"I wasn't really paying attention at that moment. Either way, now she's a vamp. If she runs her mouth to the council about Elton killing her, and well, me basically turning her without authorization, we could both go down." I said, eyeing them all in turn.
"Aw, damn it Elton!" "Why the fuck did you go and kill her for?" "Jesus Christ, can't you ever just control yourself?" "Unc, we've already talked about this before. You're the one that told us that we can't kill anymore!" The guys were in an uproar.
I couldn't blame them though. This could be very bad for us.
"Shut the fuck up! You know how annoying she was! I. didn't. mean. to. You guys act like you've never made a mistake. Shit." Elton was getting annoyed, glaring at the guys. "I didn't mean to kill the dumb bitch. Like I told Colby, I just wanted her to shut up. I tried blocking her out and I lost control of the blood lust for a minute. Can't we just kill her now so she can't tell anyone?" Elton looked at me.
I shook my head.
"No. She's with another clan, but I'm not sure which one yet. That would mean war." I sighed. "We can't have that. There's another problem with her though."
Sam let his head fall back. "Damn, isn't that enough? What else is there? I never liked that bitch. Didn't understand why Kat was friends with her."
"Yeah...she's after Chloe. Katrina might have a problem with her now."
His head snapped back up, staring me in the eyes.
I saw Mike jump to his feet in my peripheral. That irritated me. I know he talked to her a couple of times and they hit it off but still.
"We have to protect her." Mike said forcefully.
I looked away from Sam so that I could glare at him.
"No shit Mike, sit the fuck down."
"I'm just saying Colby, we can't let-"
"Sit. The. Fuck. Down. Now." I let my voice turn hard and menacing.
He swallowed, staring at me for a second before he sat.
"Now shut up and let me finish." I said, turning back to Sam. "That's why I stayed the whole night at Chloe's. Millie has been stalking her since the first night we met her. Before we met her. She's the one who blew her tires and she showed up on her balcony last night. Wanted to 'share' her with me."
"Oh shit." Sam replied, his eyes going wide. "What are we going to do?"
I love that he said we. I could always count on my boys, especially Sam, even when they were pissed at me.
"I'm not sure yet but she can't be alone. She can't know that she's never alone though. You know how she is. Even if we try to explain it a little, and just tell her that someone is after her, she's too independent. She'll say she can take care of herself. If Millie weren't a vamp, then I have no doubt that she could beat her ass, but she has no idea what's coming for her now."
Aryia cleared his throat. "Can't we just tell her? Then wipe her memory later?"
I shook my head. I had already thought about that but it was against the rules.
"You know I can't do that. First, there's no telling how she would react. Even if the council agreed, she could freak out. She could hurt herself, or try to hurt one of us. Even if we wiped her memory afterwards, that still leaves us back where we started. I'm not really wanting to use compulsion on her anyways."
They all gave me a sympathetic sort of look. Except Sam.
His look was understanding and might have been the worst one.
"Look, she's Kat's friend! She's gonna be around a lot probably, and I don't wanna start screwing with her head. You know what it does to the human brain if you just keep using it on them. I don't want to risk it. Kat would never forgive us."
They didn't look like they believed a word I said, but nodded anyways. "Yeah, you're right. Katrina would raise hell if anything happened to Chloe. So what are we going to do?"
I leaned forwards in my bean bag. "Just don't let Chloe be alone for now. Maybe I scared her off. If we take drastic measures right now, Millie will just become even more determined. Crazy fucking bitch. We'll figure out what to do later, if she continues to be a problem. Sound good?" Everyone murmured their agreements and I sat back. "Okay, on the rest of it, I think we should call a meeting with her, and make a deal so that she keeps her mouth shut. See what she wants in return." Elton scoffed. "What?" I asked a little harshly.
Damn, I was just trying to figure this thing out and he was the one who caused the problem in the first place.
"She wants you dumb ass. That's all she's going to want. You know how her obsession was before she became a vamp. It's going to be magnified 1000 fold."
I knew that your emotions were intensified and the worst parts of your personality were magnified.
I rolled my eyes at him.
"There's gotta be something else besides me that she wants. We'll figure it out but we have to actually see her to do that. Where should we meet?" I looked around for suggestions. "Here? Where ever her home base is? Some rooftop somewhere? Somebody give me something!"
"Definitely not her home base. Possible enemy territory. Not here. We don't need that lunatic in our house again. Random rooftop or abandoned building sounds good."
Thank you Sam. I gave him a great smile, and rubbed my hands together.
"Excellent. I'll hunt her down sometime tonight. I have a feeling that she might turn up at Chloe's again."
Times like this, being able to smell other vamps would really come in handy. We couldn't hunt them down like that though. We could sense them when they were near us, but that's it, unless they recently fed. Then we could smell the fresh blood.
"I'll go with you." Sam replied.
"Yeah, me too." Mike said.
"All of us will." Elton chimed in.
I shook my head.
"No, I don't want to scare her off. Just Sam and I. Thanks though."

FantasyMATURE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE CONTAINS SEX/BRUISING/FIGHTING Chloe moves to LA, California to try and discovered as a writer. Her best friend helps her out with a place to live, and introduces her to a whole new crowd. With her smart mouth...