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I sighed and relaxed into the bed.

"I think that it'll be easier if you try just a little at a time. I'm okay with you feeding on me." A thought occurred to me. "Colby, um.." I was kind of embarrassed to ask. "Is it hard for you to feed on other girls...or is it just me?"

I think that if he could have blushed, he would have.

He shook his head slightly, looking me in the eyes.

"It's only you. I didn't have a problem before you. That's why I always had different random girls. Mainly to feed. Sex was just...a bonus?"

 I cringed, thinking about him with someone else, with all of those different girls...they had experienced something that I was beginning to think that I wouldn't get a chance to. "I'm not sure that I even want you to feed on me but," I was totally lying.

I don't know what the fascination was but the young teen girl that was obsessed with vampires was itching to climb out of me.

 I wanted him to feed on me, but obviously I didn't want to die.

"Why do you think it would be hard for you to stop or not kill me, when you didn't have a problem with the others?"

His hand went to my hair again, burying itself in it, and gently pulling my face to his. Guess he had a thing for pulling my hair...I was totally okay with that.

When he gently pressed his lips to mine, I think my brain melted...I know my body did, since I was sinking into him as his lips worked with mine. When he pulled away, I had to remember how to breath. Damn, if he was that good with his mouth then...nevermind, couldn't think about that.

Colby groaned, and the noise went straight to my core, sending tingles over my body.

 "Please stop." He whimpered.

What did I do?

"What?" I asked, trying to lean up, thinking that I had somehow hurt him or something.

 That was stupid, I know. No way I could hurt him physically.

"You're killing me...your hormones Chloe. Remember?" He tapped the side of his nose, reminding me that he could smell when my hormones changed.

 This was some bullshit.

My face flamed up in embarrassment. I couldn't even have my own personal thoughts without him pretty much knowing what I was thinking.

 Because he could 'smell' me? That made me uncomfortable. It was just too weird, so I chose not to think about it.

"That's gonna be a problem Colby. You are literally dripping sex. How am I supposed to NOT think about it? Especially when you won't give it to me." I pouted, teasing him.

 His expression looked pained.

"Not because I don't want to. You like torturing me, don't you?"

I laughed and pushed my hips up into his. He sucked in a breath, and glared at me.

 "Okay, I'll stop." I surrendered.

 I didn't really want to make it harder...well, not in that way. I really needed to purify my brain...this was getting ridiculous.

 "You never answered my question." I reminded him.

 "I was hoping you forgot about that."

I shook my head, even more curious now.

 He sighed and started to lean up away from me. I grabbed him around his neck and held him there.

 I knew he could get away if he wanted but he stopped and gave me a small grin, keeping himself braced over me on his elbows.

"It's harder because I love you."

The warmth shot through my veins at hearing those words. Don't think I'll ever get tired of it.

"My emotions get even more intense when I'm feeding. I can feel the other person's emotions, and it intensifies my own. With random girls, I only feel sexual attraction coming from them so it doesn't affect me much. With you," He blew out a breath. "It's everything. It's so much more intense and it overwhelms me just kissing you." His blue eyes burned into mine, making my breath catch in my throat.

"Okaaayy..." I breathed out. "So, am I supposed to be okay with you feeding on other girls, and having sex with them?"

His eyes grew wide as he shook his head. "I haven't had sex with anyone since I met you. Well," He averted his eyes. "I tried...it...didn't work out well, so I tried to just feed. It made me sick. I've been on blood bags since."

I was actually stunned. Wait...didn't Sam say...Oh. My. God.

"Colby..." He met my gaze again, looking worried. "You can't feed on anyone else?" I asked, my voice shaking.

He closed his eyes briefly, before opening them and slightly shaking his head. My heart was thundering in my own ears. I know that he heard it loud and clear.

 "Does that mean...?" This time, when he leaned away from me, sitting up on the bed, I dropped my arms and let him.

He dragged his hand through his hair, his rings catching the small amount of light in the room.

 "I don't know. I never believed in any of that...but Sam said...and I...I just don't know." His anxious blue eyes met mine again.

 I didn't know what to say.

 Is that why we were so drawn to one another? Some freaky vampire legend saying that we were soulmates or something? What the fuck is going on?

"Does that freak you out?" He asked, hesitantly.

 I sat up and nodded.

 "A little...no, a lot. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Isn't it too soon to say that we're meant to be together forever? That's a little...intense."

He gave me a dark smirk. "Hasn't everything with us been intense?"

Okay, he had a point but still.

"Do you believe that I'm your...One?"

 His eyes burned into mine again, the silver flexing around the blue. "I'm starting to believe it. If there was anyone that I would believe it about, it would be you."

 I blushed from the intensity of his gaze. I was literally living in one of my fantasy worlds, and my mind was going crazy. 

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