152 (Colby's POV)

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I was lying on my back, Chloe on top of me, both of us still naked. We had been lying like that for a while now, not sure how long really. I had one arm behind my head, while the other was around her back, playing with her hair.

This had been the most intimate moment that we had shared yet. I knew that she wanted to take control and I tried, oh God, I tried to let her but I was overcome with everything and just had to act.

"I love you too." I replied, remembering that I hadn't been able to answer her earlier.

My mind was just too fucked to make words at that moment. I felt her lips curve against my chest, before she raised her head to look at me.

"I know." she said, then moved her body up to press her lips against mine.

 I flipped her over quickly, laughing when she gasped as I leaned down over her.

"You're going to give me a heart attack one day." she said, winding her arms around my neck.

 I leaned down to nuzzle her neck, making sure that the new wound I had made was okay. It actually looked like it was already trying to heal since my blood was still in her system.

"What time is it?" she asked.

 I shook my head, and leaned back up, rolling to the side of her before sitting up.

 "No idea." I found my pants, and dug my phone out of the pocket. "9 am...huh. I'm usually asleep way before now."

She leaned up, pulling the blanket on top of her to cover herself.

Not sure why, but I didn't say anything.

 "Are you tired?"

I smiled. "Not even a little. What do you wanna do today?"

She made a goofy face at me and I laughed. I swear I haven't felt this happy in such a long time. I was getting used to it and I loved it.

"I think I want to go put in some job applications at the publishing houses again. Maybe work on my novel. Do you wanna hang out at my place today?" She looked so cute and unsure, as she looked at me, waiting for my answer.

 I grabbed her around the waist, hearing her shriek as I brought her to my lap again.

"Anywhere you're at, is where I wanna be."

 She blushed, her blood rushing to her face, thundering in my ears. It was okay though. I wasn't hungry, having just fed on her, and her blood kept me sated longer.

 "That's so fucking sweet." she whined, biting her bottom lip.

I growled, low in my throat as I watched her.

"Stop doing that or we're going to be in this room for another couple of hours."

 "Nope." she cried, jumping off my lap and grabbing my clothes that she had on off the floor. "I need to shower...are there any other clothes I can wear?"

I shrugged. "You can check the closet. Maybe Kat or Devyn has something you can borrow. Does Kat leave clothes here?"

She shook her head. "No idea. I'm going to go see if they're up though."

She slid my clothes on, and walked to the door.

She turned back and blew me a kiss.

"Be right back."

I grinned and watched her go, before standing up and finding my own clothes to wear. I had a lot to do actually. I still needed to discuss things over with the guys, see exactly what we were going to tell the council, if anything.

 It was still dangerous because Millie could turn in both Elton and I for her being created, if we retaliated against her. She started this though. She brought this war down on her own head, intentionally pushing me because she knew that we didn't want her to say anything.

I couldn't let her push us around like that. Action had to be taken. The Rogue clan was huge, much larger than my clan, even with our extended family that lived outside of this house.

We weren't the only ones in the clan, just the...most important ones, I guess. The Trap House was Headquarters for our clan. The leaders, the officers, or whatever we were lived here.

 I didn't really get into all of the technical details of it, even though I probably should. I let Sam handle that part of it. He was the better business man.

My job was to keep everyone in line and to turn ideas into actions. Which is why I needed to talk to the others and figure out what to do about Millie and her minions. Maybe we didn't have to take out the entire clan.

Maybe I could talk to Azarious, the leader of the Rogue clan, and see if he even knew anything about what had happened. Usually, we got along pretty well, because he knew better than to fuck with me. I didn't see him allowing Millie to do what she had done.

 I smiled to myself, as I pulled a black hoodie on over my head. Maybe we didn't have to start a war with everyone, after all. There was still the problem of Millie running her mouth to the council but if I could kill her first then she couldn't tell anyone anything.

Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. I would talk to Aza tonight after Chloe and the girls went to sleep. I would have to bring a few of the guys with me, but I knew that I wanted to leave quite a few at home to protect the girls.

 I didn't want anyone getting the drop on us again. That couldn't happen. I got nervous thinking about it, actually scared to leave them.

Chloe walked back into the room then, carrying some of Devyn's clothes. I could smell her scent on them.

"You okay?" she asked, her eyes full of concern as she looked at my face.

 I masked it and smiled at her, before darting over to her.

 She gasped again, and smacked me in the chest, looking annoyed.

"Damn it Colby! Stop doing that!"

 I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek. "But I like hearing you lose your breath over me." I replied, letting my voice drop a couple of octaves.

I felt her shiver in my arms, and knew that I had the effect that I had intended to. She leaned back and shook her head at me, narrowing her eyes. 

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