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I broke our gaze so that I could see him pop the bag and close his lips around it, drinking deeply. The blood from the bag suctioned upwards, quickly. It wasn't long before it was empty.

Colby grimaced when he was done.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"It just takes like stale blood. Not that great but it gets the job done."

 I nodded slowly, feeling like it was my fault that he had to drink stale blood. "I'm sorry," I replied softly, looking down.

He shook his head.

"Don't be. This is fine until...well, this is fine."

 He was going to say until he could feed on me. I knew it. I was scared to let him but at the same time, very intrigued and anxious to let it happen.

 I just didn't want to die.

 "Colby, you should just try if Chloe's willing to let you. I can be on stand by in case you need me. I promise that I won't let you hurt her or..." Sam trailed off, not mentioning the killing part.

That was nice of him, I guess.

Jesus, this was so insane.

 "You know you're not at full strength with just the bag stuff."

 I motioned towards the other guys. "Sam, why is everyone on blood bags? I thought you guys usually fed....fresh..."

He smiled at me gently, realizing that I wasn't really comfortable with it yet. "We do. I still do, obviously." He looked at Katrina, grinning wolfishly.

 She blushed and raised her hand to her neck, covering the two tiny holes there.

"There may be a couple of people over later, but sometimes we hold over with blood bags for a day or two. Not a big deal...until you have to do it all the time." He stared pointedly at Colby, who ignored him.

 Colby was staring at me.

 "Don't let him pressure you into anything," He said angrily, before glancing at Sam and then back to me. "I don't know if I'm ready and it's going to be scary for you. You don't need someone trying to force you into something that could potentially be and probably will be very dangerous."

Sam rolled his eyes but didn't reply.

"You won't know until you try Colby." Corey's voice rang out from across the room.

Devyn looked at him questioningly. I guess she didn't hear the conversation like he and every other vampire in the room did.

Elton, Kevin, Jake, and Tara were openly staring at us, while Mike and Aryia tried to pretend like they weren't listening.

"Shut up Corey," Colby replied, his voice still calm.

"He's right Colby! Just go for it brother! We'll make sure that you don't bleed her dry. Come on Brotheeerr, you know you want to!" Jake busted out laughing like he said the funniest thing in the world after he said that.

Colby bared his fangs at Jake and growled...like actually growled, a deep rumbling noise starting from his chest, then escaping his lips. I felt my eyes grow wide as I watched his face change, and his lips peel back from his fangs. There was definitely something wrong with me.

 I found that scary as hell, but also one of the sexiest things I had ever seen. Chills, the good kind, spread throughout my body, causing me to clench my legs against the pressure I felt.

 Colby's black eyes snapped away from Jake to mine and I gasped from the sudden movement and the intensity of THAT gaze meeting mine. Aw shit...If Colby could tell when I was thinking about....then the rest of them could too.

My face flushed, the heat burning into my cheeks. I thought that I was going to just burst into flames in embarrassment. This is how I would die.

 Colby wouldn't even get the chance to kill me.

 "Ooooo" I heard Jake say.

 Tara elbowed him roughly.

"Shut the fuck up, for once babe. Now isn't the time."

 "But I was just," Jake started to reply.

"No," Tara stopped him.

This went on while I held Colby's black gaze and then watched as his tongue darted out, licking his bottom lip before he bit down, his fangs peeking out over it. I needed to get out of here.

"You can try." I blurted out, then bit my lip from embarrassment again, hearing the eagerness in my own voice.

 I mean, it couldn't be that bad right? Kat and Devyn didn't seem to have a problem with it.

 His forehead creased, while I heard quiet laughter from around the room.

 "Are you sure?" He asked with concern. "You don't have to. Blood bags are fine for now."

I shook my head. "No, I want you to try. Before we have an...accident and there's no one there to stop you. It's better this way."

 His eyes grew wide then, thinking about it. "Oh...wow...okay, you might have a point."

 I nodded, still very eager to just try it and get it over with. I stood up.

"Let's go. I'd rather try in private...maybe Sam can wait in his room or something?" I looked at Sam questioningly.

 He nodded and stood up.

 "Maybe Corey and Dev can come hang out with me and Kat in my room. In case I need...help." He looked pointedly at Colby again, who was still on the bean bag, looking shocked.

"Wait...now?" he asked incredulously.

 I sighed, rolled my eyes, and grabbed his hand, pulling him up beside me.

 "Yes, now! Before I chicken out or something. Just come on!"

The rest of the guys started laughing again, Elton being the loudest. "If you don't, I will!" He exclaimed loudly, earning a booming laugh from Kevin.

 "I second that!" He burst out, standing up beside Elton.

Colby growled again, this time even more menacing.

 "Stop antagonizing him guys. You know he's already moody, then add jealousy to the mix. You're gonna get your asses kicked." He put his hand on Colby's shoulder to help calm him.

 "I'd like to see him try." Elton sneered at Colby. "It's been a while since we had a good fight."

Sam shook his head. "Chill Colby, you know he's just fucking with you."

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