. I wasn't crazy about it until I read this. It put a lot of things into perspective for me. Why wouldn't you want someone that's going to be down for you no matter what? To know that no matter what happens, no matter what fights you might get into, that person will always love you. No matter what." Sam seemed so earnest when he spoke about it that I couldn't help but smile a little.

"I already have that bro. In you."

Sam rolled his eyes at me, but he smiled. "Don't get all sappy and shit on me Brother. You know it's Us vs. The World, but you need someone that can love you in a way that I can't." He shoved the book into my chest. "Just read it. Then we'll talk. I'll tell everyone not to bother you for a few. I know it's super fast and you don't want to scare Chloe off by telling her yet. Even I don't think that's a good idea. She seems to be like you. Tough and all on the outside but running like a scared rabbit at the first sign of actual commitment."

I shook my head. "I'm not ready to tell her but I don't think she'll run. She's the one that asked me to try dating."

Sam's eyes widened at that news. "Really? Well, maybe it won't take as long as I thought it would then. That's awesome. Do you want me to send her in so that you can ask her to be your giiiiiiirlfriend?" He drug out the word, then laughed.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

 "Yeah bro, do that. I'm not sure if I believe in this or if I'm ready for it, but I know that I want to at least try to be with her."

He nodded and gave me a hug. "I'm happy for you man. I hope you can see it like I do, after you read it."

He headed out my door, and I leaned back on the couch, flipping the book open to the right chapter.

"The One" was at the top of the page in old style calligraphy.

"Not many vampires believe in The One. This is because not many vampires actually find theirs. The One is meant to be your soulmate, the other half to your possibly damned soul. You aren't meant to compel your One, letting them know the real you. If you attempt to compel them, the compulsion will not last, memories breaking through while asleep and conscious. The One will always be on your mind, through out your lifetime. There will be an indescribable pulling towards them that cannot be explained. Only that you need to be near them."

 I heard a soft knock on my door and instantly knew that it was Chloe. I let out a heavy breath.

"Come in Chloe." I replied, setting the book down on my other side and putting a pillow over it.

She cracked the door, peeking in, her hazel eyes amused.

 "How did you know it was me?"

 I gave her a half smile, and patted the couch next to me. "Just did."

She opened the door and walked in, closing it behind her. "Sam came to Devyn's room and told me that you wanted to talk. Is everything okay?" She sat down next to me, leaving a few inches between us.

It felt awkward now for some reason.

I still felt that indescribable pull towards her (that damn book) and inched closer to her, closing the gap so that our legs were touching.

 "Yeah, everything is fine. Do you remember what we talked about last night?"

She looked up at me, our eyes meeting and I actually lost my breath from the intensity of her gaze. She was anxiously playing with her rings, just like I do.

"Yeeahh. Which part?" She giggled nervously.

 Hell, I was nervous too. Had me feeling like a damn hormone riddled teenager again.

 "The part where you asked me if I wanted to try this out. Whatever this is between us...to figure out what's between us." I was rambling and not making any sense. Damn it. "Chloe...do you still want to try this?" I ran my fingers though my hair. "This is ridiculous and I shouldn't be this damn nervous, for fuck's sake. Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Her eyes were wide, and she folder her lips into her mouth, but I could see the smile that she was trying to hide. "Damn it." I said, in aggravation.

She grinned then, a massive smile covering her face, then bit her bottom lip, trapping it in between her teeth. That was so fucking sexy.

 "I'd love to be your girlfriend Colby."

 I smiled slowly. "Yeah?"

She nodded. "Yeah...are you telling the guys? I don't want this to ruin your big bad rep."

I grabbed her, pulling her onto my lap, then grabbing her jaw. I leaned close to her, our lips only a breath apart.

 "I'll tell them. I don't give a fuck. I'll kick their asses."

She grinned again, and I could see how happy this was making her. Was it possible that she felt the way that I did? Did she feel the pull, the need, the lust? Was she always thinking about me?

That damn book had me messed up. I need to chill. Fuck it.

I leaned forwards, just a bit, and pressed my lips to hers softly. 

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