34 (Colby's POV)

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I grabbed Chloe's arm, yanking her up from the couch harder than necessary.

 "What the fuck do you think you're doing? Let me go!"

 I stared down at her for a second. I thought feeding would help me stay in control, and I guess it did. I would have already dragged her to my bedroom by now if I hadn't fed.

"No," I replied. "You wanted to know what I want from you so I'm going to tell you." I pulled her from the room, hearing Kat exclaim loudly to Sam.

"He's not going to hurt her. He likes her." Fuck you Sam. How can you be so sure of me?

 I can't stand the girl...but I also can't get her out of my head and I don't want anyone else touching her.

Once we entered the kitchen, I loosened my grip and she yanked her arm free, rubbing where I had been holding. Guess I was too rough.

"I need you to come talk to me, in my room. Am I going to have to pick you up and carry you or will you walk?" I was being deadly serious.

 I saw the slight fear and hesitation cross her face, before she controlled herself. "Why should I go anywhere with you?" She replied, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Okay, we were doing this the hard way then.

 I stepped towards her and she backed up. She backed herself right into the kitchen counter, with nowhere to go, making it easier for me. I bent down and lifted her over my shoulder, ignoring her shrieks as I did.

 There weren't many people here tonight, just a few lying around on the sofa and standing in the hallway, in case they were needed. I made my way down the hall, towards the staircase with her shrieking in my ear. There was one of the feeding girls standing by the staircase. I never bothered remembering their names. They were just here for the high that they got from us feeding on them. Junkies, really.

"Hey Colby," She said, leaning over the stair rail so that her breasts pushed up and almost fell out of her tiny low cut shirt.

 "Busy," I growled out, moving past her.

 She reached out and grabbed the arm that wasn't holding Chloe. "Come on baby, let me show you a good time."

 I heard Chloe scoff. "Oh my God," She said, sounding disgusted.

"Get the fuck off of me, NOW." I glared at the girl, and she quickly removed her hand from my arm.

I continued up the stairs, thankful that Chloe wasn't still shrieking. She was quiet now, but I could tell that brain of hers was going one hundred miles per hour.

What was I even doing? What the hell was I thinking, taking her to my room, to talk? It was spur of the moment, so I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I should just drop her right now and tell her to go back downstairs. But I wasn't going to do that.

 I shook my head at myself, as I stepped onto the second floor landing, and headed down the hall to my room. This was stupid and so so dangerous. Even if I wasn't hungry, exactly, the scent coming from her skin was still overwhelming, begging me to taste her.

 I was holding her with one arm, easier now since she'd stopped struggling. When I got to my bedroom door, I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself.

Bad idea. Her scent invaded my senses, feeling like it was permeating my veins, setting them on fire.

I opened my door, and carried her inside, kicking it shut behind me with a bang. She jumped a little, hanging over my shoulder, and I felt her fear amp up a bit. I didn't want her to be scared of me, but then again, I did. It was probably a lot better for her if she were terrified of me. I didn't feel that coming from her though. Only a slight fear, the rest anger and curiosity.

 I dropped her on my bed, unceremoniously letting her bounce. I might want to talk to her, to try to explain a little, but I was who I was. I wasn't a nice person. It was time she knew.

She gasped, when I let her go, but otherwise didn't make a sound. She only glared up at me and tried to stand up. I put my hand on her shoulder and pushed her back down, then sat beside her a foot or so away. No sense in making it harder on myself.

"You can't just fucking kidnap people! You arrogant, hateful jerk!"

She was pissed. Didn't blame her but damn it, the scent!

I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to block it out. It was no use really, with the smell rolling off of her skin in waves.

She tried to get up again, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back down. She fell onto me, but quickly jumped to the other side of the bed. We sat in silence for a moment while I tried to collect my thoughts.

I know that she thinks I'm crazy. Maybe I am.

"Okay, you won't let me leave but you aren't talking. Isn't that the whole reason you forced me up here? Or are you going to kill me or...force me to do something else?" Her voice was heated with anger, but there was a little more fear in it now.

 I lifted my head, meeting her gaze. Did she really think I would do something like that? I wasn't a nice guy but I wasn't a monster. Well, not that kind of monster. Just the kind that might kill you and really wanted to drink from you. I would never force myself on someone. I never needed to anyways.

 "No, I'm not going to hurt you."

She scoffed again. That was getting annoying.

 "You already have." She replied, holding up the arm that I grabbed earlier. Then she snatched up the short sleeves on her shirt. "And these." There were bruises on her upper arms, in a perfect ring, like a hand encircling them.

 I reached out slowly, not wanting to startle her, and wrapped my fingers around her arm. They fit perfectly against the bruises. Well fuck. I knew when that had happened. When I kissed her the first time on her balcony. Did she remember that? 

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