Chapter 19

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(Present day)

Kat drove me all over town for the next two hours.

 I filled out applications at publishing agencies, agents offices, all kinds of receptionists positions, then finally the other stuff. The restaurants as hostess or waitress, coffee shops, and retail stores. Really, anything that we walked past, I applied for.

 My phone went off while we were in the drive thru line waiting on our food from Chik-fil-A.

 "Ms. Daniels, your car is ready to be picked up."

 I thanked the man, and hung up. I grabbed Kat's arm and swung it up.

"My car is ready, my car is ready!" I chanted while I swung her arm.

She started laughing. "You are a total dork, you know that?"

I put my finger to my lips. "Shh, don't tell anyone."

 She rolled her eyes at my silliness. "Who would I tell? Besides, no one would believe me. You put on too much of a bad ass act in front of everyone else."

I widened my eyes and let my mouth fall open a little. "I am offended. It is NOT an act." I straightened my shirt, smoothing it out a little. "I am a total bad ass, thank you."

She cut her eyes back to me as she got our food my the worker. "MmHmm, sure you are."

"Whatever," I replied, laughing at her.

 She passed me my food and we ate in her car on the way to pick up my car. I loved my car. It wasn't new but it was mine and it hadn't let me down yet. Well, unless you count the other night...but that was a fluke.

 We walked inside, and met with the man handling my car.

 "Ms. Daniels?" I raised my hand to indicate that was me. He nodded. "Okay, as you know, both of your front tires were flat. They seem to have been punctured with something, but we can't tell with what. The rubber was almost shredded, like when you drive over those spikes when you go the wrong way out of private parking."

 I was in shock.

 "How could that happen? I was literally in a deserted alley. There weren't any spikes...I don't think. Why would there be?"

 The man chewed his gum and waited for me to finish talking. "Ma'am, I don't know. I'm telling you what I do know. You should be careful. If you didn't see the spikes or they were in a place that they shouldn't have been...then you should stay away from that place because they were probably put there for a reason."

 I heard Kat gasp next to me. What reason? So that someone could attack me? What kind of city did I move too? Christ.

 I paid the man, grimacing when I handed him my bank card. This was going to hurt. I needed a job and fast.

 I grabbed the keys from him and Kat and I hurried outside.

 "Bro, what the fuck?" I said, as soon as we were clear of the door.

 Her eyes were wide in shock too. "I don't know." She replied, shaking her head. "That is so creepy."

"No, that's fucking horrifying."

 Kat nodded. "You know, I might be able to ask Sam if he knows anything about it. Him and his crew sort of handle things over that way. Do you want me to ask him?"

 I swear to God, she was dating someone in a gang. She just was too afraid to admit it to herself.

"Do you realize how that sounded?" I asked her, holding out my hand. "Kat, Sam is in a gang. He's the Beta or whatever to the pack. A GANG!" I emphasized, grabbing her face between both of my hands.

She shook me off and laughed. "I swear he's not! Not really. They just...I don't know how to explain it. Anyways, I'll ask if you want me to. You wanna go mini golfing tonight, for real? I'm sure he won't mind. Maybe he'll invite a friend..." She smiled coyly at me. "Maybe someone with ice blue eyes." She wiggled her hips and laughed, walking to her car.

"I really fucking hate you." I retorted.

 "Bitch, you love me. Now get in your car and follow me home so we can get ready! Cuz you're going!" I rolled my eyes but got in my car.

 Later that evening, I was finishing up my makeup for mini golfing. How did she talk me into these things? I told her not to invite anyone though. Wasn't ready for that.

My phone buzzed, and I put down my liquid lip to check it. DM on Insta from....Colby? Did I read that wrong? Was someone pranking me? I sat down slowly on the edge of my bed and opened the DM.

 Hey. Look, Sam said that they need another person to play golf tonight, to make it even. Said that you were going bc Kat didn't want you to be alone. Wanted to be sure that it was okay with you before I said yes. I know you don't like me much.

 Huh? I don't like him? He doesn't like me! I literally lusted after him in my dreams...but okay, if I were being honest, I didn't like him much. He was an asshole. I just really like the way he looks. That was all...

I got a flash in my mind of silver ringed blue eyes and soft lips pressed against mine. I reached my hand up to touch my own lips. Wow, that had almost felt real. That dream must have been super potent.

 If I were being honest with myself, I wanted to see him again. Maybe I could crack that hard shell if we had a chance to talk. Maybe I could find that 'good guy' underneath that everybody said was there. I still didn't like to get close to people so that's not what this was about. I was just...curious to know more about him and what made him the way he is.

I messaged him back.

 Sure, I have no problem with it. Maybe don't be such an asshole tho. I might have to be a bigger bitch. ;)

  That sounded okay, right? Yeah, okay, send.

Another minute later.

Deal. See you soon.

Kat rode with me, saying that she might get a ride back with Sam. Yeah, I bet.

I was so nervous, I had to stop myself from biting my nails. Kat literally laughed at me the entire trip.

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