Chapter 14 (Colby's POV)

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 I wasn't good for her.

"Colby is...complicated." Kat replied. "Sam says he's a good guy. I believe him. I just think it's really deep down. Why?"

 Okay, so that wasn't that bad of a description I guess. I hadn't been very friendly to Kat. I tried to stay away from humans though, if I didn't plan on drinking from them.

Kat's voice broke into my speculative thoughts. "You crushing on him? I thought you were looking at Mike."

Oh, hell no. My anger reared it's ugly head, and I wanted to punch a wall but I controlled it. My emotions were getting out of control when it came to this girl. That wasn't a good sign.

I heard her twinkling laugh and it helped calm me a little, but I waited with bated breath to see how she would answer.

 "I was looking at all of them, if you wanna be specific about it. It should be illegal for that many hot guys to be in one friend group. And no, I'm not crushing on Colby. I didn't see a good guy anywhere in him."

 Well cold heart dropped. That kind of hurt.

"I'm just curious about all of them. It's kind of like a movie. They intrigue me." She continued, then Kat jumped in. "That's the writer in you. You just have to know everything."

Well, I wasn't some story that she could pick apart. This was dangerous. If she were some sort of reporter or a wanna be reporter, this could be very bad. This had to end.

 I had to stay away from her and I had to let the guys know that she wasn't to come back to our house. The only problem with that was that I really wanted her to come back.

 I jumped down, and headed back home, walking this time. I needed the time to think.

 I had been with and around so many women...why was this one woman driving me crazy? Why did she have some sort of control over my mind, where I couldn't get her out of it? It didn't make sense.

 The pull that I felt towards her was insane and I couldn't stop it if I wanted to. Which I did. Of course I did. That's what I told myself anyways.

 When I finally made it home, it was almost sunrise. Contrary to popular belief, the sun didn't bother us all that much. We just preferred to sleep during the day since we were nocturnal.

 We were a little sensitive to it, but sunblock worked just as well for us as it did for anyone else. Except maybe Sam. Poor guy had it more rough with the sun. We still hadn't figured that one out yet. Maybe an allergy.

 Since he was hanging out with Katrina more now, he had to use the sunblock more. He still slept during the day, most of the time, just went out in the late afternoon.

 I thought about Chloe on my walk home. The way her hair fell around her shoulders, the streaks falling perfectly together. The way her lips parted when she was angry or shocked. The way her eyes would flash, the orange growing a little bit larger when she got angry with me. Which was always.

 Then the kiss popped into my head again. No, she wasn't angry then. Her lips had melded to mine perfectly and without hesitation, like she knew who I was, and was willing. She definitely wasn't angry.

 I remembered the feel of her flesh beneath my hands, the heat burning through her shirt...and the skin of her neck, the paleness illuminated by the light from her living room.

"Ouch, shit." My fangs had protruded, clipping my lower lip.

 I wiped my hand across it, seeing the blood.

Whatever, it was probably already healed. Can't think about her anymore. My body does what it wants when it comes to her.

 I started running and made it home, climbing up the house to my window. Hoping that no one had noticed that I was gone, I climbed back in my window. I opened my door gently, listening for any sounds. It seemed like everyone was already asleep.

 I yawned. I should probably try to sleep too.I got undressed and crawled into my bed, in just my boxer briefs.

 Laying on my back, I pulled out my phone and opened Instagram. I scrolled until I found what I wanted. You would think that I wouldn't have to resort to social media stalking but there ya go.

 I found Kat's profile and scrolled through her thousands of followers until I saw Chloe.

 In her picture, she was at the beach, wearing a white bikini with black stripes. Nice.

 I scrolled through her photos, noticing the life that she used to have. She was always with different people, never the same in any photo. That was strange.

Kat said that she had known her since high school and that they were best friends. I would have to casually ask some questions when she came to see Sam again.

 I dropped my phone on my stomach, and held both hands up to the ceiling.

 "No, you don't ask random questions. What the fuck Colby? You don't want her coming back to this house, remember?" I shook my head at myself.

 She was making me talk to myself. I swear I wasn't this crazy yesterday.

Sleep. I just needed to sleep. Maybe that would get her out of my system. I'm sure I would forget all about her by the time I woke up.

 I picked my phone up, and hit the follow button before I even realized what I did.

 "What the fuck?!" I yelled, staring at my phone.

I swear, my hand acted on it's own accord!

 I started to unfollow and stopped myself. She would think I was a total idiot. Maybe I was.

Why in the hell did I follow her? I can't unfollow so what do I do? Leave it alone.

 She didn't have a huge following though. She was sure to notice. FUCK. It's fine.

 I'm going to sleep. Maybe she won't even mention it. EVER. That would be nice. I'm such a fucking idiot.

 I threw my phone on the nightstand, and closed my eyes. Wasn't too long before hazel eyes and snarky attitudes filled my dreams. 

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