"Sorry bro, Chloe had to use the bathroom and the other's were all occupied. Didn't think it would be that big of a deal."
"You all are seriously testing me tonight." The voice that I now recognized as Colby, growled out. "I'm busy." There was silence for a minute, then I heard a door close. "Get her the fuck out of here before I can't control myself."
What the hell?" I whispered to myself.
I'm not going to stand in here like a scared little school girl. Fuck that. I was Chloe mother fuckin Daniels and they weren't going to scare me just because they were in some stupid ass gang and thought they were bad asses. Hell No!
I snatched the door open, ready to deliver some facts, my mouth coming open, then closed, so hard that my teeth rattled. What had I just walked in on? Colby had some girl in his arms, carrying her, but she was passed out or something, lying limp in his arms.
"I thought you were leaving." He grunted out at me, nastily.
Why in the hell did he hate me so much? Seriously, this was getting annoying...and hurtful. I don't know why I cared if he liked me or not, but it did hurt with the way he was treating me. I understood being a smart ass, but he was just being a straight dick...and I was getting tired of it.
"You know, you really shouldn't roofie women. It's against the law and it's a pretty dick move. I should call the cops on you right now."
I didn't know if he had done that. I hoped not. I was just running my mouth.
His mouth dropped open in shock, and I saw a hint of the boyish face behind the stone mask he usually kept up.
Mike grabbed my hand and started dragging me down the hallway.
I kept my eyes locked on Colby and noticed a few red smears on his bare chest when I passed by him. Was that blood? What the hell was going on? I felt like that's all I was asking myself tonight. Was he into some kind of freaky shit?
"Don't bring her back here Mike....and don't let her call the cops. The girl isn't roofied. She's drunk." Colby yelled at us from where he was still standing, holding the girl. "Tell Sam she's in his room."
Why is he putting her in Sam's room if she was with him to begin with? Sam was downstairs with his girlfriend, my best friend. I was so utterly confused.
"Why was there blood on his chest?" I asked Mike as he pulled me down the stairs. He glanced up at me then back down to his feet, watching where he was stepping.
"Huh?" I repeated myself, slowly. "Why..was...there...BLOOD...on his chest?"
Mike looked at me like I was crazy. "There wasn't. What are you talking about?" We reached the bottom of the stairs and he shoved me back against the wall.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I yelled, struggling against him.
He just held me in place, like it was nothing, and stared into my eyes. "There was no blood on his chest. You imagined it. Got it?" His pupils contracted, and I stopped struggling, knowing that he wouldn't hurt me.
What was he saying? No blood on his chest. Who's chest? What were we talking about? His brown eyes had that silver ring around them, growing and contracting with his pupils. So pretty.
"Do you hear me? No blood."
"No blood." I repeated and reached my hand up to touch his face.
I wanted him to stop talking so that I could see his eyes do that weird thing again. It was so pretty. He jerked away when I touched him, breaking eye contact and I felt like I was coming out of a daze.
"What's going on?" I asked. I remembered that we were coming down the stairs. Why did we stop?
"You tripped. I was just making sure that you were good. Ready to go home now?"
I nodded. "God, yes."
He dragged me through the house, but we didn't have to shove our way through, like I did with Kat. People literally parted for us to walk through...or for him to walk through anyways, and me by association. I saw and felt all of these eyes on me, probably wondering who the hell I was.
Mike led me to a huge motorcycle parked over by the corner of the garage, next to a basic red Toyota corolla. That had to belong to one of their guests. I couldn't see any of those dark, dangerous guys driving this. The bike was silver, with the blue wings of the Harley Davidson symbol on the front below the windshield. Mike, being over 6 foot tall, could easily touch the ground as he slid his legs over the massive bike.
"Hop on." He replied, grinning at me, like he didn't think that I would.
Well surprise to you mother fucker. I love bikes. I propped my foot on the peg and swung myself over, wrapping my hands around Mikes hard waist. Damn...he has to work out. Mike passed me a helmet and I slid it over my head. He kicked his leg out and the bike roared to life.
I glanced up at the house, wondering which window was Colby's. I didn't wonder long. There he was standing in the window, the glow from his light illuminating his naked chest.He was just staring down at us, his eyes glowing in the dark. How were they doing that?
Mike started moving the bike and I tore my gaze away from Colby. We made it past the gate and he picked up speed, starting to fly down the street. It was exhilarating.
The wind whipping my hair back, the freedom from not being surrounded by a metal cage. I laughed from the feeling, and tightened my hands around his abdomen. I felt his body move with chuckles as he turned his head back slightly.
"Having fun?" He yelled over the roar of the bike.
"Hell yeah!" I yelled back.
"Wanna go faster?"

FantasyMATURE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE CONTAINS SEX/BRUISING/FIGHTING Chloe moves to LA, California to try and discovered as a writer. Her best friend helps her out with a place to live, and introduces her to a whole new crowd. With her smart mouth...